The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1683: Meal service staff [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

Pan Chen likes to be with Dan'er and likes the feeling of being at home. The two of them always have something to say. Although they are both painless and itchy, they are so happy that living in this villa is definitely a resort Top relaxation place, you can hear the sound of the sea faintly outside, you can smell the smell of the sea, slightly cool.

For dinner, Pan Chen and Dan'er have a rich meal. Needless to say, those who can live here are expensive, and the usual catering is naturally the best. Pan Chen and Dan'er are very happy. These two The belly is round after eating.

After the meal, they went to the beach for a walk, and the service staff who brought the food cleaned up the battlefield made by Pan Chen, and then slowly closed the door and left.

This is to sell services, buy quality, waiters who can come to this place to deliver food, which one is not carefully selected.

Taking a walk after a meal is the most pleasant thing, not to mention eating and taking a walk with one of your beloved ones. Pan Chen hopes to have such a day. It is simple, without much pressure.

However, reality and dreams are often opposite. This villa is owned by others. Pan Chen had no money to buy cigarettes in his pocket a few days ago. Compared with today's state, it is quite different.

After walking back to the villa, Pan Chen suddenly found that Dan Er's face was a little bad. After Pan Chen's various inquiries, Dan Er explained the reason. It turned out to be a single child.

After learning the reason for the matter, Pan Chen sighed, and it seems that the intimacy tonight has broken down again. Lying in bed, Pan Chen couldn't help thinking of a joke

Then jokingly said to this list, "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the Queqiao every year. That night, the Weaver Girl said a word to the Cowherd. Pig, guess what the weaver said to the cowboy? "

Daner was lying in Pan Chen's arms, thinking for a long time that he couldn't think of a reason, so she told Pan Chen to act in a coquettish manner.

Pan Chen said mysteriously in Dan'er's ear, "Weaver said to Niu Lang, Lang."

Three minutes later, Dan'er suddenly realized that Xiaofen punch greeted Pan Chen. It was another fight. After a moment, Pan Chen sat up and looked at Dan'er.

Pan Chen's physical problems in these years can't be more clear. That is dysmenorrhea, something that many female friends will have.

After the energy baptism of Pan Chen's body, it has improved a lot compared with before. Pan Chen wondered if he could let some improve the body of the order.

In fact, the exact cause of dysmenorrhea is still unclear under the medical explanation so far, and no theory can fully explain this syndrome.

Different patients have different responses to treatment, and considering the cause may be multifaceted. The pain is often colic and is accompanied by lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, or diarrhea.

Pan Chen had a thought, and the consciousness covered the single child on the side. The breath value of the single child was 83. For women, this breath value is still relatively normal and not normal. Pan Chen was also relieved a lot, at least single child There is no major problem with the body. Consciousness slowly concentrated on Dan's small abdomen, and then penetrated into Dan's body through the pores.

Pan Chen seemed to have entered a wonderful time at this time. Watching the blood flow in Dan's body, Dan's heartbeat, Dan's lungs breathing, everything felt so fresh, Pan Chen was like a bystander , Follow the blood in the single child to the source of the uncomfortable body of the single child.

The veins and veins in front of the eyes are staggered. After the original normal flow of blood passes through this area, the blood flow rate is significantly slowed down, and there are obvious deposition phenomena, which leads to the unexcessive discharge of menstrual blood when the child comes. pain.

This should be due to the coldness of Dan'er's physique. In addition, Dan's usually do not like sports. Dan's interest is to sit in a quiet place, read a book, and listen to music.

Therefore, a cold air converged on Dan's abdomen. This cold air was not formed in a day or two. This is inseparable from the past habits of Dan'er.

You have to know that Pan Chen and Daner used to be a high school in the same year. In school, they take cold water baths in winter. Pan Chen ’s physique is good. Bathing in cold water in winter does not matter, but single children are different. When the moon is coming, I still use this cold water to wash my hair and wash my hair. At this time, cold air will enter the body, and the root of the disease will fall.

This is the moment when Daner comes every month, the pain is endless. Originally, Pan Chen was so uncomfortable to see Daner, and he was helpless, but now it is different. Pan Chen now does not have any other ability skills. Pan Chen is all in one. The powerful energy essence has not yet entered the power organization and has a monster-like existence with a professional training atmosphere value of 428.

Dealing with this condition of Daner's body is a breeze.

Pan Chen looked at Daner's uncomfortable look and couldn't help but feel distressed for a while, as if he was the one who wanted to suffer from this pain, he gently supported Daner on the bed and comforted Daner, saying, "Baby don't be afraid, come Big Pig helps you knead. " Dan'er's eyes flickered and he didn't dare to face Pan Chen.

But Pan Chen's eyes were clear for a while now. He was totally thinking about letting Daner suffer less. When his thoughts turned, Pan Chen focused his consciousness on the three Qianyuans in his body. The pure aura absorbed into it is released, and Pan Chen needs this aura to expel the coldness of Daner during the period of expulsion and let Daner's blood flow clear, so that her pain will be much less.

As the so-called consciousness is handsome, the energy is the soldier, the energy in Panchen's body naturally obeyed Panchen's conscious scheduling, a thought, Panchen swayed all over the body, and after being flowed through the body's meridians, it was collected on Panchen's right hand. If you look at Pan Chen's right palm, you will find that his palms are sweating with tiny beads of sweat. This may not be hand sweat. This is the energy transformed into the spirit of Pan Chen's body.

Perhaps, the moment everyone faces death. Always go to whatever he thinks gives him a sense of security, desperate to run. The same is true for Xiao Panchen, not just his home.

Because Panchen still has a illusion that he knows is impossible to achieve, he wants to complete what he promised grandpa. He will run home alive, even if he dies, he will die there.

The air waves behind the ear of the barbarian chased after Xiao Panchen's thin back. The cold sweat that shed from the back met the cold wind that flew suddenly. Sweat immediately started to twitch with the whole body.

There was a trace of anxiety in Xiao Panchen's eyes, and the barbarian will soon catch up.

The body accelerated the speed of running, death forced Xiao Panchen to squeeze the last trace of potential in the body. The pain from the soles of the feet is getting more and more intense. Looking at the house next to it is where he and his grandfather have lived since childhood.

Panchen temporarily forced himself to forget the severe pain on the soles of his feet. Little Panchen's feet were printed with blood-red footprints, which greatly increased the fierce light in the eyes of the wild beast behind him.

But the footsteps of the wild beasts did not speed up. In the law of wild beast hunting, hunting is to let the prey consume all the energy.

There was no ruin in the ruins. I will never see the familiar building again, nor will there be all the warmth in his memory.

The faith that has been firm in my heart is fragmented, and before my eyes are black, Pan Chen falls to the ground. The hesitation and helplessness in his heart attacked him like a night, and immediately occupied all his thoughts.

"Boom, boom, boom." The wild beast stepped on the broken feet.

Take a small step and walk leisurely to the human just two steps away. Looking at the humans who fell to the ground, it was not clear why the human who had just ran so fast suddenly stopped. But it does not disturb it and reduce the interest in human beings.

"Squeaky" high-pitched, sharp voice, stab the sky. There was even a little ripple in the air. Pan Chen heard the footsteps of the barbarian getting closer and closer to him, and opened his confused eyes to see the barbarian less than two steps away from him. His eyes filled with hatred instantly, his whole body of blood rose. Grandpa died, and his home fell. The culprit capital was caused by these wild beasts in front of him, he could have been very happy.

The heart occupied by hatred no longer considers the gap between him and the barbarian in front of him. The small hand grabbed a sharp broken stone beside him and threw it at the head of the barbarian. With the hatred of Panchen, Xiaoshi happened to enter the only eye of the barbarian's head.

The blind beast thrown by a small Pan Chen stone suddenly angered. The darkness in front of him made the barbarian no longer have the mood to play with the prey in front of him. The barbarian shook his hoof frantically, and his huge body rolled over to Panchen like a tank. Feel the tormented feet of the flesh and blood that have been cut by the broken bricks and feet under the feet, how can you still live the torture of Xiao Panchen. Before because of the persistence in my heart, I didn't feel the pain, but now deeply tortured Xiao Panchen's nerves.

Panchen Xiao knew that he would die today, and closed his eyes regretfully. "Grandpa, I'm here to find you. Don't go too fast, wait for Xiaoyun'er." A tear was quietly left in the corner of my eyes. It's a pity that you can't avenge Grandpa.

Panchen can even hear his heartbeat clearly, desperately waiting for death to come. The claws of the barbarian's forelegs carried the light of death, and struck Xiao Panchen's chest in an instant. A brutal smile appeared on the barbarian's big mouth, and it seemed to him that the prey had already reported to the prefecture.

At the moment when Xiao Panchen's chest was torn by the beast's giant claws, a cyan light emerged from Xiao Panchen's chest, blocking it in front of the giant claws in an instant of 10,000 seconds.

A loud bang was the sound of the barbarian's entire body falling backwards.

Xiao Panchen's tightly closed eyes, but did not feel the advent of death, then a loud noise from his ear made Xiao Panchen opened his eyes in doubt. Suddenly, Panchen felt the chilling sensation in his chest and quickly looked to his chest. The clothing on the chest has been torn into pieces of cloth by the sharp claws of the wild beasts. The key from Grandpa yesterday was still hanging quietly on Xiao Panchen's chest, but the surface was covered with a kind of blue light.

Just when Panchen Xiao was fortunate, thumping, thumping, thumping huge heartbeat sounded through the entire space of Sunset City for no reason. The light slowly dissipates with the rhythm of the heartbeat, and the air begins to compress and solidify with the expansion of the heartbeat. An impulse that made Xiao Panchen want to kneel and knees emerged from the bottom of his heart, and a sad, sad, and sad atmosphere made Xiao Panchen want to follow him.

Hovering around the sunset city, looking for the survivors of the prison bird. When I just heard the sound of my heartbeat, it was like hearing the music of death. The eyes of the jailbird entrenched in the sky were filled with fear, and just as the jailbird just flapped his wings, the sound wave from the powerful heartbeat broke his head mercilessly.

It was just like a dark cloud covering the sky, covering the sun, and covering the whole earth, like a beast of an invincible demon in Xiao Panchen's heart, but it fell like a raindrop.

When Pan Chen saw the barbarian falling from the sky, he quickly protected his head with his hands. A prison bird's body roared from the sky. Looking at this situation, if Pan Chen was hit, it would end up as a patty. The key to the chest suddenly turned into a blue light at this moment. At the moment when the corpse of the wild beast fell on Xiao Panchen's head, the huge corpse of the wild beast flew away, leaving only blood flowing from the neck of the beast Pan Chen's body. ..

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