The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1305: After the conversation between the old dragons and the Big Three

"Ao Ling, our tributary forces of the South Confederation of Chau, Tiens Alliance, and Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom care about our tributary forces of the Southern Confederation of the Chaozhou, Tiens Alliance, Ziyang Mountains of the Demon Kingdom in the face and prestige of the demon.

If you pay some price, you can provoke the status of the three forces of the Nanyuezhou Alliance, the Tiens Alliance, and the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom.

So do the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon still care about the attitudes of the three forces of the Nanyuezhou Alliance, the Tiens Alliance, and the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom? "Zihu Yaosheng said, looking at Ao Ling with a somber face.

"Snow Wolf King, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, our Four Seas Dragon Palace is not a demon small force, our Four Seas Dragon Palace is a demon big force.

And our Four Seas Dragon Palace has four demon clan monsters. Our Four Seas Dragon Clan demon clan is much stronger than the general demon clan power. Our Four Seas Dragon Clan and other demon clan powers are different.

I can say aloud that in addition to the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the Tiens Alliance, our Four Seas Dragon Palace is the most powerful force of the demon clan.

Therefore, our Four Seas Dragon Palace provokes you from the Ziyang Mountains, the Demon Kingdom, the South Union Tribe, and the Tiens Alliance. The three forces can pay some price. After all, our Four Seas Dragon Palace is different from other demon forces.

I believe this matter will not affect the face and prestige of the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the South Confederation of Unions, and the Tiens Alliance. "Ao Ling thought about it after hearing the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and then said to Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and Jiuling Yuansheng Three."

Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiuling Yuansheng three heard Ao Ling sneered, then Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiuling Yuan Sheng three looked at each other, and finally Pan Chen said to Ao Ling.

"Ao Ling, your four-sea dragon palace looks the same to other demon clan powers in our Ziyang Qunshan demon kingdom, so our Ziyang Qunshan demon kingdom does not accept the price paid by your four-sea dragon palace.

We have no shortage of materials in the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom. I have all the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdoms that you have in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and I have the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdoms that you do not have. "

"Ao Ling, your four-sea dragon palace looks the same as other demon clan forces in our Nanxunzhou alliance, so our Nanxuanzhou alliance does not accept the price paid by your four-sea dragon palace.

We are not short of supplies in the Southland Continent Union. Some of the Four Sea Dragon Palaces have all of the South Southland Continent Alliance. You do not have the Four Sea Dragon Palaces. I also have the South Southland Continent Alliance. "Purple Tiger Demon Saint smiled after hearing Pan Chen's words, and then said to Ao Ling.

"Ao Ling, your Four Seas Dragon Palace looks the same as other demon clan powers in our Tiens League, so our Tiens Union does not accept the price paid by your Four Seas Dragon Palace.

Our Tiens Alliance is not short of supplies. You and I have the Tiens Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. You also have the Tiens Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. After hearing the words of Pan Chen and Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng smiled and said to Ao Ling.

Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong heard the words of Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and Jiuling Yuansheng three, because Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong knew that this was Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng San. People are humiliating them. But Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong dare not get angry, because this is the banquet of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance. If Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong are angry, the banquet of the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Four Seas Alliance will also be held. Nope.

"Snow wolf king, purple tiger demon sage, nine spirit primordial sage, your Ziyang mountains demon kingdom, Nanyuebeizhou alliance, Tiens alliance three forces to suppress our four sea dragon palace, will not change things?

No matter how much the price of our Four Seas Dragon Palace is paid, the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Southern Union and the Tiens Alliance will still suppress our Four Seas Dragon Palace. "Ao Lingqiang endured his anger, and then said lightly to Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and Jiuling Yuansheng Three.

Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiuling Yuansheng three heard Ao Ling sneered, then Pan Chen, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiuling Yuan Sheng three looked at each other, and finally Pan Chen said to Ao Ling.

"Ao Ling, our Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Nanyue Chau Alliance, and the Tiens Alliance will join forces to suppress your four-sea dragon palace. No matter what your four-sea dragon palace is willing to pay, no matter how big your four-sea dragon palace is willing to pay Price. "

After hearing Pan Chen's words, Ao Ling frowned, then looked at the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng, and finally Ao Ling asked the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint.

"Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, do you Southern Union and Tiens Alliance mean the same thing, no matter what our Four Sea Dragon Palace is willing to pay, no matter how much our Four Sea Dragon Palace pays.

Do you Southern Union and Tiens Alliance still unite the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom to suppress our four-sea dragon palace? This will not change, right? "

"Ao Ling, what the Snow Wolf King said is what I mean by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, no matter what your Four Sea Dragon Palace is willing to pay, and no matter how much your Four Sea Dragon Palace is going to pay.

The three forces of the Southern Alliance of Southern Territories, the Tianshi Alliance, and the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom will work together to suppress your four-sea dragon palace. It will not change. "Tiger Tiger Demon Saint heard Ao Ling's words and thought about it, then said to Ao Ling.

"Ao Ling, what the Snow Wolf King said is also the meaning of my Nine Spirit Primal Saints, no matter what your Sihai Dragon Palace is willing to pay, and no matter how much your Sihai Dragon Palace is prepared to pay.

Our Tianshi Alliance, Nanyuezhou Consortium, and Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom will join forces to suppress your four-sea dragon palace. It will not change. After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng also talked to Ao Ling and said.

Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong looked at each other after hearing the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng. Ao Ling and Ao Qing Long received a message from the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng.

That is to say, in the case of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, and the Tiens Alliance, the three parties joined forces to suppress the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Pan Chen, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and the Nine Spirit Yuansheng Saints have an agreement.

Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong knew that as long as Pan Chen, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and the Nine Lingyuan Saints were in Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Nanyuezhou Alliance, and Tiens Alliance, the three parties joined forces to suppress the four-sea dragon palace.

Then there is no way for the Four Seas Dragon Palace to make a fuss about Pan Chen, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints in the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the South Confederation of Unions, and the Tiens Alliance.

At this moment Ao Ling and Ao Qinglong finally knew that they and others could not change the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Nanyuezhou Union, and Tiens Union together to suppress the Four Seas Dragon Palace. ..

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