The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1688: Precious items [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Yun'er, get up. If you don't get out of bed, you won't have any buns to eat today." Grandpa yelled gently in the still sleeping little Pan Chen's ear.

"Ah ... um, I know, I'll get up immediately." Yuner made a long cry, and his hands pushed a lazy waist.

Climbing up flexibly from the stone slab, he wiped his face with small hands indiscriminately, and watched Grandpa carrying the worn package. Yun'er was satisfied for a while. Turning out of bed, the little hand grabbed the package from Grandpa's body.

"Grandpa, I'll carry it for you. I can carry it, you see." Then, Pan Chen took two quick steps in the house. Looking at Grandpa with expectation.

"Okay, we're grown up. Yunle can wrap it up, so let Yuner carry it today." Looking at Pan Chen's crooked body. Grandpa agreed with a smile.

The north gate of Sunset City is the only trading place in the city with mixed fish. There are shops opened by foreign merchants and souvenirs sold by local merchants. Those items like Old Man Xu's panning out of Golden Sands were also ransacked by rich merchants from here. Occasionally, there will be some precious items that are bought by merchants at low prices. One pass ten, ten pass hundred. Formed a lively scene of foreign merchants and local merchants.

In the northern market, the sun has just freed itself from the darkness. The light that radiated out was just scattered here. Perhaps it was still early, the doors of various shops were tightly held by General Iron, and pedestrians on the road were rare.

Vendors selling all kinds of snacks started to get busy for a while. The air on the North Street was filled with a strong scent, floating in the sky. There are also some merchants like Old Man Xu, who are all filled with commodities on the open ground, and the leisurely acquaintances who are close to each other start to talk shortly in their parents. Occasional laughter is heard on the quiet street.

Soon, Xu Old Man's body appeared on the streets of North Street. On the back was the familiar bag that I had used for some years. Little Pan Chen, who was holding a rough hand, was looking up and looking around, and little eyes revealed unspeakable joy.

Old Man Xu walked forward slowly, and his old eyes scanned the open spaces on both sides of the street, seemingly looking for suitable open spaces. Xiao Panchen's body turning back and forth followed the footsteps of Old Man Xu and unconsciously walked to the end of the street. Looking at the unmarked open space, old man Li's eyebrows that had been tightly wrinkled finally spread to both sides.

"Yun'er, don't leave. Just here!" Old Man Xu took a big shot and skillfully placed the broken bag on his back gently on the open ground, reminding the little Pan Chen around him. Upon hearing this, Xiao Panchen immediately pulled out his grandfather's warm hand and flexibly turned his body to the ground before the broken bag. The small hand grasped the rope end with the broken bag in one hand and gently pulled it. With his hand stretched out, a delicate kettle appeared in front of Xu Old Man. "Yun'er, please don't touch it," Xu old man reminded.

Kettle, flint, Yingshi, and long hemp rope were placed at the foot of Old Xu. "Eh, grandpa, look, these things seem to be new, haven't you used them?" Xiao Panchen broke the Xu old man who seemed to be thinking about things with a question. "Take it, let me see!" Old man Xu placed one of the items in front of his eyes. His small eyes looked at it carefully. It was too late yesterday, and I could only see what was vaguely, and how could I see it so clearly. "Hey, it seems that the gold digger is unlucky. I'm lucky!" Old Xu thought with excitement.

"Come on, help Grandpa sort things out quickly, and the business will soon be better in this street." Old Man Xu squatted down and began to place the items neatly on the ground.

. . . . . . . . . .

It was almost noon and I saw that there were only a few items left on the ground. Old man Xu wiped the beads of sweat on his face and slammed the money bag tied around his waist. When preparing to sell the items in one go. There was a slightly complaining voice from Xiao Panchen's ear, "Grandpa, it's almost noon, don't you promise me to buy me a bun?" "Yes, Yun'er hasn't eaten since morning." Xu old man shot Forehead said apologetically, "Come, give Yun'er two redstones. Buy four buns to eat!"

"Grandpa, I'm still young. I'll be full when I eat two, and those two will be given to Grandpa." Then, Panchen snatched two red stones in the hands of old man Xu and the size of an adult's thumb. The old man agreed. The calf leaped to the distance. There was still joyous laughter in the air. "Oh, this kid, grown up!" Looking at the little Pan Chen who was far away, Old Xu suddenly felt very satisfied.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Grandpa, look. Why are there so many big birds in the sky? They are really big, so big." Old Man Xu was arguing with a merchant about the last item on the stall. Eyes glanced, not far away, holding a bun in one hand, and said with fear in the sky. "What a big bird? The bun was bought back, did you steal it?" Xu old man hit haha, his eyes followed Xiao Panchen's hand to the sky.

Suddenly, the hot sweat from the sun on the back suddenly became very cold. The love in his eyes instantly became terrified.

Over the sunset city, a huge dark cloud fell from the sky. A dark cloud loomed over the city, and the light dimmed. For a time, the city was struck loudly. A strange bird, the size of a city gate, made a strange sound of "quack." Sound like a sharp blade, pierced into the brain, making people's chest feel abnormal.

"Yun'er, come back soon ..." Old man Xu's hoarse voice was full of fear.

In front of the danger, as if changing a person, Old Man Xu threw the objects in his hand. Like a monkey, he quickly ran into his hands and was still holding a bun in front of Xiao Panchen, who was staring at the sky. A bear hugs, spreads his legs and runs towards the direction of the slum. "Ah, look at what a ghost in the sky."

"Run, prison birds are going to eat people."

"The soldiers, why don't the soldiers come?"

"Don't panic, hurry up and find something that can be used for defense ..."

Pan Chen, who was held by old man Xu, looked at the people who had just strolled leisurely on the street, and saw the prison birds in the sky, running wildly in their own directions. The sky in front of Xiao Panchen suddenly dimmed, and Xiao Panchen looked up, and all the beautiful big birds called prison birds swooped down from the air one by one. It seems that the world is full of shadows of prison birds.

Under the reflection of the sunlight, the blue feathers shone on the earth. Green eyes, like the fire of hell. Reflected in the panicked crowd in the city, his eyes were disdainful, excited, bloodthirsty. The fierce claws of the eagle claws emit a cold metal light. Like a corpse harvester in hell, a life-saver.

"Help, who will save me. I don't want it" Isn't this the person who bought the grandpa's water bottle? What about his head? Looking at a familiar figure on the street, he still took the kettle that he had just bought, and fell to the ground.

"Run, run." An old woman suddenly fell down holding a little girl, a shadow blocked Xiao Panchen's sight, and she could only see the little cloth shoes that fell on the feet of a little girl in the air Spin around and fall to the ground.

"I'm fighting with you, let's do it together, haha." The tall young man, holding the wooden stick in both hands, hit the big bird next to him with all his strength. But, there was a huge bird claw in the chest, and one drop, one drop, blood stained the gray-white gown.

"Haha, block my way. I let you not die." Xia Hao's face appeared in front of Xiao Panchen. Wearing a luxurious middle-aged man, he dragged an old woman who was standing in front of him behind him. The middle-aged man did not walk a few steps, leaving only a thick pool of blood on the ground behind him.

"Kill, kill, kill." Xiao Panchen was turned back to his head by bursts of roar. On the streets of North Street, dozens of soldiers dressed in bronze armor holding iron halberds appeared, but their momentum was comparable to thousands of horses. Every time a step was taken, the soldiers roared. The shining glory in the eyes, and even the frightened prison birds flew to the sky. The general standing at the front was the captain of the guards at the gate of the city that day. The scar on his face deepened the twisted face.

"Kill my fellows, kill."

"Kill, kill, kill." The people running around raised their heads and looked around in a panic.

"Kill my wife and children, kill."

"Kill, kill, kill." Frightened eyes, gradually turning red. The people picked up the abandoned wooden sticks, stone bricks, and iron blocks on the street.

"Kill my parents, kill."

"Kill, kill, kill." The surrounding people began to flood into the streets like a tide, as if this was the only land they could rely on.

"Invade our country, kill."

"Kill, kill, kill." A few people waved the "weapons" in their hands and followed the soldiers' roar loudly.

"The one who perpetrates my prestige, kill."

"Kill, kill, kill." The elderly, women, and strong men shook their arms frantically, and their steps began to speed up. With the soldier as the tip, he rushed to the position of the prison bird.

"Kill, kill, kill." The blood stained every piece of armor on their bodies, and every inch of ground was scattered with minced meat, unyielding filled every bloodline on their chest. The armor was scratched and defended with your body. The halberd stabbed, and he carried it with an iron fist.

"Kill." A soldier pierced his halberd into the bird's left eye, just about to pull out. The big bird stabbed in the left eye rushed past the soldiers frantically. "Ah! Take your life." The bird's upper beak sharply penetrated the soldier's abdomen. "Kill." The soldier pulled out the halberd inserted into the bird's left eye. It poured into the bird's forehead fiercely. ..

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