The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1680: Will never be a good one to stop [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

At this time, no more words were needed, Chi Rou fell into Pan Chen's arms, his hands clasped tightly, Pan Chen was a symbolic embrace of Chi Rou's delicate body with both hands, and the heart said a strange feeling,

How can I feel cheated? Fortunately, Chirou didn't know what Pan Chen was thinking, otherwise he would never stop doing it.

Embracing for a long time, Chirou loosened slightly, raised his head and closed his eyes

Chi Rou nodded slightly, poured into Pan Chen's arms again, the feeling in her heart, the picture at this time, fixed in her mind as eternal.

On the way back, Chirou held Pan Chen ’s arm and pointed her finger at the same time, saying, “I will not be allowed to see other girls, be nice to other girls, or be too far away from me, or be allowed”

In addition to bitter smiles, Pan Chen thought that it was necessary for him to study the books in this area. In the future, the inexplicable and troublesome Chi Rou was angry, and was hit by the fire.

Halfway through, Pan Chen suddenly thought, since he wants to stay here for a while, then he can't stay in the hotel, Pan Chen said his thoughts to Chirou, Chirou agreed, listen to you, listen to Chi Rou responded so readily, Pan Chen wondered if she had passed through her brain.

Pan Chen raised his hand and looked at the time on the meter. It was still early. After some inquiries, Pan Chen selected a place close to the central lot. After some understanding, Pan Chen readily rented A house, the reason for not talking about the price is because Pan Chen does not understand the housing price at all, he is only good at the price of the price,

But Pan Chen thinks it ’s not bad. The monthly rent is 5,000 Fed. For ordinary people, it may be sky high, because their monthly salary is only 20003000, but for Pan Chen, it ’s still within the acceptable range. The request is for one rent, so Pan Chen hesitated, and he readily paid ten thousand federal currency, signed a contract for renting a house, of course, the identity card used is not his own. In fact, Pan Chen does not have an identity card. Wandering children, I am afraid that the Federal Population Information Center has no record of him.

It was then when Pan Chen remembered that when she took over the job just now, Sister Liu did not ask him to sign a contract. She felt a little strange in her heart, but didn't care. She entered the rented room,

To be honest, Pan Chen is still very satisfied. The total size of the room is 200,300 square meters, three bedrooms and one hall, other kitchens, bathrooms, etc., all are available, the furniture is ready-made, the door is the living room, the floor is Smooth tiles, roughly placed a few one-person vases, three sofas arranged in a ring,

A large TV box was placed on the open side. Pan Chen had no idea about the decoration of the room, but Chirou's glittering eyes could tell that she was also satisfied.

What satisfies Pan Chen the most is that there is a gravity room in the room. As the name suggests, it is a room that can adjust gravity. The principle is to add a gravitational matrix to the room. The purpose of controlling gravity is to increase or weaken the magnetic field, because of the gravitational matrix. The whole room is made of alloy, for how can there be a gravity room in the room,

Pan Chen was also surprised. For this reason, Pan Chen asked the owner. After listening to the explanation of the owner, Pan Chen was relieved. From the beginning of the new era to the present, Shang Wu has become the ethos of the Federation, and becoming a powerful card repair is the lowest threshold to get ahead. The most effective way, but at the same time this is the way with the highest mortality rate,

It is not surprising that the rich have a gravity room at home. It is not surprising that some rich people build a training room in the room. This is the case with Xiangjia.

After entering the room, Pan Chen couldn't wait to see the gravity room, leaving Chirou looking around in the hall. A person came to the gravity room. The gravity room was only about ten square meters in size, with tungsten steel throughout. Created, the maximum gravity level is ten times the gravity, Pan Chen randomly adjusted the gravity twice, feel free to do a few actions, it feels pretty good,

On a whim, the body vibrated at a high frequency, rushed forward one meter, couldn't control the force at once, and fell to the ground. Because of the body vibration, he turned several heels and hit the wall with his feet up and down, Pan Chen shouted It's dangerous, it seems that the increase in gravity also makes it more difficult to display flashes.

When I walked out of the gravity chamber, I heard Chi Rou yelling at Pan Chen. You were there. Pan Chen smiled. He did n’t even know why he laughed. His heart was warm. Following the voice, Pan Chen found Chi Rou, Chirou asked Pan Chen when he saw angrily: "You went there," Pan Chen explained to the direction of the gravity chamber: "Go to the gravity room," while Chirou didn't ask the next sentence. Exiting, Pan Chen quickly diverted the topic and said: "Let's go back to the hotel and get something!"

After taking things from the hotel, Chirou said on the road that he wanted to buy some food and burned it at home. Speaking of this period, he either ate outside or ate compressed food. There is no opinion. When buying vegetables, Pan Chen bought a lot. Anyway, there are cold boxes at home.

After returning to his new home, Pan Chen began to cook, and it was a bit rusty after a long time of cooking, but fortunately the taste was not bad. Chirou did n’t eat much when he was eating. , From time to time to help him pick vegetables, Pan Chen feels weird, but can't tell where he is.

After eating, Pan Chen took a little rest and entered the gravity room to start exercising. Pan Chen has never forgotten what he was carrying. It was late at night to come out of the gravity room. Pan Chen washed away with sweat and returned to the room to prepare for the night. Laws, I want to come to this period of time, and neglect to exercise. In the future, I must work harder. Open the door, and Pan Chen walks straight to the bed. Pan Chen, who has the law of night, never needs to turn on the lights. All other furnishings were subconsciously ignored by Pan Chen.

The body of the Jailbird dropped in a mess on the street, into the pool, or broke through the roof, and fell into the house fiercely. The dead state has an amazing common ground,

Without the head, only the body is left. The brain plasma and blood water rinsed Sunset City from the inside to the outside, and the blood-white color revealed a weird hair. The clutter of the sunset city filled with roars of the beast immediately became extremely quiet. Only occasionally the sound of the twitching of the brutal beast still twitching into the ear.

At the same moment when the wild beasts were completely destroyed, they were strong and powerful, and there was no end in the middle with which the heartbeat that made Xiao Panchen feel a warm heartbeat and disappeared strangely. As if it was just a dream,

Dreams are illusory, and people have to have doubts that they do not believe in themselves. Panchen looked at the corpse with no head on the ground and denied this unrealistic idea.

"Huh." Xiao Panchen exhaled heavily, and a virtual sweat out of his body soaked in the clothes outside Xiao Panchen because of the frightened sweat. The danger was completely over with the heartbeat that made Xiao Panchen feel ridiculous.

The grandfather's tragic death, the death of the same race, the chasing of the wild beast, the pain in the body, and the ups and downs of the soul. Panchen could no longer support it. A night wind blew, and the small body fell to the ground full of blood with the wind. The eyelids slowly covered the eyes, and the first rays of the setting sun became the last scenery in the brain, which was very beautiful.

"Grandpa, I will wait for you to come alive." Xiao Panchen fell into boundless darkness.

The night shrouded the whole earth and shattered the last ray of light between heaven and earth. Throughout Sunset City, there was no anger. The breath of death wandered through the city, digging into a corpse, and the cold wind blew through the gap of a house through hissing sounds, like a funeral music composed by heaven and earth. Honoring the countless souls floating in the sky at Sunset City.

. . . . . . . . . .

When the sun shines on the desert, a new day begins.

In the distance, the sound of a horseshoe rang through the horizon. As the morning sun rose, a team of ca. 5000 soldiers rushed towards Sunset City under the wind and sand. As the sound of the horseshoe stopped, the cavalry stopped neatly at the entrance of the East Gate of Sunset City. The air slowly froze, only the war horse's restless panting snarled.

Blood City, displayed in front of the cavalry is a veritable blood city.

Fearless, forward cavalry on the battlefield. Looking at the city in front of the blood, there was an unstoppable fear in my mind. However, more anger poured out of his chest. This is made by pouring blood from the human race, which is made by pouring the same kind of blood in their bodies.

"Roaring Roaring" A kind of roar that wanted to tear through the sky and earth rushed to Jiuxiao, strong unwillingness and indignation resounded through the world. The clouds in the sky seemed to be dissipated. Therefore, the cavalry's arms holding copper spears burst into blue, and the killing intention on his face made the space to be solidified.

"Enter the city and look for the survivors in the city." At the forefront of the cavalry, wearing a golden armor, a general with a black cloak behind him. Withdrawing the sword from the waist and pointing straight ahead, the tone gradually became cold. "In addition, meet the wild beasts that have not yet died and left, kill."


"Yes." The cavalry behind heard the command, and a cruel eye directed at Sunset City. Lay the copper spear flat and move forward slightly. As the sword in the hands of General Jinjia was swung down. Like a hurricane, it passed through the dilapidated gates and got caught in the city.

"Zhao Yi, what do you think of this?" General Jin Jia said slowly.

"General, there is something wrong. The barbarian has no reason to provoke a war with the human race at this moment. Could it be a conspiracy?" A lieutenant beside General Jin Jia who did not follow the large army into the city replied worriedly.

"I know this is strange, but the barbarian dare to slaughter the city of the human race. Then it will have to pay the price. After returning to the city, I will ask to go out and let them know that the human race can't be bullied." , His big hand pointed at the sky with anger.

"The last general is willing to follow the general and step down the barbarian beast." Zhao Yi fell excitedly from the battle horse, kneeling on one knee in front of General Jinjia and clenching his fists.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Report." A cavalryman in the city came to General Jinjia on a horse. Before the horse was stable, the messenger suddenly pulled the horse rope. In the roar of the war horse, he kneeled down on one knee. "None of the wild beasts in the city survive, but most of the wild beasts have one thing in common."

"Oh, what's in common." General Golden Armor riding on the warhorse asked a little curiously.

"Except for the brutal beasts who obviously died fighting with humans, all the other brutal beasts had their heads shattered. There were no other wounds on their bodies." The messenger said with a trembling voice, obviously this fact scared him a little.

"His." Lieutenant General Zhao, beside General Jinjia's voice, took a breath of breath, his eyes revealing an unbelievable look.

"Also, only one soldier and civilian in the city survived. No one was spared, and all of them were killed. Sunset City has become a dead city." The messenger lowered his high head, his eyes were still in tears, and his voice choked.

Thousands of families in Sunset City, together with the blood from more than 10,000 soldiers, had dried up into blood clots after a night of wind blowing. Piece by piece stuck to the ground. The flies flew, **** air, rushed in the face. The cavalrymen dismounted, taking care of the stench, and carried the stiff corpses onto the war horses in groups of two, transporting them to the large open space in the center of the city.

General Jinjia followed the messenger and rode to the place where Pan Chen, the poor, collapsed.

A team of soldiers is waiting beside Panchen, and one of the soldiers is examining the survivors. Seeing the arrival of General Jin Jia, the guard soldiers quickly kneeled on one knee: "General." The soldier who helped the survivor check his body quickly knelt on the ground. Suspiciously said: "General, things are a bit weird. This little brother experienced such a big change, but his body did not have a fatal wound. The fainting was also due to the body's strength and excessive shock."

"Well, then, does this survivor matter?" General Jin Jia looked at the survivor who was covered by the soldier with his armor. The majestic voice was in the soldier's ear.

"Yes, General. I can be sure that the life of the survivor is not in danger. As for how long it takes to wake up, it is estimated that it will have to wait for a while. After all, he is just a child." The soldier kneeling on the ground heard the general's question and answered affirmatively. .

"Okay, you will take care of this child when he is not awake. When the child wakes up, you will take him to look for me." Hearing the soldier's affirmative answer, General Jin Jia looked at the child deeply. Swinging his horse's head, his voice echoed above the slum. ..

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