The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1692: Survived? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Then why did our human race survive?" Pan Chen was silent for a while before digesting the information in Ma Kun's language. But I can't believe it, even if Ma Kun personally told him.

"Two points. One, many extremely powerful predecessors have also been born in the human race. They don't want to let them be stronger than the so-called angels, wild beasts, and the strongest demon races. Second, our human race is attached to angels." Ma Kun said first The expression at that moment was full of yearning and fanaticism, but when the second sentence was said, the expression was very painful.

"Uncle Ma, do you mean that we humans can also become as powerful as wild beasts?" Pan Chen heard Ma Kun's first words, his face full of excitement, his eyes were fixed on Ma Kun, but he did not Looking at the possible eyes.

"Of course, our human cultivation is very powerful at the end. Like the wild beasts that the sunset city encountered, with a wave of their hands, they directly killed the wild beasts in the manner of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves." Looking at Pan Chen's tone, he did not believe , Like the tiger whose **** was touched, Ma Kun jumped up immediately.

"In this world, human beings can be divided into two cultivation systems, martial arts: mortal, acquired, congenital, warrior, warrior, martial king, martial god, martial saint. Dharma training: foundation, pit valley, heartbeat, Jindan, Yuanying, out Tricks, distractions, and fits. The same way in the end, the same in nine, nine, and the emperor. Of course, in the realm before the emperor, they are roughly divided into the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage. " Strong medicine.

"I don't quite understand what you said, but you tell me what you are." Pan Chen rubbed his temple like an adult, and looked at Ma Kun with dizzy eyes.

"I, I am the general of Xianghai City, martial arts, late warrior, and most of the wild beasts that attacked the sunset city are later acquired, even if congenital is rare, it is estimated that the leading cultivation is the most over the innate. One person can slaughter a thousand heads. "Ma Kun detailed to Pan Chen the barbaric beast that was unattainable in his heart, but it was not very powerful.

Ma Kun is afraid that the barbarian will leave scars on his young heart, which will affect his future cultivation. In his heart, he intends to alleviate the psychological impact of barbarian on him. "Uncle Ma, please teach Yun'er how to practice, let Yun'er revenge his grandfather, be a bull and a horse, it's all right." When he was thinking about whether to further dispel Pan Chen's fears in Ma Kun's heart, there was a loud voice. The sound of percussion passed to the ear.

"Pan Chen, you really want to practice."

"Yes, even if the sword mountain is in flames."

Ma Kun opened his eyes. Pan Chen knelt underground, sorrowing his head sadly. Ma Kun couldn't bear it, but he began to question in a serious tone, pushing the boat down the river, Wu Xiu's talent was second, and tenacity first, Pan Chen, don't let me down.

"Okay, from today, you can follow me to learn, but my family teaches martial arts, do you want to learn?" Pan Chen knelt on the ground and heard Ma Kun's agreement. There was no difference between martial arts and law in his heart, and he resolutely replied. "willing."

When Ma Kun touched his bones on the battlefield this morning, he discovered that Pan Chen's bones were not as weak as he thought. The most important thing is to guess in Ma Kun ’s mind that Pan Chen is the descendant of that man, which is also a small abacus in Ma Kun ’s mind. This is why Ma Kun accepted Pan Chen as a disciple today.

"Wu Xiu, with the body as the foundation, cultivates the qi of the world and strengthens the body. The so-called mortals are natural physiques that have never been polished. The day after tomorrow, they will practice qi with martial arts and martial arts. Refining the Qi of Heaven and Earth into the Dantian in the body, nourishing the five internal organs is to enter the early days of the day after tomorrow. When the Qi of Heaven and Earth is more and more in the Dantian, the five internal organs will become stronger and stronger. " .

"Master, why can soldiers and some strong young people kill the wild beasts of the prison birds in Sunset City? Aren't these wild beasts all exist in the later days?" Pan Chen was deeply puzzled after listening to Ma Kun's explanation. .

"First, the day after tomorrow, I can just warm up the internal organs. Although the wild beasts have inherently hard skin, but several of the beasts who attacked the sunset city know how to exercise the body. Humans hold sharp weapons. As long as the thorns hit the key, the beast will still die. Second, human youth only needs to exercise a little bit, and their strength can be compared with the early days of the day before tomorrow. In the face of death, humans usually explode their potential and double their combat effectiveness. Third, many of the soldiers in Sunset City are Cultivation in the middle of the day after tomorrow. Coupled with the battle array and the sharpness of the weapon in his hand, he can still kill the wild beasts that are several times chaotic. "

When Ma Kun heard that Pan Chen wanted to pursue the cause of death in Sunset City, he unreservedly told Pan Chen what he knew: "It's just that the peace in Sunset City is too long for humans to have a sudden emergence of wild beasts from their hearts. Fear, the combat power drops. At the same time, the number of wild beasts is several times that of humans, and the loss of Sunset City is understandable. The loss of Sunset City is understandable. The master of Sunset City took a small half of the elite from Sunset City. None returned. "

Looking at Pan Chen's suddenly realized face, Ma Kun admired in his heart. After Pan Chen came back to God, he said: "Acquired to congenital is the first hurdle among martial arts practitioners. When the innate energy in Dantian no longer needs to be extracted from the outside, we need to put the white one The innate gas is compressed into liquid in Dantian. Many people are stuck here for the rest of their lives. When the compression is successful, the air of heaven and earth begins to transform into the fetal gas mentioned in the ordinary population, which is called the mother of everything in the mouth of the martial Qi. The mother gas of all things will turn to the body with the body's meridians, and the body will become stronger fundamentally. Then supplement it with exercises. The body will start to develop into copper skin and iron bones. "

After talking about the gaps and difficulties between acquired and congenital in one breath, Ma Kun picked up the tea cup and tasted it slowly. Let Pan Chen independently digest the meaning of the words.

Pan Chen echoed Uncle Ma's words in his mind, his face suddenly changed, and then suddenly lost. The little complexion kept changing, about a scent of incense. Pan Chen opened his eyes, with a trace of shame and a trace of enlightenment in his eyes, and his ruddy face turned pale. Lifting his head down, there was a wry smile on his mouth.

"Uncle Ma, Yun'er is stupid, and some things are still not clear."

"It's okay, practice should be practical, and what I said to you doesn't enlighten you, it just allows you to understand the steps of martial arts. When you really practice, some areas you don't understand will automatically enlighten you. "Thinking that when my father said these words before, he also had the same expression as Pan Chen at this time, and Ma Kun had a feeling of time disorder. "Wait here for a while, I'll get you something back in the house." Ma Kun woke up from the memory and suddenly remembered to say so much to Pan Chen, there is an important Before the things are taken, there is an urge to pat his forehead.

Pan Chen, who was sitting on the chair, felt like he was overturning the Wuwei bottle. Fortunately, I can finally practice revenge for my grandfather in the future. I am worried that I might stay in the first hurdle, and I will stop at the first hurdle. When Pan Chen was up and down, Ma Kun had already returned after returning.

Ma Kun held a thin book in his hands and looked at the slightly raised foot of the book and the yellowish writing left by time. Pan Chen knew that this book would be precious for a long time.

"Yun'er, this is the decision to condense the energy. It is the training step from the day after day to the day before. It is the martial art that lays the foundation for martial arts."

"Uncle Ma, but I don't know the characters!" Pan Chen rubbed his feet with both hands, his expression was very embarrassing.

"Oh, yes!" Ma Kun patted his head with his right hand. "It's okay, many of the books in this book are paintings. In the next two days, I asked a gentleman to teach you how to read and write. You can take them first. I will teach you tomorrow, be prepared, hey!" Slightly cocked, looking at Pan Chen with some expectation.

Today, it is called the autumn equinox by mankind, and the first day of autumn. The summer heat began to slowly recede, and the autumn morning seemed exceptionally cool. The autumn breeze practice, blowing the hair of pedestrians, also touches the deepest memories in people's hearts.

Pan Chen was very excited. Today is Pan Chen ’s first ride alone on the horse. The breeze blew Pan Chen ’s clothes and feet. Looking at Ma Kun, who was slowly riding a horse in front, he was dreaming about how Ma Kun taught him to practice today. The body sitting on the horse kept shaking, and the excitement in his heart blew away. Fortunately, Pan Chen was an old horse, so Pan Chen was tossing back and forth without being surprised.

"Wu Xiu is very bitter, can you persevere?" Ma Kun asked seriously looking back.

"Yes, in order to get revenge, I can persevere no matter what the hardship." Pan Chen sat immediately and replied without any hesitation.

After the semi-pillar incense, Pan Chen followed Ma Kun to the plain outside Xianghai City. The endless plain, some crops are swaying with the wind, a scene of prosperity. Weeds overgrown on more land are still with dew, crystallized under the radiance of Yangguan. There are few pedestrians on the plain, and there is silence.

"Get off the horse and eat it." Looking at the green pill handed over from Ma Kun, and then looking at the endless plain, my heart began to wonder. Pan Chen took the pill and stood on the ground just to ask Ma Kun how to practice.

But he watched Ma Kun pull a dog and beast from a distance, "Cultivation begins, give me a desperate time to run, remember not to step on the crops!" Pan Chen looked at Ma Kun's shackles and ran towards himself The dogs and beasts that came here no longer have any intention to ask Ma Kun, and they ran away after pulling their legs. Ma Kun wanted to die.

After half an hour, Pan Chen's legs became heavier and heavier and slower. When he was about to be bitten into the buttocks by the blood basin of the dog and beast behind him. Pan Chen didn't have any respect for Ma Kun completely, and he scolded in spite of all his open mouth: Mafu, Laozi's buttocks could not be guaranteed. "

Ma Kun, who followed the horses behind Pan Chen and the beasts, was not angry when Pan Chen scolded him. "Curse it, even if you scold Lao Tzu, just give me some time for incense sticks." The leather whip in his hand was pumped fiercely on the dogs and beasts.

"Wang Woo .." Panchen's tragic voice reached Pan Chen's ear, and Pan Chen was shocked. In this way, if Pan Chen let it catch up, he would have to lose a piece of flesh if he didn't die.

Pan Chen shouted, and immediately put the strength of breastfeeding on his thighs, and immediately flicked the dogs and beasts five steps away.

Pan Chen's acceleration, the body suddenly lost strength. The running speed is now the same as walking. Looking at the dog and beast just thrown away, Pan Chen can only drag his body forward.

At this time, a hot air came from the abdomen, nourishing the sour thighs. The thighs, which had been numb, seemed to regain strength. Feeling that the inexplicable power of the abdomen nourishes the bones and muscles, Pan Chen finally has no need to worry about being chrysanthemums by dogs and beasts.

Feeling that my own crisis has temporarily disappeared, when looking back and seeing Ma Kun lifting his whip and beating the dog and beast, Pan Chen scolded angrily: "Ma Kun, you are just a pervert, why don't you let your **** let the dog and animal bite . "

Ma Kun, who was eager to fight, immediately heard this sentence, and almost fell to the ground immediately. A face was as ugly as a pig's face, white for a while, black for a while. Ma Kun took a deep breath and put on a smiling face that was uglier than crying, and hey smiled. "Add an extra hour.

Pan Chen: "I ¥ & #."

After listening to Pan Chen's curse, Ma Kun began to turn black. He spurred the dog and beast fiercely in his hand. The body of the dog and beast that had begun to slow down began to rush towards Pan Chen again. (Woo, is it easy for me to be a dog and beast? He scolded you, I did n’t bite you, what ’s wrong with me, I ’m wrong. Wang woo) ..

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