The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1665: Sacrifice for Judgment [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

At this time, Tian Hongnian started the sacrifice ceremony of the contractor, and only a moment later, a silver figure appeared beside Tian Hong. Pan Chen smiled slightly and said: "Magic Moon, it seems that Sister Meng is right, his contract call is actually you." Magic Moon smiled and walked to Pan Chen, said: "I didn't expect you to recover again. Xiu Wei, and one step further. "Pan Chen glanced at Tian Hong and asked," Are you going to take orders from him to deal with me? "Magic Moon shook his head and said," Dare not dare. " When he looked at Tian Hong, Tian Hong was already shocked. He naturally knew how powerful the magic moon was. At this time, he claimed to be a child in front of Pan Chen. Magic Moon said lightly: "Father is going to kill you, I will naturally not violate him for you as a human being. You can do it yourself." Magic Moon said that she would leave, but Pan Chen stopped him, Pan Chen pointed. Luo Hongyun said: "Kill him, let me help you understand the contract of the world." Said that the black light flashed directly on Tian Hong, Tian Hong's body instantly turned into nothingness. At this time, the emperor Luo Hongyun's head had left his body, and his face was still full of terror.

Pan Chen looked at the minister who was still kneeling on the ground and said, "The emperor is cruel, and the state teacher is even cruel to the souls. Now both of them have fallen into law. My father Ke Qi's house is kind and considers it possible to be the emperor of the Haoran Dynasty?" The ministers bowed their heads and said in unison: "I all hope that General Keqi will be king, and it will definitely benefit me." Pan Chenwei smiled, but his figure flashed out of the palace.

Pan Chen fell beside Meng Qiandie and Wen Xiyao, and Magic Moon also stood behind Pan Chen. Huanyue looked at Meng Qiandie at this moment, and said after a while: "Why is his father's power in him?" Huanyue said, Meng Qiandie didn't speak, Pan Chen ruined Huanyue, said: " It ’s not that Sister Dream rescued me. I ’m afraid I died in my early twenties. I do n’t like the power given by others. ”Pan Chen said, looking at Magic Moon, his face was a little softer, but he was holding Magic Moon ’s hand. : "If one day I have enough power, I will definitely help the demon to revenge in the realm." Magic Moon nodded, Pan Chen said with a smile: "The closure of the realm has ended, you go back, do it for me Take care of Lingling. "Magic Moon nodded and said," She is fine. "Pan Chen nodded, and Magic Moon disappeared.

Although Pan Chen had revenge at this time, he did not look happy. Meng Qiandie asked: "Xiaoyue, Qiu has revenge, why are you still not happy?" Pan Chen smiled bitterly: "By fighting today, I have already Too much has been paid, and others have paid too much for me. "At this time, Pan Chen thought of many people, Wang Fugui, the old demon, Meng Qiandie, Bai Lingling, Wen Xiyao, July and Magic Moon, and Once the ethereal sect. Pan Chen already had tears in his eyes at this time, Pan Chen sighed and said: "Although these hatreds are reported now, I will also report the hatred of the demon, because he did too much for me, I can't let him That was dead in vain. "Pan Chen said obviously in July. Wen Xiyao gently took Pan Chen's hand. Pan Chen felt the warmth from Wen Xiyao's palm, and there was a smile on his face.

Now Pan Chenqiu has reported it all, but he still feels the road ahead is confused, because he does not know when those enemies he can reach.

Meng Qiandie bid farewell to Pan Chen in the royal city of Haoran Dynasty, and Pan Chen also took Wen Xiyao back to Mocheng.

Pan Chen went to Mocheng and returned to the General's Mansion. It was already night. Pan Chen took Wen Xiyao to see Yuan Mudie and Ke Qi. At this time, Ke Qi and Yuan Mu Die were relieved. Ke Qi had already avenged Pan Chen to the palace. Yuan Mudie told Yuan Mudie, but Pan Mudie is unaware that today Pan Chen belongs to the top masters in the four continents and has always been worried. Pan Chen came back one day this time, but Yuan Mudie still saw tears on her face.

"Father, now the emperor is dead, and the ministers of the DPRK and China support you as an emperor. In the future, if you become an emperor, you will be able to get along with the Jishui Kingdom and benefit the people of the two countries." Pan Chen said with a smile, Ke Qi first Startled, but then laughed, said: "This is fine, then I changed the Haoran dynasty to Xiuzhen Kingdom, and then stopped the war." Pan Chen also smiled faintly.

Ke Qi took Yuan Mudie and the general's man together to get up to the Imperial City the next day.

Ke Qi succeeded the emperor of the Haoran dynasty, Yuan Mudie became queen, and dismissed a total of 437 concubines before the palace. Yuan Mudie is now the honorable queen of Haoran.

Pan Chen established the Tianyue Sect in the imperial city. He helped the only Yuan Yingxiu around Ke Qi to be Ruofeng as an elder, and sent a post to the Shenfeng Kingdom to enlist twenty elders from Tianyuezong. .

Pan Chen established the Tianyue Sect in the Eastern Territory of Haoran and recruited 20 Taoist elders to be announced by Yao Tian. Those who had fought together with Pan Chen had signed up. The original one was very simple. The thing was that there were too many people signing up. In the end, Yao Tian only opened the ring. After nine days of competition, he finally selected 20 free repairs, but 18 of them were all magic repairs, and two were right path monks. When Yao Tian saw this result, he was speechless. Although Pan Chen did not specify that he should be a righteous monk, but eighteen magicians would be elders, then Pan Chen would definitely have a headache.

Yao Tian settled down the twenty winners, but chose ten more top-ranking monks to send them to Pan Chen together. Five days later, those people had arrived in the country, Pan Chen looked at the twenty. The winners looked at the ten righteous monks who Yao Tian chose later, and smiled and said to those people: "Whether Zhengxiu or Moxiu, since they want to enter my Tianyuezong, then they must obey me. First, it is forbidden to kill innocents indiscriminately, and secondly, no matter how you acted in the past, you must now focus on Zong Nei ’s business affairs. ”Pan Chen ’s voice just fell, and the thirty people all knelt on the ground and said in unison:“ If there is Violation, it is entirely up to Panchen Shengwang to handle it. "Pan Chen smiled and said:" Yao Tian sent you to show that you are all cultivated as advanced. Since there are thirty people coming, then I will accept them all and divide them into dark moons. Hall and Qingyue Hall teach Taoism separately. "Pan Chen said to let those right path monks and magic path monks stand apart. Pan Chen saw acquaintances among those patho monks. It was Huang Chen and Pan Chen who met in the Western Continent. He smiled and said, "Brother Huang, I didn't expect that we could still "Huang Chen heard that he also walked out of the crowd and said," Thank you son for sheltering in the illusion of fantasy, and now I will naturally come when my son is missing. "Pan Chenla said with a smile:" Brother Huang once witnessed the top spirits The strong, I do n’t know if there is any sentiment? ”Huang Chen nodded and said,“ I also have some sentiment, the realization of strength and rules is the beginning of the final cultivation, and I am also working hard now. ”Pan Chen nodded, to the ten The eight demons said: "Huang Chen's cultivation is not the most top-notch, but his understanding is very profound. From now on, he will be the elder of the Dark Moon Palace. I hope you will communicate with him more and get rid of the magic as soon as possible. "The seventeen demons all replied in unison:" Strictly follow the orders of Panchen Saint King. "Pan Chen smiled and looked at the right path monk aside, asking:" This time Yao Tian is selected, who is in the right path? " "The first." At this time, a white-haired old man came out and saluted Pan Chen: "Old man You Xu has seen the king of Panchen." Pan Chen looked at the old man. The breath of life in the old man has been very entrusted, roughly estimated It may be another 50 years Going west, Pan Chen walked slowly to the old man, his right hand gently touched You Xu's chest, and the life force slowly poured into You Xu's body. It was visible to the naked eye that You Xu's cheeks were saturated, and his complexion began to rise. Ruddy colors. After a quarter of an hour, Pan Chen let go, and at that time, You Xu looked like a strong man in his forties or forties, and his breath was strong. He knelt on the ground, thankless, Pan Chen smiled and said, "No need to thank, In the future, you will be the elder of the Qingyue Temple. Do your best for Tianyuezong. "

Pan Chen looked at the Tianyue Zongzong Gate, which had been built behind him, with a faint smile on his face. He has been working alone for many years, but now he has established his own sect and accepted his teachings. Now he is also a master-level figure in this Eastern Territory.

More than half a month has passed. With the help of the royal family of Haoran, Tianyuezong has been built. Tianyuezong is built on the top of Qingyu Mountain outside the imperial city and on the three peaks of Qingyu Mountain. The main peak, Qingyu Peak, sees the sky The Moon Hall is surrounded by four lofts, namely the Lingyue Pavilion in which Pan Chen lives, the Qing Ting Pavilion in which the elder Ruofeng lives, the Dark Moon Pavilion in which the Elder Dark Moon Hall lives, and the Qing Yue Pavilion in which the Great Elder Qing Moon Hall lives. . The two companion peaks, Bingyufeng is built with Qingyue Hall, Elder Qingyuan and 1,300 disciples rooms, and Moyufeng is built with Darkmoon Hall, Elder Jingyuan and 999 disciples rooms.

Pan Chen was already standing at the highest place of Qingyu Peak, looking down at the main peak and the two companion peaks. Huang Chen and You Xu stood behind him, but Pan Chen could n’t help but sigh and said, “Now that I have reached such a level, I ’ve only fumbled To the beginning of cultivation, "Pan Chen turned to Huang Chen and You Xu and said," Although Ruofu is only Yuanying's perfect practice, he is excellent in management and behavior, and his talent is not bad. In the future, you have to help him well. "Pan Chen said while looking at the Tianyue Temple below. He thought for a moment and said," I want to leave the eastern continent, maybe it will take years or decades, you have to take care of it. Everything. "Pan Chen said with a sad look on his face. Huang Chen and You Xu both nodded. Pan Chen took out the secret cheats from his arms and said," I have nothing good, This hallucination is the easiest way to exert strength. In the future, all disciples will have to practice. I will find some good exercises before leaving. When I do n’t find a better way to practice, let the disciples follow the spirit. Let's start the practice. "Pan Chen said, but he jumped. The magic island left in the direction. Huang Chen and You Xu exchanged a few words, and then went back to their respective companions, explaining what needs to be done

It took Pan Chen a day to arrive at Shenbing Island. As usual, he went to Shenjianfeng first.

Today's Qingtian Dao is no longer as usual with more than 100 disciples, because Pan Chen is the elder of Qingtian Dao. Many teenagers came to Shenbing Island from the rest of the mainland to worship the Qingtian Dao Sect. Pan Chen was on the God Sword Peak, but many disciples followed behind. Those new disciples who did not know the identity of Pan Chen also knew the identity of Pan Chen under the introduction of the old disciples. They were crowded into the crowd behind Pan Chen. See you Seeing this legendary Taishang elder. ..

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