The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1433: Aojin's mind

"Ao Jin, you are a secret alliance between the Sihai Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan. You can personally contact the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan.

Me and Avalokitesvara will not intervene. You can rest assured that even if I want to intervene with Avalokitesvara, will the mutant monsters of your Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou let me and Avalokitesvara intervene?

I believe that your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan will not let me and Guan Shiyin intervene in your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan's secret alliance.

So you do n’t have to worry about Guan Shiyin and I will intervene in your secret alliance between the Sihai Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Race.

Although Guan Shiyin and I will not intervene in the secret alliance of your Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan, but Guan Shiyin and I want to discuss some things in private with you, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong. "Taibai Jinxing thought for a while, then said slowly to Aojin.

"Ao Jin, Tai Bai Jin Xing said well, I think I, Tai Bai Jin Xing, you, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, Ao Qinglong, the few of us should discuss something in private.

For example: Taibai Jinxing and I want to reach an agreement with your Sihai Dragon Palace against the demon small forces and small groups, and Taibai Jinxing and you want to reach an agreement with your Sihai Dragon Palace on the situation in the North Sea, and ...

In short, after the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance Banquet at the Four Seas Dragon Palace and me, Taibaijinxing and I would like to discuss some things with you Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong in private. "Guan Shi Yin nodded when he heard Taibai Jinxing's words, and then said to Aojin."

Aojin frowned after hearing the words of Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara, because the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace didn't even want to reach an agreement with Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin against the demon clan forces and small ethnic groups.

If the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Taibaijinxing, Guan Shiyin reached an agreement on the small forces and small groups of demon clan, then the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace need to bear a lot of risk.

Because the agreement against the small forces and small groups of demon clan is to let Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara to annex some small forces and small clan groups.

If this agreement is made known to the three forces of Ziyang Mountain Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the kings and demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan.

Then the prestige of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Demon Clan will be greatly reduced, and the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, the Nanyuzhou Continent Alliance, and the kings and demon sages of the major forces of the Demon Clan will definitely suppress the Four Seas Dragon Palace more. .

When will the situation of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Demon Race be even worse, and the demon clan will also think that the Four Seas Dragon Palace has betrayed the Demon Race.

After all, the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara reached an agreement against the small forces and small ethnic groups of the demon clan. To a certain extent, it is that the Four Seas Dragon Palace betrayed the monster clan.

Having said that, the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara reached an agreement against the demon small forces and small ethnic groups, which will do no good to the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

However, Aojin cannot refuse the agreement proposed by Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara. After all, the Four Seas Dragon Palace needs to draw Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara. The Four Seas Dragon Palace draws Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara from the hope that Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara will help the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

The old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace know that Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara will not help the Four Seas Dragon Palace. They are saying that Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are already afraid of the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tianshi Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance.

Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara will not offend the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, Nanyuezhou Alliance for the purpose of the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

The Four Seas Dragon Palace to win Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara is to calculate Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara, and then use Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara to calculate the three forces of Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, South Abu Chau Union.

The Four Seas Dragon Palace calculates the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the plans of Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara, and the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace negotiated for a long time.

And as long as the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace successfully calculated the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, Nanyuezhou Alliance, Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara.

Then the situation of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Demon Clan will be greatly changed, so that the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace do not need to secretly align with the Beijuluzhou mutant monsters, and the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace do not need to please the Ziyang Group. The three forces of Mountain Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Consortium are now.

Of course, all of these are the thoughts of the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. In fact, the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace have no way to count the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance.

Because the news of the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace is too ill-informed, many of the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace do not know, but the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuebuzhou Alliance know.

"Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, the agreement against the small forces and small ethnic groups of the demon race, the agreement on the situation in the North Sea area ... We need to discuss and discuss these agreements.

After the establishment of the Four Seas Dragon Alliance Banquet at our Four Seas Dragon Palace, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and Ao Qinglong will discuss with you. Aojin thought carefully for a while, then said to Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin.

Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara heard each other's words and looked at each other. Then Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara smiled. Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara thought they and others had persuaded Aojin.

In fact, Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin did not convince Aojin at all. The reason why Aojin said this is because Aojin knew that the three Snow Wolf Kings, the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint also wanted to compete with Aojin, Auring, Ao Jiao, Ao Qinglong discussed privately.

The Snow Wolf King, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, and Purple Tiger Demon Saint will also look for Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qing Long after the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance Banquet in the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

In this way, the Snow Wolf King, the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saints will look for Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong together with Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara.

Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong will also receive the Snow Wolf King, Jiuling Yuansheng, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara.

As long as there are the Snow Wolf King, the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saints, then Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara dare not propose any agreement against the demon clan's small forces and small clan groups.

If Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara dare to present the agreement against the small forces and small groups of the demon clan in front of the three of Snow Wolf King, Jiuling Yuansheng and Purple Tiger Demon Saint, then Snow Wolf King, Jiuling Yuansheng and Purple Tiger Demon Saint The three will definitely object. ..

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