The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1454: Eliminate Aojin's concerns

After Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara told Aojin about the Northern Guizhou Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan and the forces of the Three Realms, Aojin was a little worried.

Aojin worried about the secret alliance between the Sihai Dragon Palace and the mutant monster clan of Beiju Luzhou, and he might offend the forces of the Three Realms. What is the consequence of offending the forces of the Three Realms, Aojin is very clear.

If the current Four Seas Dragon Palace offends the major forces of the Three Realms, then the Four Seas Dragon Palace can only be slowly swallowed by the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

Ao Jin's worry, Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin are very clear. After all, it can be seen from the expression of Ao Jin. For the worry of Aojin, Tai Bai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin have long thought of the statement.

If Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara do not think well, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara will not tell Aojin about the situation between the Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan and the major forces of the Three Realms.

"Aojin, although the major forces of the Three Realms have an insolvable conflict with the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan, but the major forces of the Three Realms now have no energy to deal with the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan.

In other words, the major forces of the Three Realms have never thought of destroying and attacking the Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan, because the major forces of the Three Realms now need to deal with the world.

The most important thing for the Three Realms now is to deal with the World Tribulation. The three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance are not thinking about how to deal with the World Tribulation? "Taibai Jinxing smiled and looked at Aojin, then said slowly to Aojin."

"Ao Jin, Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan secretly formed an alliance, and you can resist the three forces of Ziyang Mountain Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance against your Sihai Dragon Palace.

In addition, the Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan can also share some of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Union Alliance for your Sihai Dragon Palace to suppress the joint efforts of your Sihai Dragon Palace.

In the matter of the Earth Immortal Realm, the forces of the Three Realms have no way to intervene, because the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Consortium will not let the forces of the Three Realms intervene in the Earth Immortal World.

Of course, the major forces of the Three Realms do not want to provoke the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance at this time.

After all, the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the major forces in the Three Realms have some understanding.

So you don't need to worry about the Four Seas Dragon Palace, will your Four Seas Dragon Palace offend the forces of the Three Realms, even if your Four Seas Dragon Palace offends the forces of the Three Realms.

There is no way for the major forces in the Three Realms to destroy or attack your four-sea dragon palace, because your four-sea dragon palace is a demon clan power, and it is also a demon clan power.

Although the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and South Union Ministry are jointly suppressing your four-sea dragon palace, the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and South Union Ministry are also the top forces of the demon tribe. Therefore, the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Consortium will definitely safeguard the demon clan, and will also safeguard your four-sea dragon palace.

I can guarantee this. After all, Taibaijinxing and I know the styles of the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and South Union Alliance. "Guan Shiyin thought about Taibai Jinxing, and then said to Aojin."

After hearing the words of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara, Aojin thought about it. Aojin also understood the style of action of the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

In fact, not only Aojin understands, the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, as well as the kings and demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, understand the behavior styles of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuzhou Alliance.

"Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, I never worried that after our Four Seas Dragon Palace offended the major forces of the Three Realms, the forces of the Three Realms would attack or destroy our Four Seas Dragon Palace.

What I worry about is that after our Four Seas Dragon Palace offends the forces of the Three Realms, the forces of the Three Realms will join forces to suppress our Four Seas Dragon Palace, so that our Four Seas Dragon Palace will be in a difficult situation in the Three Realms. Aojin thought for a while, then said to Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin.

Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin smiled when they heard Ao Jin, then Tai Bai Jin Xing and Guan Shi Yin looked at each other, and finally Tai Bai Jin Xing said to Ao Jin.

"Ao Jin, I can tell you boldly, even if your Four Seas Dragon Palace really offends the forces of the Three Realms, the forces of the Three Realms will not join forces to suppress your Four Seas Dragon Palace.

Because as long as our Heavenly Court and Lingshan are not prepared to suppress your Four Seas Dragon Palace, then the major forces of the Three Realms dare not join forces to suppress your Four Seas Dragon Palace. "

"Ao Jin, you don't need to worry about the three major forces. You don't need to worry about your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan secretly forming an alliance. Will your Sihai Dragon Palace offend the major forces of the Three Realms.

Even if your Four Seas Dragon Palace really offends the forces of the Three Realms, the Powers of the Three Realms can't deal with your Four Seas Dragon Palace.

If the major forces of the Three Realms want to attack or destroy your four-sea dragon palace, will the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance have no action?

Since the three forces of the Ziyang Qunshan, Tianshi Alliance, and Nanzhengzhou Alliance are the top powers of the demon tribe, the three forces of the Ziyang Qunshan Demonland, Tianshi Alliance, and Nanyunbuzhou Alliance will definitely protect the demon and protect you. Four Dragons Palace.

If the tripartite forces of Ziyang Qunshan, Tianshi Alliance, and Nanxun Union did not protect you from the Four Seas Dragon Palace, then you said that the tripartite forces of Ziyang Qunshan, Tiens League, and Nanxun Union are the top forces of the demon race? ?

The major forces of the demon clan, the demon clan will also recognize the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance as the top forces of the demon clan?

As for whether the major forces of the Three Realms will jointly suppress your Four Seas Dragon Palace, you don't need to worry any more, as long as our Lingshan and Heavenly Court do not suppress your Four Seas Dragon Palace.

The major forces of the Three Realms dare not join forces to suppress your four-sea dragon palace. This point, I and Taibaijinxing can assure you that the major forces of the Three Realms do not dare not care about our attitudes of Lingshan and Heavenly Court. "Guan Shiyin nodded when he heard Taibai Jinxing's words, then looked at Aojin, and said to Aojin with a smile on his face ..

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