The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1235: Solution to the problem

"King, I haven't found this problem before. I didn't know if I could solve this problem for a while, but Baiguxian had already discovered this problem and did some private investigation. I think I should listen to Baiguxian's solution first. Way. "Hu Huo thought for a while and then looked at Pan Chen and said.

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Pan Chen thought about it, and then said to Mrs. White Bone: "White Bone Immortal, please talk about your solution carefully!"

Mrs. White Bone nodded after hearing Pan Chen's words, then said to Pan Chen: "Master, I think the only way to solve this problem is to assign tasks, and assign tasks with no purpose.

In the past, the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolf, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, all commanded by us.

We have made the order very clear. They only need to execute it. We have already told them about the difficulty of the task and the things we will encounter.

But we did n’t guess that they would send us a letter to ask us when they met, so that over time, the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolf, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the mountains of Ziyang The demon king of the demon kingdom, the commander has some dependence,

So I think that the tasks we publish in the future are not necessary to be so detailed. We only need the results. As for the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolves, the twelve general managers of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big master of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains Demon King, oversee what they will do, we don't need to control. "

Pan Chen and Hu Huo thought for a while after hearing Mrs. Bone Bone, and Hu Huo said to Pan Chen: "Great King, Bai Bian Xian said very reasonable, but Bai Bian Xian also had some problems.

For example: we have no clear purpose for the six-eared macaques, holy sea kings, ghost kings, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains.

Then I am worried that the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolves, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, commanding them will not be able to complete the tasks we released, or they will complete 'S mission failed to meet our requirements. "

Pan Chen looked at Mrs. Bone Bone after hearing Hu Huo's words. Obviously, Pan Chen wanted Mrs. Bone to explain. After hearing Hu Huo's words, Mrs. Bian Bian said to Pan Chen.

"King, I think Hu Huo misunderstood. The task we published must have his purpose, and the purpose is very clear.

We will not release tasks without a purpose.

The six-eared macaque, the holy sea king, the king of the wolf, the twelve general managers of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, they must know the purpose of the mission.

As for the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the ghost wolf, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, how do they complete the tasks we released, we do n’t need to pay attention Now, we only look at the results. " Pan Chen thought about it after hearing Mrs. Bone Bone, and then asked Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, what do you think of this solution of Bone Bone Xian?"

Hu Huo thought about Pan Chen and then said to Pan Chen, "I do n’t agree with this solution of Bai Bian Xian, King, if we follow this solution of Bai Bian Xian, then our Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom must have What was lost.

In the past, why did we tell the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the ghost, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains and the Ziyang mountains The demon king of the demon kingdom, command them all!

Because this will allow the six-eared macaque, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolf, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, command them to reduce some losses.

But according to this solution of Bone Bone Immortal, when the six-ear macaques, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolf, the twelve directors of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, when they command them to perform tasks There will be great losses.

This is weakening the strength of our demon kingdom of Ziyang Mountains, and it is also weakening the power of our demon kingdom of Ziyang Mountains, so I do not agree with this solution of Baiguxian. "

"King, our demon clan is a race of weak flesh and strong food. Our demon soldier demon in Ziyang Gunshan demon country will have the best demon armor, the best practice skills, the best living conditions, the best ... ...and many more.

But the demon soldier demon of Ziyang Qunshan demon country will already depend on the king, so I think we need to do something.

As for Hu Huo ’s loss, our Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom is completely acceptable, as long as it can solve the dependence of our Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom. "Mrs. White Bone quickly said to Pan Chen after hearing Hu Huo's words."

Hu Huo frowned after hearing Mrs. Bone's words, and then said to Mrs. Bone: "White Bone Immortal, do you know how much of your demon soldiers and demon will be lost by Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom with your solution?"

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Mrs. Bone shook her head and said to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, the solution I don't know will cause us to lose as many demon soldiers and demon as Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, but I know these losses we Ziyang The mountains demon country can bear. "

Hu Huo said loudly after hearing Mrs. White Bone: "Bone Bone Immortal, how many tasks do we have every day in Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo, you should know that if you follow your method, then I will need to lose tens of millions in Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo a year Demon soldier demon, or more. "

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Mrs. Bone smiled at Hu Huo and said to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, you are alarming, we are targeting the six-eared macaque monkey, the king of the holy sea, the king of the wolf, and the twelve of the demon country The general manager, and the big demon king of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, command them all.

We do n’t have any monster soldiers against the Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom, so our Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom will never lose tens of millions of demon soldiers every year. In my opinion, at most one million demon soldiers will be lost every year. That's it. "

Hu Huo snorted coldly after hearing Mrs. White Bone's words, then said to Pan Chen: "King, if we follow Bai Bian Xian's solution, then every year our Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom may lose millions of demon soldiers, This is millions of monster soldiers! "

"King, this loss can be borne by the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom. Now our Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom's demon soldier demon will be close to 600 million. Accept. "Mrs. White Bone quickly said to Pan Chen after hearing Hu Huo's words. ..

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