The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1676: Cute little pink shoes [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

Originally very beautiful and cute little pink shoes, now in Wu Feng's eyes is so evil. The toe of the shoe pointed in his direction. His own idea had to be counted, and he said to himself mockingly: "This shoe really doesn't admit life! It seems to like me quite a bit." He thought he was funny but didn't get overdue laughter. . The reason is very simple. Pan Chen and Xu Fangchao are arguing who the heel is going to go a bit further. Both of them can't wait to measure with a scale. Wu Feng said angrily: "The two of you are really in trouble. The two of you won't get a fist. No one can do any harm!"

Xu Fangchao said coldly, "What ideas will you lose here? This is a matter of principle. You don't need to talk!"

Wu Feng is also lazy to control the two people, he said: "I am at best a loser under the shoe. The two of you are going on. I will first surprise the boss. Give me the mask and the two-step mobile phone!"

Xu Fangchao took out the mask from his bag and handed it to Wu Feng with the two-step mobile phone that had already recorded the sound in advance. Instructed: "Don't get confused. The questions you recorded in Nokia are recorded. Samsung recorded the phrasal auxiliary words such as um, oh, vomit, not bad, and very good. Just press and follow It ’s okay. I ’ll fix it for you. ”After that, he handed him two button-sized speakers and said,“ It ’s connected to the jack on the phone ’s headset, and the small speaker can be placed near the neck. I I tried it, it should n’t be a problem! You try again. ”Wu Feng tested the mobile phones one by one and confirmed that there was no problem, and he set off to King Pizza.

Zhang Xuanyao's cell phone rang in the pizza king, and the phone showed Wu Feng. She answered the phone and asked, "Are you at the door? Okay, I'll pick you up."

Chen Di, who listened with his neck stretched aside, heard someone nervously asking, "Are you here? Do I have to go out to meet?"

Zhang Xuanyao looked at Chen Di and said, "Who knows who you are! You can sit here honestly!" After that, she got up and walked to the door.

When Zhang Xuanyao came to Chen Di with his disguised Wu Feng. Chen Di was taken aback by the "girl" in front of him, thinking to herself: "It's a tall person. If you put on high heels, it must be taller than me!" It ’s Chen Di, please sit down! ”Zhang Xuanyao and Wu Feng, who were still nervous, Chen Di would see, heard Chen Di say that. The dangling heart finally let go. "Girl" nodded and sat beside Zhang Xuanyao.

Zhang Xuanyao said, "This is Zhao Qian, a model major in our school. Qian Qian is Chen Di and Mr. Chen from the media."

Chen Di hurriedly said, "Hello Qianqian!" After that, she extended her hand and wanted to shake hands with the "girl" in front of her. His move surprised Zhang Xuanyao and Wu Feng. If you shake hands, Chen Di must find something wrong. The man's hand must be much larger than the woman's hand. Although it can be concealed by the model, Wu Feng's calluses, which he grinded from playing basketball, cannot be explained. Fortunately, the reaction of the two was fairly quick.

Chen Di saw the "girl" shyly lowered her head and looked at Zhang Xuanyao. Zhang Xuanyao quickly broke Chen Di's hand and said to Chen Di: "Don't be shameless. Just meeting and wanting to take advantage of others!"

This is Chen Di's embarrassment. Quickly withdrew his hand and said: "I was rude. Don't see Miss Qianqian!"

The "girl" shook her head and said nothing. At this time, the "girl" suddenly and violently plasticized. Zhang Xuanyao hurriedly said: "Qian Qian, you haven't gotten a good cold! You need to pay more attention to your body!"

Wu Feng hurriedly pressed the mobile phone recording prepared in advance. This was the first sentence from the girl who came in: "Well!"

Chen Di asked with concern: "Why? Miss Qianqian has a cold?"

Wu Feng pressed the phone again, and the voice came from his collar down about two fingers: "Yes."

Then, without waiting for Chen Di to speak, he hurriedly pressed another cell phone, and the voice came out from that place: "Sorry, I was late. I put on a mask first, and don't infect you." The voice ended. Immediately took out the mask from the bag and put it on his mouth.

If you haven't seen it clearly, you will need to wear a mask. Chen Di said very unwillingly: "It's okay, don't wear it. I'm in good health. I'm not afraid of infection." Zhang Xuanyao snatched the words and said, "You are in good health. You are not afraid! I am Jinzhiyuye, what if I get an infection?"

Chen Di secretly gave Zhang Xuanyao a wink. He said, "Isn't that your friend? Why do you still despise your friend?" He thought he said this, Zhang Xuanyao will help stop "girls" from putting on masks. But who knows that Zhang Xuanyao didn't seem to see his eyes or hear his words. Instead, he helped the "girl" put on a mask, which gave Chen Di a stomping foot in his heart, but there was no way.

Where did the three people sit awkwardly, Zhang Xuanyao said to ease the atmosphere: "Talk something. You can't just sit like this!"

Chen Di looked forward to Zhang Xuanyao with grateful eyes. He thought, "This little grandma always did some personnel." Then she asked, "I don't know what other hobbies are outside of Miss Qianqian's class. what!"

After Chen Digang finished speaking, Zhang Xuanyao immediately hurriedly said: "If you come up, ask the girl first, you are the trial prisoner! You can take out a gentleman's demeanor. Can someone ask, you answer! Qianqian, you are not Do you want to ask Mr. Chen some more questions? "

At this time, Chen Di pinch had four hearts of Xuan Yao. She said something to talk about, but she talked about it herself, and she immediately made troubles, but what she said made her unable to rebuke. But fortunately, letting the "girls" ask themselves to answer is an interaction.

"Girl" shyly lowered her head and said: "Well!"

Chen Di said generously: "Ms. Qian Qian, if you have any questions, I know everything!"

Wu Feng pressed another phone, and he "asked": "How old are you? How tall are you? How much are you?"

Chen Di replied truthfully with a pleasant voice: "I am 23, just graduated this year, and now start a business with three other buddies, and start a small media company with a height of 1.83 meters. 75 kilograms. Standard weight. Usually like "

Zhang Xuanyao interrupted Chen Di again and said, "You can answer whatever you ask. Qian Qian hasn't asked you what you like! Do you need to talk about your past and present? Do you think this is yours? People's speech! "Zhang Xuanyao was actually afraid that Chen Di would say too much. If Wu Feng still asks Chen Di what kind of questions he likes in the future, it will be difficult to handle.

But Chen Di was inexplicably interrupted by Zhang Xuanyao one after another. He reluctantly asked Zhang Xuanyao: "How convenient is it for me to say more? This also makes Miss Qianqian know more about me!"

Zhang Xuanyao winked at Chen Di. In fact, this wink didn't make any sense. It's just that Zhang Xuanyao gave Chen Di the ecstasy soup. Zhang Xuanyao made his eyes wink and said, "Everything is for you. What do you ask Qian Qian to say?"

This sentence, coupled with the color just now, made Chen Di mistakenly believe that Zhang Xuanyao was creating opportunities for him and the "girl" to communicate. Gratefully nodded to this Xuan Yao and said: "Yes, yes, I talk too much What. Miss Qianqian wants to know! "

Zhang Xuanyao patted the shoulder of "Girl" and said, "Qianqian, don't you say you have many questions to ask him? Just ask!"

When Chen Di heard it, there were many problems! What does this mean? This shows that the "girl" in front of him is interested in him! He thought to himself if this could really happen. Wait to bring a model to show off in front of those stinky guys! Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Miss Qianqian, still the same sentence, knowing everything is endless! Just ask it! Anything you want to know!"

The sweet voice spread from the opposite side to Chen Di's ear: "If there is a baby, if you let the man take the children at home, what would you think? Would you like it?" After listening to this sentence, Chen Di 'S mind is completely confused! He thought to himself, "This girl is too straightforward. I haven't communicated yet and started to discuss the question of who will bring the child!" He looked at this girl named Qian Qian with very strange eyes and said, "I have this problem I have n’t thought about it yet. I really do n’t know how to answer you at this time, let me think about it! You first ask other questions! "

At this time, Wu Feng was also cursing the person who had this problem: "Who tmd has this problem. Is it to come to the boss or to me? This makes me wait for how to step down! I have to find them to go back Settle the account! "

A sweet voice sounded again: "What do you think is the cause of the Iraq war? How can the victims be freed from the war?" Chen Di collapsed completely at this time. Does the Iraq war have anything to do with him? Also free the victims? Now he does n’t know who will release him! He is suffering. The next question arises again: "Three quarters of the blues score, how to arrange it to make it sound less sad and a little faster?" Chen Di was completely speechless, he looked at the wonderful flower in front of him After looking at Zhang Xuanyao, he said painfully: "Miss Qianqian, I really don't know how to solve what you said. Can we talk about something else?"

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