The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1686: Performing Beluga! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Of course, Pan Chen was shocked, of course, not for this plot, but the performance of the beast trainer and the beluga wrestled Pan Chen. Pan Chen, who consciously covered the entire performance, could certainly feel the breath of everyone in the venue. Value, including the trainer and the beluga whale performing! Other people were okay, but the breath value of the beast trainer and beluga performing in the pool shocked Pan Chen. The breath value of the former was actually 218, while the breath value of the beluga in the water was as high as 642, two The value of the breath belongs to the red stage of the rainbow seven colors, but the red of the beluga, the color is terrible.

While the animal trainer and beluga are performing, there is a scene where the animal trainer stands upright on the head of the beluga whale and swims in the water. At that moment, Pan Chen clearly felt as if they were two of them, one person It blends with the breath value of an animal, reaching a height of 860, and the red and rainbow colors of the rainbow are faintly orange! This is what shocked Pan Chen. The single child around her, Pan Chen did not teach her the method of hope, and the main thing is that she has not yet reached the state of consciousness, so Pan Chen is powerless. Of course, the children are watching performances.

"Hello brother, my name is Pan Chen. I was surprised to meet a fellow Chinese here." Pan Chen consciously transmitted the politeness to the trainer.

The animal trainer's expression is also very natural. Working here, thousands of people come here every day to play, of course, there are many abilities, Pan Chen is not the only one, as long as the other party is not malicious, he is very Polite. "Brother Pan Chen, hello, my name is Zheng Kui, you can call me Brother Zheng, you are very welcome to come and watch my performance." Zheng Kui, the animal trainer, came back to Pan Chen, and then they I exchanged a few words briefly.

"Brother Zheng, this is the case. This one beside me is Shaner. Daner likes your beluga brother so much. I want to touch my head. I don't know if I can?" Daner just said something casually, Pan Chen It has been silently remembered for a long time. This is also a small wish of Dan'er. Of course, Pan Chen must do all he can to satisfy Daner's wish, which is incumbent.

With Zheng Kui's perfect performance, after a warm burst of palms, Zheng Kui took the microphone and said to everyone, "Dear audience friends, thank you for your support. Below is the interactive link between us and the audience. Our searchlight It will move randomly, and this lucky viewer friend who is illuminated by the searchlight will have the opportunity to come to the stage and get in close contact with this cute and humanized beluga! "Zheng Kui's voice is very contagious. The scene suddenly became active again.

Undoubtedly, this random searchlight hit Pan Chen and Dan'er. Pan Chen's mouth smiled slightly, pulling Dan'er, and walked to the stage amidst the envy and jealousy of everyone. All that happened was already expected by Pan Chen. Shan'er next to him could not be excited, dancing, holding Pan Chen's arm to the stage. The lights are already ready for them. At this time, the audience has a feeling that the couple in front is more like the prince and princess!

Directed by Zheng Kui, the beluga whaled out of the water with humanity, and stayed on the water, then circled around in situ, with a special scream in his mouth. Dan'er was still a little scared when he looked at the beating guy up close, but now this beluga is clearly like a playful kid who sells in front of Daner. I have to say that this trick is quite effective. Dan'er unexpectedly stretched out his tender hand.

Pan Chen's consciousness has always been focused on Dan'er. If there is something wrong, he will shoot without hesitation, and everything is still under his control. He can't sweep Dan's happiness.

Under Zheng Kui's order, the beluga whale was still safe and quiet, licking Daner's small hand with his tongue, and then the photographer on the side took the scene and gave Daner a souvenir. When the show was here, it was a perfect ending, and the audience also left one after another. They just owed Zheng Kui a favor. Although this is not a big deal, Pan Chen has always been like this, and does not like to owe others. Whatever, she dragged Daner to the backstage, Daner was also surprised to ask Pan Chen what to do, Pan Chen said, "Just now someone chose us to interact, we went to meet others in person, thank you, go out, one more friend, there are always a lot One more enemy. "

Daner listened to Pan Chen's words, of course Pan Chen grasped the direction of the general situation, and Daner focused on the details of life, such as what to eat tonight, where to go to play, what clothes to wear and so on, Pan Chenke It's all going to be approved by Shan'er. It is up to Pan Chen to decide the power of important events. Pan Chen is not a wife, but a wife who loves and respects his wife!

The background pattern is relatively simple, just a sofa, a dressing table, and a table, Pan Chen and Daner are sitting on the sofa, waiting for the animal trainer Zheng Kui to change clothes.

After a while, Zheng Kui came out, Pan Chen leaned forward, extended his hand, and said politely, "Hello, my name is Pan Chen, this is my girlfriend, called Daner!" I had communicated during the performance, but Pan Chen did not make Daner feel strange that they had known each other.

After a few words of greeting, Zheng Kui became the guide of Pan Chen on Mao Tzu's self-recommendation. Pan Chen knew that Zheng Kui seemed to have something to ask him, but he was embarrassed to talk because he was beside him. Pan Chen actually had something to ask the whole beast trainer who had just met. What he wanted to know was how to merge with the breath of the beluga whale. At that moment, it seemed that they had merged and their strength had improved several times. Times, Pan Chen was thinking, "Xiaojin is a divine dragon. Although Xiaojin has just evolved from a golden python to a dragon, it's not long, but if it can be combined with Xiaojin's breath energy, even temporary, it can be instantaneous. This effect is not to be underestimated by improving the combat power several times. Besides, Xiaojin is a rainbow-colored orange breath, which can be as high as a Panchen and a big level. How can Panchen not be greedy? "

"Look at it like this, Brother Zheng, this is my phone. You don't have to accompany us to wander around. What's the matter? We can call you back? Do you think it's good?" Between Shandan and Suddenly, such a big light bulb suddenly appeared, this kind of feeling is not good.

Zheng Kui has been in the society for many years, and of course he understands what is in Pan Chen's words, and of course he readily agreed. So they parted ways, Pan Chen and Daner continued to wander around in the marine world and saw a variety of fish. The Sanya Polar World has the longest marine tunnel in Asia. In the deep sea tunnel, this kind of tempering Pan Chen also curiously tried it with his fist, and found that the strength of a punch that could crush the marble slab, acting on the transparent glass of this special material, was unscathed. Pan Chen was also very surprised.

Dan'er is quite happy, of course, the main reason is because of Pan Chen's company, so the journey time is quite fast.

"Zhu'er, did you tell you how to gather your spirits?" Pan Chen asked with concern.

"Dazhu, do you have something to hide from me?" Dan'er had long discovered that Pan Chen was different from the past, but he never dared to ask, and now Dan'er finally got the courage to speak.

Pan Chen knew that nothing could hide from this person who loved him the most. He touched Dan'er's head with his hand and said, "A lot of things happened before the big pig, but pig, you have to remember, No matter what the big pig becomes, or your big pig, your only big pig, this will not change! "

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