The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1018: The invitation of the Nine Spirits

If the Alliance of Southern Confederates, Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, You Wolf Clan, Accumulated Mountain Demon State, Shituoling Demon State really reached an agreement with the mutant demon on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, what is the content of the agreement?

Will Golden Tiger, Venomous Dragon King, Six-Eared Macaque, You Wolf King, White Elephant, Zhu Dong, Macaque King, etc., use the mutant monsters on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou to consume the strength of the Tiens Alliance? All of this requires good thinking of the Holy Spirit of the Nine Spirits.

Bai Ze and Xueshi had left the deliberation hall after receiving the order of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng. The Nine Spirit Yuansheng opened his eyes after thinking for almost half an hour, and then shouted to the outside of the hall: "Come here!"

Following the words of Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, a team of demon kings came into the meeting hall. After entering the meeting hall, the team of demon kings gave a gift to Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, and then stood quietly at Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng Below.

After thinking for a while, Jiuling Yuansheng said to the demon king: "You go to the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Wolves family, accumulate the mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country station, and then put the six-eared macaque monkey, the ghost wolf King, macaque king, white elephant demon sage, four demon sages are invited, please remember to come. "

After hearing the words of Jiuling Yuansheng, the demon king said quickly: "Yes!" Then the demon king slowly withdrew from the hall of deliberation. After the demon king of the team withdrew from the hall of deliberation, Jiuling Yuansheng closed. His eyes began to think.

The base of the demon country of the Ziyang Mountains on the outermost periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

The six-eared macaque, Youlang Wang, Bai Xiang, Zhu Dong, and the macaque king, etc., returned to the Ziyang Mountains' demon country to discuss the matter at the party today.

The six-eared macaque, the king of the wolf, the white elephant, Zhu Dong, the king of the macaque, and others negotiated for more than an hour, and then the king of the wolf, the white elephant, Jinpeng, the king of the monkey, the king of Yu martial, and others prepared to return to their respective residences.

Just as the Wolves King, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Rhesus Monkey King, Yu Tawang and others were preparing to return to their respective residences, a demon king ran into the cave.

After running into the cave, the demon king first saluted the six-eared macaque, the king of the wolf, the white elephant, Zhu Dong, and the king of the monkey, and then said to the six-eared macaque.

"Six-Ear Guardianship, a team of demon kings came from the Tiens League. They said that the Nine Spirits Yuansheng invited you, You Wolf King, White Elephant Demon Saint, and Macaque King to go to the Tiens Union station."

The six-eared macaque, the ghost wolf king, the white elephant, Zhu Dong, and the macaque king were all stunned when they heard the demon king. Then the six-eared macaque waved at the demon king, and finally the six-eared macaque faced the demon. Wang said: "Go tell the demon king from the Tiens Alliance and let them wait for a quarter of an hour."

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the demon king quickly said, "Yes!" Then he was about to exit the cave mansion, and just as the monster king was about to exit the cave mansion, King Yu Ta suddenly asked the monster king: " Wait, do you know that this team of demon kings from Tiens League is under the command of the demon saint? "

The demon king froze after hearing the words of King Yu Tao, and then looked at the six-eared macaque. The six eared macaque saw the demon king looked at himself, so he said aloud, "Look what to see, King Yu Tae is asking you something What? Answer quickly. " After hearing the six-eared macaque, the demon king quickly said, "The King of Huiyu Tae, this demon king is the 'Nine Spirit Guards' of the Tiens League. I have seen them before, So I know that they are the 'Nine Spirit Guards' under the Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng and they are also the guards of the Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng.'

After hearing the demon king ’s words, the king of the marmoset nodded and said nothing. The six-eared macaque saw that the king of the marmoset did not speak, so he waved his hand at the monster king, and then the monster king left. Cave House.

After the demon king left the cave, the macaque king said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, your demon king in the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, is really powerful. Even our enquiry must see you first."

The six-eared macaque smiled after hearing the words of the macaque king, and then prepared to explain it to the macaque king. After all, the demon king's behavior had already made the king Yu Yun lose some face.

And just as the six-eared macaque was about to explain to the macaque king, the black bear suddenly said to the macaque king: "The macaque king, this is the rule of our demon kingdom of Ziyang mountains, our demon king and commander of the demon kingdom of Ziyang mountains, Only obey the orders of our king and the demon kingdom demon of Ziyang mountains. "

After hearing the black bear's words, the macaque king was going to say something, and just as the macaque king was about to speak, Zhu Dong suddenly said: "The macaque king, just that demon king is the guardian of the six-ear guardian.

Even if I and the black bear, the Baimu Taoist, and the white bear ask him questions, he will look at the six-ear protection first, and he will answer our questions only if he is sure of the six-ear protection. "

After hearing Zhu Dong ’s words, the macaque king smiled, then said to Zhu Dong: "Zhu Dong, you said that the demon king is the guardian of the six-eared guardianship. Only when he is confirmed by the six-eared macaque will he answer other people ’s questions. .

Then, if the Snow Wolf King asks the demon king a question, does the demon king also have to be affirmed by the six-eared macaque to answer the Snow Wolf king's question. "

The six-eared macaques, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, black bears, and white bears all changed their faces after hearing the words of the macaque king. After the king Yu Yun saw the six-eared macaques, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, black bears, and white bears After pulling the monkey king, he was ready to say something to the six-eared monkey.

And just as King Yu Tahong was about to say something to the six-eared macaque, the six-eared macaque suddenly said to the macaque king: "Macaque king, our Ziyang mountains demon country has many rules and strict rules.

I, Hu Huo, Bone Bone Immortal, and Saint Sea King have their own guards, and these guards only follow our orders, even our kings can't order me, Hu Huo, Bone Bone Immortal, Holy Sea King's guard.

So if the king of my family asks some questions about these guards, then these guards must get the approval of me, Hu Huo, Bianxian, and Shenghaiwang. "

King Yu You, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Macaque King, and Yu Tawang were all stunned when they heard the six-eared macaque, and then they did n’t say anything, because this was an internal matter in the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, they were Shouldn't ask and know.

A moment later, the king of the wolf faced the six-eared macaque, the white elephant, the macaque king, the king of Yu martial, Zhu Dong and others said: "You, the demon king of the Tiens League is still waiting for us, we only have a quarter of an hour.

So let's hurry to discuss, why should Jiuling Yuansheng send someone to invite me, six-eared macaque, white elephant, macaque king! "..

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