The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1452: Aojin's proposal continued

"Aojin, you can indeed reach some agreements with the other forces of the Three Realms, and I believe that you can reach some agreements with the other forces of the Three Realms. The three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens League, and the South Union Ministry are not Will care.

However, the major forces of the Three Realms will not offend the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance for your four-sea dragon palace.

Your four sea dragon palaces have provoked the tribal forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Consortium in terms of their status as demon clan. The major forces of the Three Realms are also aware of this.

Therefore, the major forces of the Three Realms will not intervene in the relationship between the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tianshi Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and your four-sea dragon palace. "Taibai Jinxing looked at Aojin for a moment and then said slowly to Aojin."

"Ao Jin, your four sea dragon palaces have provoked the tribal forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuebeizhou Alliance in the status of the demon clan. They have offended some forces of the Three Realms.

After all, the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance have become the top forces of the demon clan, and all major forces in the three realms are recognized.

Your four-sea dragon palace provokes the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyun Tribe Alliance in the status of the demon tribe. They do not recognize the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyun Tribe Alliance as the top forces of the demon tribe. thing.

Your Four Seas Dragon Palace is denying that the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyubuzhou Alliance have become the top powers of the demon race, and it is also denying the recognition of the major forces of the Three Realms.

The major forces of the Three Realms have been somewhat dissatisfied with your Four Sea Dragon Palace, especially you, the four people of Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong. After all, the forces of the Three Realms know that the current Four Sea Dragon Palace is you, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, Ao Qinglong four people are managing.

At this time, the major forces of the Three Realms will not reach any agreement with your Four Seas Dragon Palace, nor will they offend the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the South Confederation of Unions for your Four Seas Dragon Palace. "Guan Shiyin thought about Taibai Jinxing's words, and then said slowly to Aojin."

Aojin frowned after hearing the words of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara, because Aojin did n’t expect the four-sea dragon palace to provoke the status of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyubuzhou Alliance in the demon clan. The great forces are dissatisfied with the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

In fact, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are lying. Although the major forces of the Three Realms have recognized it, the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance have become the top forces of the demon clan.

However, the major forces of the Three Realms simply do not care whether there are demon clan forces to provoke the status of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Federation.

The major forces in the Three Realms can't wait for the demon forces to provoke the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tianshi Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance in the status of the demon!

Because the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance has been increasing, this has caused the major forces of the Three Realms to worry.

Therefore, the major forces of the Three Realms are very happy to hear that the Four Seas Dragon Palace provoked the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance in the status of the demon. The major forces of the Three Realms are not dissatisfied with the Four Seas Dragon Palace at all. On the contrary, the major forces of the Three Realms still have some good feelings for the Four Seas Dragon Palace, especially the four members of Aojin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong .

Because the major forces of the Three Realms know that the Four Seas Dragon Palace provoked the demon kingdoms of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tianshi Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance in the status of the demon tribes, which were planned by the Aojin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong.

Of course, these proud golds, as well as the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, don't know, and Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara also said right, that is, the major forces of the Three Realms will not reach any agreement with the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

Although the major forces of the Three Realms have some good feelings for the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the major forces of the Three Realms will not offend the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Federation for the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. .

After all, the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the major forces of the Three Realms still understand some.

When talking about the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuebeizhou Alliance, the three forces have become the top forces of the demon clan, and the major forces in the three realms are also recognized.

The forces of the Three Realms all care about their faces very much. Since the forces of the Three Realms recognized the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuebeizhou Alliance, the three forces have become the top forces of the Demon Race.

Then the great forces of the Three Realms will not provoke the status of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance in the demon race.

The great forces of the Three Realms will not support the demon forces that provoke the tribal forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance in the demon race.

The major forces of the Three Realms do not care about the situation of the Earth Immortal Realm and the situation in the North Sea. Although the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance have been increasing their strength, the major forces of the Three Realms are somewhat worried.

But the major forces of the Three Realms will not be worried about the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance have been increasing their strength, and secretly doing small actions.

Because the major forces of the Three Realms do small moves in the dark, if these small moves are discovered by the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Federation.

Then the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanzhengzhou Alliance have excuses to attack the major forces of the Three Realms. What is the background behind the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and the Nanzhengzhou Alliance? The major forces in the Three Realms are very clear.

Aojin thought carefully for a while, and then looked at Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara. Since the Four Seas Dragon Palace could not ally with the forces of the Three Realms, the Four Seas Dragon Palace could not reach any agreement with the forces of the Three Realms.

So, can the mutant demon clan of Beiju Luzhou be able to form alliances with the forces of the Three Realms? Can the mutant demon clan of Beiju Luzhou reach some agreement with the forces of the Three Realms?

After all, the mutant demon of Beijuluzhou is not a demon clan force, and the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Consortium ca n’t manage the alliance between the demon clan of Beijuluzhou and other forces!

The Four Seas Dragon Palace is ready to secretly align with the Mutant Monster Clan of Beiju Luzhou, so are the allies of the Mutant Monster Clan in Beiju Luzhou also the allies of the Four Sea Dragon Palace? ..

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