The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1633: Popularization [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

These three stages correspond to ordinary soldiers, earth soldiers, and sky soldiers in sequence.

From the perspective of the way out in the future, the warrior profession is more popular, but the employment situation is very good. Even if it is unable to break through the fourth level, the strong ordinary soldiers are not worried about their jobs; and for those who choose the magician profession, they break through the fourth level Being a manipulator is a crucial thing.

The magician of the observer level is a child who has no father and mother, because the magic range below the third level is too small to fight small-scale battles. Among the same level, the warrior is more reliable than the magician. Much-but the cost of supporting a third-level warrior is far less than supporting a third-level magician.

Because the magician wants to break through, in addition to talent and diligence, he also needs huge gold coins to purchase materials, spars, and other items to support cultivation. This is a money-burning profession.

"Forget it, don't think about this thing." Pan Chen has a good habit. Never think about uncertain things in the future. Just do it now.

At the gate of the college, a girl in a foreign dress has been waiting for a long time.

"Good afternoon, classmate Pan Chen." The girl greeted politely.

"Hello, Vanessa." Pan Chen was a little guilty, he thought, but fortunately the love letter was not thrown away.

Vanessa is indeed a little beauty embryo as Tuge said. Her eyes are big, her eyelashes are very long, and she blinks like two small fans.

What Turger didn't say is that besides the buttocks, Vanessa's buttocks had already taken shape, and the girl's dress was bold and clever. Her snow-white low-cut dress was tight and tight, highlighting her proud body. come out.

Vanessa is the niece of the mayor of Lorraine. She was not originally from the Lorraine Enlightenment Academy, but was studying in a noble school in Panshiling.

In the fifth grade, Vanessa came to the Mayor's Uncle's house to play, and went to the Enlightenment Academy in Lorraine Town. I don't know why, Vanessa did not want to continue studying at the Noble College, but chose to transfer to complete the first stage of study at the Enlightenment College in Lowland Town.

Anyway, as far as Vanessa is concerned, as long as she is based on her family background, she can be promoted to any rock college, or even any higher college in the empire, regardless of which primary enlightenment college she attended.

The hot summer is coming, and the weather in June is always so hot.

What really made Pan Chen feel sultry was Vanessa, the girl in a dress walking next to her.

In order not to appear too rude, Pan Chen had to slow down his own pace so that the little beauty could keep up.

"Pan Chen, I asked the note given to you by Tu Tu, do you know if you saw it?" Vanessa fluttered her eyes and generously referred to the topic that made ordinary girls shy.

Pan Chen recovered his mood, ah.

"That's good," Vanessa showed a very happy look: "I think, the note I gave you, won't you give it back to me like you treat Anlin?"

Pan Chen was silent for a second, and from the words of Vanessa, he felt the girl's strong self-confidence.

A second later, Pan Chen gave a sound and agreed. He was really too inattentive last time, and he should be more euphemistic if he refuses.

"Hehe." Vanessa gave a charming smile, and her white teeth came out. She started chatting with Pan Chen one after another. ..

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