The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1669: Man in Red Robe [Wang Wen, 6 Million Word Count, Seek to Kill]

Xu Fangchao glanced at Wu Feng and said, "Look at your face, it's like a color word is engraved on it. Who doesn't know what you think! It's not up to the beach to see how a few of them are wearing bikinis. You eat Shameless play inside and out! "

After listening to it, Chen Di hurriedly took Xu Fangchao's hand and said, "Lao Yao, wake-up quote! You're right. I think so too."

Wu Feng lifted his chest and said, "It's also natural to eat. It's all human nature. I'm just emblazoned with color words, and I'm also brave to admit that you are just awe-inspiring one by one. Do you listen to the seaside, after Have you ever imagined it in your head? What do you mean by Daoran, do you understand? It is to describe the three of you. It ’s still nice to say, it ’s awkward, and it ’s not too much to describe you with the four characters of clothes and beasts. "After Wu Feng finished, Chen Di lowered his head in silence. Apparently he was hit by Wu Feng. Who doesn't want to watch a few young girls in bikinis dangling in front of their eyes.

Pan Chen sat up on the sofa and said, "Wu second son, don't think of others as dirty as you think, OK. I dare to say, I never had any of your thoughts!"

Chen Di looked at Pan Chen in surprise and asked, "Primary three, aren't you. You really haven't had that kind of thought? Not even reverie?"

Pan Chen said without hesitation: "Never ever! Are you satisfied now?"

Wu Feng slapped his head and said, "The boss is broken. Is it because they are sleeping together? What's the meaning of that sentence? Oh, yes, I'm in love for a long time! Then I changed the orientation of Xiaosan subtlely. ! This is really bad! "

Chen Di immediately cooperated and said: "The second son, I think you said something reasonable." Then I asked Xu Fangchao seriously and pretended: "Lao Yao, Xiao San, he has a thin skin, he is embarrassed to say that I can understand, but there is not here. Outsider, just my four brothers, tell me the truth. Have the two of you already developed feelings, have you ever had a super-friendship relationship? Just tell the truth! When your brother ’s absolute guarantee will not laugh at you ! "

When Chen Di finished speaking, a cushion flew directly to Chen Di. I heard a laugh in the room.

Jinshitan is a well-known tourist attraction in Dalian. Dalian ’s most famous playground, Discovery Kingdom, is also located in Jinshitan. Since it is not yet September, it is still the peak season for tourism. Tourists can be said to be crowded. Some went to discover the kingdom to play, some came to take a sea bath. Zhang Xuanyao took a lot of effort to find a parking space in a place far away from the bath. The low-energy four brothers held all kinds of things they were about to use, waiting for Zhang Xuanyao, Bai Yang and Zhao Ping'er at the entrance of the bath, but today there was a new member. This member is Zhang Xuanyao and their roommate, but because they have a part-time job to do on weekdays, they are also meeting for the first time this time.

Girls are most afraid of tanning, and these four beautiful young girls are of course no exception. Each of them wore a hat on their head. Bai Yang's better face, tall body, coupled with a fitted dress and a big hat. A bohemian style. Attracted the greedy eyes of countless tourists, especially male tourists. Even Wu Feng, who was thinking of Zhang Xuanyao, couldn't help but take a look. Zhao Ping'er took a peaked cap and listened to his mp3. Humming Xiaoqu, apparently in a good mood because of this trip. The new girl was named Ren Jiayi, and she looked like a very obedient girl. Short, clean hair. Big eyes, with black frame glasses. It's a bit like a character coming out of a comic. She was sticking out her little tongue while fanning the wind with the visor in her hand.

Under the leadership of Chen Di, a group of people set off to a place he had predetermined. Looking around, densely packed people frolicked by the sea. The golden beach was originally filled with tents of various colors. In the shallow waters of the seaside, the crowd is like dumplings. People crowd, people suffer. But the playful people don't care about this, all they want is to feel the cool feeling that the sea brings to them.

Zhang Xuanyao frowned as he looked at the dense crowd. She asked Chen Di displeasedly: "I said Mr. Chen. Do you decide to take us to such a place? Look at these people. How to play?"

Chen Di said mysteriously, "Miss, what are you in a hurry. How can I make you condescended. You haven't been to the place yet. You will know when you arrive. Make sure you are satisfied! If you are not satisfied, you will smoke me!"

Zhang Xuanyao looked at the coastline that was several kilometers long but full of people. I can't see any better position. But since Chen Di said so. She is not good to say anything. Simply picked up Bai Yang next to him and followed Chen Di's footsteps, waiting for the result. It's been about 10 minutes. See Chen Di has not meant to stop. Zhang Xuanyao couldn't help but ask: "I said Mr. Chen. Where are you going to take us? All of it has gone for so long. My feet are sore. You tell me how far away I am. Number! "

Chen Di carried a bag in his hand and a bag on his back. Hearing Zhang Xuanyao's complaint, he smiled bitterly and said, "I said Missy, I have no complaints like those of my maiden's family. What are you complaining about? If you want to enjoy it, don't you have to endure hardships? You still wear high-heeled shoes, and I do n’t know how it smells so nice! Your feet are sore you wo n’t walk barefoot! The beach is not dirty! It ’s strange that you do n’t wear high heels! ”

After Zhang Xuanyao listened to Chen Di's words, she took off her shoes obediently. But she didn't hold it in her hand, but threw it directly at Chen Di: "Yeah, you're guilty. Dare to talk back! Xiao Wuzi, Xiao Zhangzi, Xiao Xuzi. Go! Get me down he!"

It's also like the remaining three of them back home. You look at me, I look at you. Also very helpless. Wu Feng said: "The empress, please breathe your anger first. The time hasn't come yet, this person can't kill yet. When we get to the place, we will show him how to practice the Fa right away. What do you think?"

Zhang Xuanyao smiled and said, "Wu Qin's family is indeed a loyal gentleman. I think about it everywhere! You are right. Let's spare him forever!"

Xu Fangchao took the mouth and said, "Duke Chen, have you heard that! The Queen has spared you this dog's life! You are not grateful to Lord Long!"

Ren Jiayi, who got along with them for the first time, leaned back and forth after listening to their conversation. Bai Yang and Zhao Ping'er are already strange. Although he smiled happily, it was not as exaggerated as Ren Jiayi's.

After walking for less than 5 minutes, Chen Di took them to a place like a factory. I hung up a phone and gave it to an old man at the door. The old man didn't say anything, so they let them in. Upon entering, the coastline here is completely different from the one just passed by. Only a few fishermen dressed up on the beach were packing up tools they could not name. Two small fishing boats docked on the shore. There are only 8 of them on the huge beach. Chen Di seemed to have accomplished a great thing, so he asked Zhang Xuanyao stupidly, "Miss, how do you like this? Are you satisfied."

Zhang Xuanyao looked at the beautiful coastline and felt better immediately. She asked Chen Di, "How did you get here? You don't bring me here, I don't even know there is such a good place in Jinshitan!"

Chen Di smiled and said: "This is not a bath. This is a farm. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. But the boss here and my dad are friends."

Zhang Xuanyao: "Oh. That's what it is! I said why such a good beach is so quiet! This time it's done well. I'm very satisfied. Forgive you. Don't die. Leave the stand. I'm a little hungry!"

Chen Di furiously said: "Yes. Feelings, do you really treat my generation of Tianjiao as a dog slave? Master, I fight with you!" He said he pretended to be a sleeveless look. Zhang Xuanyao was not afraid of him. She glanced at Chen Di and said, "Why? You are still not convinced? What happened to the uprising?" The three brothers who said at a glance said, "You! Go get it He! I am rewarded after the event! "

Although the bullying of the disadvantaged group is the most favorite work of the low-energy four brothers. In addition, I heard that after winning the game, I still have a lot of rewards. Driven by interests. They put down the salute of their natal family. Chen Di walked towards the synonymous with vulnerable groups. Chen Di looked at the wrong posture and said, "Brothers. Although we are not brothers, we are better than brothers! If you do so, it will deeply hurt my young soul! Do you bear it?"

The three nodded very neatly: "Be patient!"

Chen Di backed his mouth and wasn't idle: "I depend! You guys who have no conscience! Think about it, how do I treat you on weekdays? And who often invites you to dinner? Who is when you are empty and lonely Come to soothe your hurt heart at that moment? You can't revenge so much! "

Wu Feng slowly approached and said carelessly: "At this moment, the moment! The Queen said, there is a reward! Did you hear it?"

Chen Di saw that Wu Feng was already intoxicated with Zhang Xuanyao. He said that Wu Feng would be indifferent, so he looked to Pan Chen who was also near, saying, "Primary three, brother, Your heart is the best. You can't be with them! "

Pan Chen sighed and said, "Boss, you're right. I'm just because my heart is too good, so I don't want to see the second child and the youngest member too tired, I just simply take the hand and let them take less effort. To you , I really do n’t have any other emotions full of people! You are so reasonable, I believe you will understand me! "

Go! After listening to Pan Chen's explanation, Wu Feng knew that he must have no drama. But he is not reconciled! He looked at Xu Fangchao, hoping that a miracle could happen here! But still that sentence, if a miracle always happens, it is not a miracle. Before waiting for Chen Di to speak, he heard Xu Fangchao say lightly: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!" After he finished kicking a triangular stone, he continued: "Come! I will let you taste the Daisy Terrace! I also Make you full of grief! I think you dare not sing in the future! "

Chen Di has seen the current form very clearly! What a joke, he didn't want to get hurt on the daisy stage! Turn around without thinking, and start running.

Chen Di rubbed his wet head like a soup chicken, cursing in his mouth: "You group of beasts. You really throw it!"

Xu Fangchao, who was busy setting up a tent, said, "Why? You're kidding me when I'm still with me! Wipe it, and finish it!"

Chen Di dropped the towel in his hand and said, "I will not do it! How can you treat me?"

Xu Fangchao was busy with the work at hand, and said, "You love to do it, nothing to do with me!" After raising her voice, she shouted to the four girls who were playing with water barefoot on the beach: "Queen, Someone does n’t work lazily and says no one can treat him. What do you think? "

The happy Zhang Xuanyao did not raise his head when he heard Xu Fangchao. He just slapped the water with his little feet and said, "Who is so courageous? No need to ask me about this matter in the future. Just throw the fish in the sea and feed the fish!"

As soon as Chen Di heard the words Queen, he jumped up and covered Xu Fangchao's mouth, preventing him from continuing to speak. At the same time, he shouted loudly to Zhang Xuanyao: "Lao Yao, you tell me yes Who is so rampant? Let's remediate and remediate him together. "As if afraid that Zhang Xuanyao didn't hear it, he said it loudly again. After that, he gave away his hand, looked at Xu Fangchao fiercely and made a gesture of wiping his neck!

Xu Fangchao whispered with a smile: "Ah! Some people, treat him as a person, he would like to drill into the pig heap. Why is this painful, do not know what that person thinks! Really ridiculous! You said Isn't it boss? "

Not far away, Wu Feng and Pan Chen walked over with the lighted grill. Seeing the flushed Chen Di, Wu Feng joked: "Yo, boss, you really are fine skinned and tender meat. How long has it been since, how could the sunburn be like this!"

Chen Di said angrily: "The three of you are waiting, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will give back ten times!"

Zhang Xuanyao and others had enough water and came over. They saw the four low-energy brothers except Chen Di, and the other three were talking and laughing. She said, "What are the three of you guys laughing about? Is the thing done? Bake it and eat it first. We are all hungry!"

Wu Feng ’s dog head appeared again: "Xuan Yao. The stove is ready. Just wait for your message and roast! What do you want to eat first?"

Zhang Xuanyao said seriously: "Hey! Without my guidance, you will not be able to live in this society! Just get some lamb skewers or something, eat it first, and talk! You will learn how to make your own ideas about such small things in the future. ? "

Wu Feng nodded his head and agreed, and asked the other girls: "Are there any particular ladies who want to eat something?"

Before waiting for a few girls to speak, Chen Di spoke first: "Wu second child, please give me a roast dogleg!"

Wu Feng's thoughts are all on the four beauties. How can he take care of Chen Di? He said casually: "You want to eat and get yourself!"

Chen Di looked at Pan Chen and Xu Chaofan and said, "You can hear this. He made me do it! That's right!"

Pan Chen was still wondering, saying: "It's not wrong that he said, but we didn't buy any dog ​​legs!"

Xu Fangchao smiled and said, "Why are you so stupid, aren't there any ready-made ones!" After that, he pointed his finger at Wu Feng, who was still attentive. ..

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