The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1678: Performance Artist [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Network, Seek to Kill]

Pan Chen joked: "I said, brother a few. You said that the three of us are not considered to be performance art? I heard that in developed Omega countries, if they are street performance artists, they can still make money. What if we go to the middle of the square and stand to see if we can make a little extra money? If the business is good. How about getting a vote every week! "

A sneeze followed by Wu Feng ’s determination: “What second career do you two want, and what kind of performance art, I wo n’t stop you. But do n’t drag me on! I ’m going back to the car now! As for the boss Be angry if you are angry. Life is important! "After turning his head, he started running in the direction of the van! At this moment of crisis, they always make the most correct choice. Therefore, Xu Fangchao did not hesitate to keep up with Wu Feng's pace. In order not to drag down the organization, Pan Chen had to give up his performance art and his second career. It also took a vigorous pace and kept up with the pace of the big army!

So Zhongshan Square suddenly showed a beautiful and strange landscape, and the three tall and tall ‘women’ ran across the square ignoring the image. It looked so youthful from a distance, but upon closer inspection they found that their faces were full of dignity and no smile. It seems like a wanderer eager to return home. The youthful atmosphere they left behind was startled by the pigeons that were eating. Behind them came another four silver bell-like smiles and a warning that snarled for severing. But none of this stopped them from running!

Dinner table in the evening. The three brothers who have completed their transsexuality have no joy of success. Instead, it is full of frustration and frustration that only the losers dare. Originally, these negative emotions should be brought out in Chen Di. But now Chen Di is full of joy of victory. Although it is not a definite relationship with Ren Jiayi, it is also a trial exchange. It is also considered to be in love, and temporarily detached from the bachelor gang. As for the mischief side, although it started with anger, disappointment, and frustration. But then the winner was him, he was only negative for a little while, happy all day. Whatever it is he earned. So Chen Di raised his wine glass and said aloud: "Today is one of the happiest days in my life. I am willing to share my joy and happiness with my best brother and sister." Speaking of these two brothers He stared at Wu Feng and the other three fiercely. When it came to the words sister, he still looked at Wu Feng and the three others. Watching the three men lower their heads like a defeated cock, he smiled and continued: "I am willing to spend this happiness and joy every day in the future, and I am willing to share this happiness and joy with you all the time! In order to show sincerity, I'll do it first! " The four girls also cooperated and drank the wine in their hands. And the three unlucky eggs who lost a day can't drink this glass of wine! Chen Di pretended to be a leader and said, "Why? What if I do n’t give a face?"

Wu Feng stood up and raised his wine glass and said fiercely, "This boss is our disaster this time. But don't be too proud. You will inevitably encounter ghosts if you walk a lot at night. Our 4 brothers will grow up in the future! Late! You have to be careful with us! We will find it sooner or later! "He finished drinking!

Pan Chen and Xu Fangchao also stood up. They held a wine glass in one hand and patted Wu Feng's shoulder in the other, thinking of the grievance they had suffered this day, and their tears were about to stay! The plan is perfect, but how did the victim change? Drink this bitter wine, not much to say! Only one sentence was dropped: "Boy, you are right! This hatred will be reported sooner or later! Boss, you will wait for us! This winner please!"

A month passed in a blink of an eye. Comrades' love is going smoothly. Xu Fangchao and Zhao Ping'er still stick together after school. Chen Di and Ren Jiayi also changed from trial contacts to formal ones. It's said that it's a frustrated casino. Starting your own business is like a gamble. The sentence just verified this point. It's not that their brothers are working hard. It's just that their small and unreputable companies are really hard to get customers.

Chen Di helplessly threw down the account book and sighed, "Brothers. Play again this month! I won't dare to eat anymore. The income is only enough for the next quarter's rent! Who has any good suggestions? Come listen. The second son, do n’t you usually have the most ideas? Tell me what you think! "

Wu Feng pondered with his arms and said, "I haven't thought about it, but it's a bit difficult to implement, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Chen Di said: "Dead horses are all living horse doctors! It's better than not having food! You'll be quick!"

Wu Feng lowered his arm and changed his hands to clenching. He seemed to be doing a strong mental struggle.

Pan Chen patted Wu Feng's shoulder as if to give him the courage to say, "Youngest, let's talk. Any ideas!"

Wu Feng gave away his clenched hands, and then looked at Pan Chen with a slight sense of nod and said, "Now, even if I were, I wouldn't have to pay more advertising fees. That is to say, it is already The best situation. If you want to develop new customers and receive more advertising fees, you can only let it go. And this proposal is completely the same as gambling. If it succeeds, then the company may be the last one. A new level. If it fails, then we will lose our lives! "

Chen Di urged: "If we go on like this, we will have nowhere to go. Anyway, we are all dead. It's better to have a happy one. Don't leave your mother-in-law, let's talk! If the brothers think it's OK, let's do it!"

Xu Fangchao also echoed: "Yes, the second child, don't feel any pressure. Say it!"

Wu Feng looked at Chen Di angrily and said: "I want to say, you interrupt. My mother-in-law. Lao Yao, what are you chasing after?" He said with a sigh of relief: "Some businesses are willing to pay for advertising, It ’s because they saw the brand Octave also in our magazine, but for a slightly larger company, we do n’t want them to do it for nothing. What does that mean? ”

Chen Di said without thinking, "Isn't that nonsense. It's not obvious that you are not strong enough to abandon the shops in our magazine!"

Wu Feng extended his thumbs to Chen Di and said, "I didn't expect that I could talk to you about IQ in a relationship! Yes!"

Chen Di is now in a mood to make such a joke with Wu Feng. He continued to urge: "Don't talk nonsense with me, say your way!"

Wu Feng looked at the other brothers and looked at him with expectation, and he stopped joking. He said: "My solution is that since the slightly larger businesses are not willing to advertise with us, let alone I asked them what advertising fee they wanted. Then we gave them money and let them advertise with us! It did n’t hurt them! It also played a role in propaganda. It ’s just a good thing to drop a pie in the sky. Who would n’t do it? ! "

Chen Di looked at Wu Feng inexplicably and scolded: "Wu second child, are you having a broken brain? Or are you thinking that your brother has died slowly?"

Pan Chen didn't care about Chen Di, who was clamoring aside, he asked Wu Feng in contemplation: "But if they were given money, they wouldn't do it?"

Chen Di asked Chen Chen again this time: "Primary 3, are you crazy with him? Did you have any infectious diseases?"

Xu Fangchao pushed Chen Di back and said: "Adults speak, children don't intervene." Then he handed him a newspaper and said, "Go, go and tear the newspaper and play. Don't make trouble here!"

Chen Di snapped the newspaper delivered by Xu Fangchao and said, "Crazy, you are all crazy! I use the chairman's right to veto!"

Pan Chen said to Wu Feng: "Second child, continue to talk about the topic just now, leave him alone. You answer me, if they don't want money?"

Wu Feng said with a smile: "Then we have to look at the people we are looking for. The money can make ghosts grind, this is the eternal law! I will not go directly to their boss, big business like you. There will be managers like the Planning Department of the Propaganda Department. As long as the benefits are in place, there are no people in the society who are not greedy for money. Moreover, I think they will not let their CEOs see our magazine! "

Xu Fangchao leaned his head on the chair and looked at the ceiling, thinking for a long time and saying, "I agree!"

Wu Feng turned to Pan Chen, who was lowering his head, and asked, "Primary three, Lao Yao agrees. What do you think? Just wait for you!"

Pan Chen did n’t want to agree, but the 30,000 yuan of the start-up funds were borrowed from Chen Di. If it did n’t reach the overdue effect, not only was it as simple as losing 30,000 yuan, he also lived up to the far The expectations of relatives in their hometown. I thought of my mother who was still being tortured by the disease, and my sister who was still going to school. He really didn't dare to make this gambling decision easily!

When Chen Di saw that Pan Chen was indecisive, he hurriedly interjected: "Primary three, don't go crazy with them. Be careful!"

Xu Fangchao said: "You know a fart, can you stop messing with this?"

Chen Di also got angry, he said aloud: "I don't know fart, but I know, so we die faster! You know you tell me, what is your intention to do so!"

Wu Feng rubbed his temple helplessly and said, "We all said so clearly. Nobody blamed you when you didn't react. What are you calling here? Lao Yao, you give him an explanation! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! I can't stand our boss! "

Xu Fangchao also understood that no good results would be achieved after such a quarrel. Now only he can calmly explain to Chen Di, so he took Chen Di and went to Chen Di ’s office of the general manager who had not done it a few times. Go. On such a short journey, Chen Di yelled and shouted again: "You better give me a good explanation, or this matter will never end!"

After about five minutes, the angry Chen Di had just traveled westward by crane, and now it was Chen Di, the just-faced messenger of justice. He walked towards Pan Chen who was still fighting with his head down. I patted Pan Chen on the shoulder and said, "Primary three, you know, our four brothers have always been very democratic, and the elder brother didn't want you to be so painful. So I agreed with Wu's proposal in the name of chairman. Plus Lao Yao, it does n’t matter if you object now! Get rid of it! "

Pan Chen raised his head somewhat confused. He didn't listen to the quarrels that happened just now, and he only cared about his struggles. When Chen Di patted his shoulder, he recovered. After listening to what Chen Di said, it was strange not to be confused. He asked incredulously: "Boss, what's wrong with you? Didn't you just object? Was it still prudent? Did something happen?"

Chen Di smiled embarrassedly and said, "Just now I didn't turn around this corner. Isn't this the point of being enlightened by Lao Yao! Just like I said just now, it's all dead. Anyway, it might be painful However, the idea of ​​your second son is too poisonous, just like a seven-wound fist. If you want to hurt someone, you must hurt yourself first! Thanks to what you can think of! "

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