The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1449: The importance of the background

"Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, I understand your scruples. You need to scrutinize the attitude of Tianting and Lingshan. You also need to scrutinize the attitudes of the tripartite forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Federation.

But our mutant monsters in the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou want to drag the footsteps of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance.

Then our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou mutant monsters need to increase their strength, or that our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou mutant monsters also need some allies.

Only our Sihailonggong and Beijuluzhou's mutant demon increased their strength, and only our Sihailonggong and Beijuluzhou's mutant demon allied more power.

Only the mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou could drag the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance into the North Sea. Aojin thought for a while, then said to Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin.

Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara thought for a while after hearing Aojin's words, and then Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara looked at each other. Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara knew the meaning of Aojin and understood Aojin's idea.

However, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara have their own considerations. Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara do not want to allow the Sikai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou's mutant monsters to form more forces.

Because if the Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou's mutant demon clan form more forces, then Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara have no way to control the Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou's mutant demon clan.

Of course, now Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara have no way to control the mutated demon races in Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou, but now Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara can affect the mutated demon races in Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou.

After all, the mutant monsters of the current Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou need to win over and please Taibaijinxing and Guanshiyin, as well as the help of Taibaijinxing and Guanshiyin.

The mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou face more than the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance.

The mutant deities of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou faced the kings and demon sages of the major forces of the demon, as well as some other forces in the Beihai waters.

Although the Dixian Realm has been ruled by the demon clan, and the Beihai waters have been ruled by the demon clan, there are still some other forces in the Dixian Realm and the Beihai waters.

The strength of these forces is not very strong, and these forces are not the forces of the demon clan. Behind these forces are the great forces of the Three Realms.

Therefore, the mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou need Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara to help the mutant monsters of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beijuluzhou against the kings and demon saints of the major forces of the Yao nationality, as well as some other forces in the North Sea area.

This is also the place where the mutant deities of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou need the help of Taibaijinxing and Guanshiyin. Although Taibaijinxing and Guanshiyin do not dare to offend the forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

However, Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara dare to offend the kings and demon lords of the major forces of the demon clan, as well as some other forces in the North Sea area.

The kings and demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, as well as some other forces in the North Sea area, also care about Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara. After all, Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara represent Heavenly Court and Lingshan.

Tianting and Lingshan are the great forces of the Three Realms. They are saying that the prestige of Tianting and Lingshan are also high in the Three Realms. The kings and demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan and some other forces in the North Sea area dare not offend Tianting and Lingshan.

Of course, the situation of Tianting and Lingshan is also known to the kings and demon saints of the major forces of the demon clan, but the kings and demon saints of the major forces of the demon clan still dare not offend Tianting and Lingshan.

The reason why the three forces of Ziyang Qunshan, Tianshi Alliance, Nanxun Buzhou Alliance dare not care about the attitudes of Tianting and Lingshan, on the one hand is the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, Tiens Union, Nanxun Chau Union.

On the other hand, the three forces of Ziyang Qunshan, Tianshi Alliance, and South Union Ministry have backstage, while the backstage of Ziyang Qunshan, Tianshi Union, and Nanyun Prefecture Alliance, the heaven and the Lingshan will also be afraid. , Because the trio of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and South Union Alliance are the saints.

What is the background of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tianshi Alliance, and South Union Ministry, Tianting and Lingshan also know, so Tianting and Lingshan are not willing to easily provoke the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tianshi Alliance, South Yabuzhou Alliance tripartite forces.

Of course, if the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the South Union Alliance provoke Tianting and Lingshan, Tianting and Lingshan will also act. After all, Tianting and Lingshan also have backstage.

It has to be said that some of the major forces in the Three Realms are more or less behind the shadows of saints. Although the saints ignore the affairs of the Three Realms, the saints have a great influence on the affairs of the Three Realms.

Of course, the current demon clan demon, and all major forces of the demon clan do not know the three sacred forces behind the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Consortium.

The old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace didn't know it either, and Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara didn't know, but Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara already had some conjectures. After all, Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara had some influence in Tianting and Lingshan.

Precisely because Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara have some conjectures, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are not willing to offend the triad forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Federation.

Of course, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara also understand the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanxunzhouzhou Alliance. In the North Sea area, no one dares to provoke the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, South The tripartite forces of the Union of Chau Chau.

Why can the three forces of Ziyang Mountain Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance become the top powers of the demon in just a hundred years.

On the one hand, it is because of the strength of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and South Union Ministry. On the other hand, it is because of the backstage behind the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and South Union Ministry.

Of course, the most important thing is because the backstage behind the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance want to become the top power of the demon clan, not only to allow the demon clan ’s major forces to recognize it, It also needs to be recognized by the major forces of the Three Realms.

The three forces of Ziyang Mountain Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuebeizhou Alliance are the top forces of the demon clan recognized by the major forces of the demon clan and the major forces of the three realms.

Why the Four Seas Dragon Palace can not become the top power of the demon clan, because the major forces of the Three Realms do not recognize it, this is also because the Four Seas Dragon Palace has no backstage. ..

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