The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1697: The Starry Sky [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

It is described today.

The vast starry sky, the small one firmly stepped forward

Two identical youths on the square stood opposite each other.


Without extra words, the two figures approached quickly and fought close.

The same appearance, the same magical powers, they are all alone.

Although everything looks the same, the thoughts will never be the same, the two fight close, so only you know yourself best. In the battle, Pan Chen constantly compares his proficiency, improves his fighting abilities in the battle, and wins easily.

"This is" this force!

After the victory, the opponent did not disappear like a starry sky, but turned into white light and merged into Pan Chen ’s body, bringing real strength improvement, which was originally raised to the realm of the second layer of the king in the Holy Mountain within a few months. After Bai Guang was integrated into his body, he actually broke through the three layers of the sky.

"What's going on?" Such a thing is very shocking. There are indeed some genius treasures in this world that can directly upgrade the realm, without sequelae. Is it because of the legendary magic medicine?

Although not sure, Pan Chen would not think that such a good deed would be encountered by himself. Although it is said that the ascendant was built by a sage, the **** medicine can be easily obtained by them, but it is so simple to let yourself encounter?

Immediately adjusted his breath, the consciousness spread all over the body, and looked at each blood cell. After a long time, he was relieved. There were no sequelae. Although he was puzzled, there was no way to pay attention to it all the time.

However, as soon as he stood up, two people appeared in front of him, and Pan Chen said nothing to rush forward to kill the two.

Sure enough, like the first time, it was completely another one, but this time there was one more person. There is only fighting instinct, no copy of thought. Although it is very doubtful, in order to guess, Pan Chen quickly solved the other party.

"Like last time, the power has increased again." The same **** turned into a pure body, without any side effects, such as natural breakthrough, everything comes naturally. Even if I feel something is wrong, I can't find out why. Four people, four people appeared this time.

It's just that these people appear to have improved their strength, but they feel that they are not as good as themselves. They should be embodied according to the strength of the ordinary king realm. Although the magical magic technique can be copied, it is a bit more troublesome.

Pan Chen beat down in turn, eight people, sixteen people according to the number of appearances, but Pan Chen's realm also continued to rise upwards, until the final hand was completely destroyed, the embodiment of the real power, the whole body is full of explosive power, With a fist, the sound of thunder sounded, and the space cracked, creating ripples.

No one appeared again after the total destruction. Check the whole body to no avail and take a firm step forward.

"Look, look, the kid has taken the seventh step."

"Yeah, it's so fast, just paused in the first and second steps just a moment later, and then went directly, so fast"

"Yes, no matter what he encounters, being able to go to the seventh floor already shows the potential."

"Just don't know which side he cultivated?"

Everyone in the palace next to it also noticed, "This young man is not bad. Which great teacher cultivated it?"

In the face of doubts, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and no one answered. The people who had just admired suddenly came to their spirits. If they were cultivated by great forces, they could only envy them, but no one answered this time, that is, Said this person might be scattered? There is no sign on the body, which shows that the chance of some hermit families is also very small. As for whether it is secretly cultivated by big forces, it is not necessary, but it is not ruled out that it is scattered, if it can be drawn

"Yes, it's the seventh floor. It's very special."

The wind looked at Pan Chen's figure and laughed again. "Hahaha, I said Grandpa I have a vision, hahaha." The people next backed back two steps again.

After stepping out, it is the two countries who are fighting for the hegemony. After Pan Chen tried to kill one person, it turned into a pure divine power and merged into the body like a guess. Then it was simple, and the two countries were unified.

Everything is natural, ascending the throne of the King of God, looking down at the sky.

Under the sky, it is the king's land, the shore of the earth, the king's minister. Grasp the life and death of the world and decide your destiny. Everything is only in one thought.

Singing all the way forward, God blocked killing God, demons hindered demons, and the hands were turned between hands and hands, and the road without blood was only a fusion of pure divine power.

Along the way, there are emperors competing for hegemony, there are peerless treasures, the strong like the sea, can't resist Pan Chen's blow, and the mountain collapses and falls; when it meets the sea, one eye evaporates; Picking the stars and taking the moon, soaring and starry sky, ascend the other shore, invincible in the universe.

Looking at the creeping beings below, Pan Chen feels that he is the master, and the whole world is free to think and control everything, but there is a voice in the inner world that tells him that danger is "danger, give up that power!"

Has it been so easy to give up, willing?

Strengthening without any side effects, everything comes naturally, although there are problems with intuition, but can not find out, why not want to give up.

Do you want to be strong? Just like boiling a frog in warm water, it feels very comfortable to increase the temperature slowly, and it's too late when the danger comes. Now that is, the power has been merged, it is very painful to give up the absolute strength, especially now that no danger is noticed

Already experienced the thrill of powerful strength, willing to change from a peerless master to a mortal?

The desire to kill all the way along like a cup of bones penetrates into the bone marrow, are you really willing to give up?

"Tian'er, leave this starry sky for the teacher, you can use your hands to make a mark." A kind old man was smiling.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. There is no free lunch in the world. Let it be extremely powerful, and have the ability to pass through the world. Let the world worship the awe and enjoy the eternal reputation.

"Unfortunately, it's not my own, everything is vain." Raising the handed saint sword, he stabbed firmly in his chest.

"Poo" has no bright red blood splatter, but instead emits a peaceful and white divine light throughout the body. The divine light rises, like the origin of all light. Just like a soft sun rising slowly, the human-shaped sun exudes a soft divine light, and the Xiaxia soars, dissipating the essence of the whole body in the Tao, returning to nothingness. The divine power is dissipating, the human form is becoming smaller and becoming empty

Faced with all this, Pan Chen just watched calmly, watching his body dissipate and turn into a light spot

"The young master of Tai Chi came out."

"Looking at this momentum, you have a lot to gain, alas, you are going farther and farther."

Today is destined to be a boiling day. Two people have already set foot on the ninth floor, and one person has successfully come down.

The most important thing for ascending to the sky is not to be able to step on the ninth floor, but to walk down from the ninth floor. Although there are infinite potentials on the ninth floor, it is the real pride of heaven that can be successfully passed through the ninth floor. All are people with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great opportunity.

Throughout the ages, there have been so many people who stepped on the ninth floor, but there are ten things that have gone smoothly, including the lost, the explosive, and the disappeared. Arguably the most dangerous is above the ninth floor.

Today, the young master of Tai Chi has successfully come down. As the arrogant man of heaven, the great forces are cultivating with all their strength and refining the mind, making people feel very normal.

This is the prestige of the great forces.

On the contrary, the one above may be scattered, and it is not excluded that the identity is deliberately concealed, but this is the case. When an unknown person makes a famous thing, it will make people very mysterious and raise the interest of everyone.

The major denominations present did not know the identity of this person, but they were gifted with genius, which was enough to cause questioning. At this time they are watching the figure in silence.

Even after Tai Yi came down, I was also concerned, "I know some of Junjie, this person has no impression, there are many recluses in the world, maybe which hermit disciple went out to practice!"

There was a person present who wanted to shout out, "This is my brother." Although this brother has just met him, he doesn't even know the name, but what about it? It's just that if your identity is broken, it's not good. Although you believe in your concealment method, but to attract the attention of those giants, it is inevitable that you will see yourself through evil spirits.

The unhappy smile of the wind sent the crowd around to take a few steps back, and the sympathetic look frequently appeared.

Chaos, in a chaotic space, a green lotus is blooming, no more than fifty leaves are spreading out, revealing a lotus seed in the middle, and I do n’t know how many years have passed, the lotus seed moved and started to absorb the purple gas in all directions, The lotus seeds are getting bigger and broken.

Chaotic planting of green lotus breeds life. After the humanoid life rises, it walks directly into the depths of chaos. One step does not know how many miles away. What is more magical is that when the footsteps fall, a green lotus will appear. Step by step of life lotus, the slow walking posture has evolved the extreme of speed, flashing instantaneously, giving an illusion, clearly looking very close, but the real body has long disappeared. This caused Pan Chen to have an illusion, as if his time was frozen at this moment, slowing himself down for a second.

Qinglian went away, and also took away the illusion, leaving Qingming, watching herself standing on the ninth floor of the ascending stairs, suddenly like a dream, everything I just experienced dissipated like an illusion, only the last thing left in chaos After coming down, deeply into the soul, especially that green lotus.

Until now, Pan Chen was still very afraid. When the frog was boiled in warm water, that force almost engulfed the soul. Once infatuated with the powerful strength, he would fall into a catastrophe. After a long experience of 10,000 people, he could overwhelm the strength of the sea. It is not so easy to give up, who can afford it? Who wants to give up? Could it give up the present master of all things for that misty restlessness? Ascending to Heaven is cruel, Pan Chen believes that it is not the invincible supreme, it is death erosion. If you do n’t have that sword, you will die.

Pan Chen didn't know how to pierce the sword of suicide. Now he is a little confused, but vaguely knows that he must pierce.

The Qinglian statue at the back is the result of the test, as rumored, the law of ascending the heavens.

Looking down from the ninth floor, it is not high, but the middle is very vague and obscured by the law of heaven and earth, like a superposition of layers of space, one space at a time. Moreover, the fluctuation of space exudes the law of the avenue, and Pan Chen immediately exudes the knowledge of space

With a loud bang, there was a rapid wind, and Pan Chen appeared under the ascendant.

"It came down, so fast"

However, compared with the speed, everyone wants to know where is the sacred. It is a rising star of which major forces cultivate.

As the crowd was about to go around, there was a sudden sound, "Little friends, would you like to sit in my heavenly palace for a while?"

Seeing everyone make a way, a man dressed in black came and looked at himself. The whole person stood there like a tall mountain, and the invisible momentum naturally radiated awe. In the Emperor City Palace, only the name of the Emperor City, the owner of the Emperor City, was used directly, and Pan Chen had also seen it outside the Holy Mountain.

Pan Chen did not want to agree, but looked at the expressions of the major denominations in the rear. It seems that he still underestimated the temptation to ascend to heaven.

It is very dangerous to be alone without any major forces to rely on.

If you can't control genius in your own hands, it's necessary to stifle in the cradle in order not to leave big trouble.

The Yi family in the Emperor City, with their previous understanding, the prestige is still very good.

So after hearing the words of Lord Yi, Pan Chen immediately agreed, "Thank you Lord Lord."

Seeing that Pan Chen and Lord Cheng had left, the major denominations had only dispersed. Although they wanted to win, but ...

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