The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1652: The devoted elder elder? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Halfway through the auction, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and Pan Chen said inward. The door opened, but an old man came in. The old man's face was full of smiles, but he was pulling a red cloth in his hand, and there seemed to be something wrapped inside. "The son is Qingtian Dao's newly enshrined elder?" The old man asked, but Pan Chen smiled and said: "Is there any fake?" Speaking of breathing out, the old man really stepped back after a shock. Step by step, Pan Chen smiled but got up to help the old man. The old man stood still and said, "Dare to ask your son's surname?" Pan Chen smiled and said: "There is no surname, it is necessary to say that the surname is Yuan. My name is Pan Chen, and the old man calls my name. "The old man heard and took a step forward, but he handed the red cloth in his hand to Pan Chen. When Pan Chen opened it, it was a fruit whose branches and leaves were already Withered, but the fruit is as bright as a blood refining fruit. Bai Lingling on the side saw the fruit but stood up excitedly and walked forward in two steps. "This is a **** fruit?" Pan Chen asked. The old man nodded and replied: "This auction has two blood-refining fruits. After learning that Pan Chen's son is looking for this, the old man deliberately chose the best one. "I was talking about stuffing the fruit into Pan Chen's hands. Pan Chen was not as excited as Bai Lingling, but he asked," Is there anything to help the old man? "But he looked at the old man. The old man nodded, but his face was sad. "I am the owner of this treasure workshop, named Yun Xianhe. The old man has an only son. He does n’t try his best to go to the Southern Territory, but he was caught by Hailing Gate in the Southern Territory. Now that Hailing Gate wants the old man to take this treasure. Only half of Fang's income was willing to release the dog. This treasure workshop is the life of the old man. They are like the life of the old man. "He said that he was kneeling on the ground, and Pan Chen quickly raised the old man and said: "It seems that the old man is not as extraordinary as the name, do you want me to go to Hailingmen to save people?" But he frowned, and then Yun Xianhe said for a moment in silence: "If Mr. Pan Chen thinks that Zhulie bloodweed is not enough, we can discuss. "But after a sigh, Pan Chen smiled and said:" The old gentleman is more worried, now I continue this bloodweed, you just sent it to me, How can I still find the old gentleman to get property in this kind of friendship, but I have some enmity with the Hailing Gate, I am afraid that I will not be so easy to rescue your son, I do n’t know how many masters there are in the Hailing Gate? "Pan Chen He said that Yun Xianhe's face stretched slightly, and said, "The Hailing Gate Yun is not profound. They built the gate for more than two hundred years. Gatekeeper Cai Gaofeng should now be half-footed into Huashen, and the five elders are all in infancy. Pan Chen said with a smile: "That is to say that they still have two elders who are infants, and a sect master of a deified god. It's easy to say that I will go to the Southern Region in a few days. First go to the Hailing Gate to rescue your son. "Pan Chen made the words clear, so he handed the **** fruits to Bai Lingling's hands.

Looking at the decadent figure of the old man walking out of the room, Pan Chen sneered and said, "Hai Lingmen? It seems that you are going to help me practice the demon spirit, and your southern territory is destroyed by your hands." But holding Bai Lingling's face was full of tenderness. "The fierce blood grass has been obtained, let's go." Pan Chen took Bai Lingling's hand and walked out of the Treasure Square.

Returning to Qingtiandao, Pan Chen looked at Bai Lingling's fierce blood grass, and suddenly Bai Lingling's face appeared uncomfortable, but Pan Chen was sitting quietly outside the door to protect her, Bai Lingling's room Was there a roar of pain, and there was a tiger roar from time to time, and the disciples of Qingtian Dao who had passed by from time to time looked at it, but they saw Pan Chen at the door, but they did not dare to stay more. Bai Lingling's cry of pain continued until the next day at dawn, and when he heard that there was no sound in the room, Pan Chen pushed away the room, but saw a naked woman with a slightly flushed woman lying on the bed. After falling asleep, this woman must be Bai Lingling after blood change. Pan Chen couldn't help but seeing the sight in front of him, he walked to the bed and pulled up a quilt to cover Bai Lingling's naked body, but couldn't help but watch Bai Lingling's flushed face twice. Pan Chen was sitting by the bed, looking at the sleeping Bai Lingling, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. Bai Lingling didn't wake up until noon. He looked at Pan Chen around him and sat up. It was to pull the quilt over his chest, Pan Chen smiled, but Bai Lingling pursed his mouth, and gave Pan Chen a glance, but he lowered his head and whispered, "You saw everything?" Pan Chen froze. Suddenly, he nodded, but Bai Lingling looked shy, and said, "Look and see, and don't go find me a suit yet? Do you want me to go out like this?" Pan Chen was blushing at this moment. , Glanced at Bai Lingling and walked out of the room, and quickly took a set of clothes into the room, Pan Chen put the clothes on the bedside, but stood and looked at Bai Lingling, Bai Lingling asked: "Look What? "Pan Chen smiled and said," You are so beautiful. "He walked out of the room and closed the door gently. Bai Lingling was busy for a while, and opened the door and came out. At this time, Bai Lingling was like a slim girl, almost as tall as Pan Chen, wearing that white body The long dress, dressed in a white light shirt, the slender body is concave and convex, a delicate and perfect face reveals a cold and proud. Pan Chen looked at Bai Lingling strangely and was silent for a moment, but Bai Lingling pouted his mouth and said, "I'm not used to it." Pan Chen smiled and said, "Sister Lingling, why is it so beautiful today?" Bai Lingling was upset and said, "Isn't it good-looking before? You guys are all the same." But there was a blush.

When Pan Chen saw Bai Lingling's expression, she gently embraced Bai Lingling in her arms. Bai Lingling also gently leaned her head on Pan Chen's shoulder, and her long hair was hanging like Pan water on Pan Chen. Pan Chen sniffed Bai Lingling's hair softly and asked a slight body fragrance, but his hands held Bai Lingling tighter. A mess of footsteps came, but a few disciples of Qingtian Dao passed by. Looking at Bai Lingling today, he said in his mouth, "Mrs. Tai is so beautiful." But Bai Lingling heard them snorting, those disciples They all ran away with a smile. Pan Chen gently said in Bai Lingling's ear: "They are telling the truth, why are you still unhappy?" He said, holding Bai Lingling's hand, wandering around Qing Tian Dao, and Qing Tian Dao disciples saw Bai now Lingling couldn't help but stand on his feet and couldn't stop admiring.

Pan Chen and Bai Lingling still lived in the previous room, but Pan Chen was rushed to the floor of the room by Bai Lingling. Bai Lingling now enters the hematological period, her posture is very different from before, and she no longer squeezes in a bed with Pan Chen as before. Pan Chen didn't say anything. He knew what Bai Lingling had in mind, but he sat on the ground and practiced.

Bai Lingling's soft breath on the bed stopped in Pan Chen's ear. Was Pan Chen looking at Bai Lingling lying on the boat? Lingling's exquisite face really has no intention to cultivate. Pan Chen stood up, took a deep breath, and walked out of the room gently, indeed sitting on the deck watching the twinkling stars and the white moon. Where Bai Lingling really slept, she heard Pan Chen's footsteps out of the room also got up, and through the window, seeing Pan Chen's lonely figure, she also slowly walked out of the room. ..

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