The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1011: Excuses for the demons to withdraw their troops

"Bai Ze, the demon king and commander of the major forces of the clan, withdrew their troops because of the false news from your Tianshi Alliance." The Dragon King looked at Bai Ze and said loudly.

Bai Ze smiled when he heard the words of the Dragon King, and then said to the Dragon King: "Why did the Dragon King, the demon king and commander of the various clan forces withdraw their troops, I believe everyone in the room knows it, so I won't say more. "

I ’ll talk about the sudden withdrawal of your South African Union, as far as I know, the mutant monsters in the northwest of the outer periphery of Beijuluzhou are similar to your South Asian Union ’s strength. I do n’t understand your South Asian Union. Why should we withdraw troops?

And I also heard that the Golden Tiger general manager met with the mutant monsters in the northwest of the north of Lujuzhou. After the Golden Tiger general manager met with the mutant monsters, your South Asian continent alliance withdrew. "

The Dragon King was somber after hearing Bai Ze's words, and then the Dragon King was ready to say something to Bai Ze, and just as the Dragon King was about to speak, Jin Hu suddenly said to Bai Ze.

"Bai Ze, are you suspicious of our motives for the withdrawal of troops from the Southern Union? Or do you still doubt what agreement we have reached with the Mutant Alliance?"

After hearing the words of Jinhu, Bai Ze said quickly: "Golden Tiger general manager, I didn't say that you have reached an agreement between the Southern Union and the Mutated Demon Clan, but you said it yourself."

After hearing Bai Ze's words, Jin Hu snorted coldly, and then said to Bai Ze: "Bai Ze, you are all demon clan demon, what do you mean by that, can't we hear it?"

Bai Ze didn't say anything after hearing Jin Hu's words, because Bai Ze had already achieved his goal, so Bai Ze was not prepared to speak.

Jin Hu saw Bai Ze did n’t speak, so he said to the monsters present, "You, I believe you all want to know why our South African Union Alliance will withdraw its troops. I will tell you now why our South African Union Alliance Will withdraw troops.

Although our Nanxunzhou Alliance controls more than 20 million demon soldiers and demon generals, most of them belong to the demon clan forces belonging to our Nanxunzhou Alliance demon clan forces and demon soldiers under the small ethnic group.

You believe that the strength of the demon clan, the strength of the demon soldier demon under the small clan group, I believe you all know, and the strength of the mutant demon clan on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. I believe you also know the strength.

The strength of the mutated demon clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou is comparable to the strength of the demon warrior demon under our demon clan force. The Yunbuzhou Alliance can't beat the mutant demon on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou.

If our Alliance of Southern Confederates must fight against the mutant monsters outside Luju, Beiju, then our Alliance of Confederate Southern Confederations will lose, and if our Alliance of Confederate Southern Confederates loses this war, what are the consequences? I believe you are also clear.

So we have a discussion within the South-Continent Alliance, and then we have decided to withdraw our troops, but will the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou let us withdraw our troops?

No, the mutant monster clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou will not let us withdraw our troops, so we have dispatched more than four million monster soldier demon from the Nanzhou Chau Alliance to block the mutant monster clan on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou.

These more than four million demon soldier demon will be demon soldier demon under the power of demon clan, they have sacrificed a lot in order to cover our Nanyuezhou alliance withdrawal.

As for why I will meet the mutant monsters in the northwest of the north of Lujuzhou, it is because I need to delay some time. I need to rescue the demon soldiers and demon under the power of more than 4 million monsters, and let us The Union of the South Asian Continent withdrew smoothly. The demon clan demon cannot join the battle. This is the common decision of the three kings of our family, the snow wolf king and the nine spirit yuansheng. We all know this news, but the demon clan The mutant monsters outside Luzhou did not know.

Therefore, the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou are afraid that I and the Dragon King and others will join the battle, so the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou did not pursue us. The mutant demon clan also withdrew their troops. "

The demon kings and leaders of the major forces of the demon clan were all talking after hearing the words of Jinhu. The six-eared macaque monkey, the king of the wolf, the white elephant, and the king of monkey monkeys smiled after hearing the words of Jinhu.

Bai Ze and Snow Lion frowned when they heard Golden Tiger's words. Then Bai Ze and Snow Lion prepared to say something to Golden Tiger, and when Bai Ze and Snow Lion were going to speak, Golden Tiger said again.

"The reason why our South African Union Alliance withdrew troops was because our South African Union Alliance got fake news. Our South African Union Alliance didn't want to lose this war, so our South African Union Alliance could only withdraw its troops. The reason why the powerful demon king and commander withdrew their troops is also the same reason. "

The demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon were shocked when they heard the words of Jinhu. Because the demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon community withdrew their troops because they had received the news of the withdrawal of troops from the South Union Ministry.

But now the Golden Tiger gives the demon kings and commanders of all major forces of the demon clan an excuse and an excuse to withdraw their troops. This excuse is that the demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon clan do not want to lose this war so they withdraw their troops.

After hearing this excuse, the demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon clan thought carefully, and then the demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon clan said.

"The reason why our White Tigers withdrew their troops is because we White Tigers do not want to lose this war!"

"The reason why our sea monkey family withdrew their troops is also because our sea monkey family does not want to lose this war!"

"The reason why our blue whale family withdrew their troops is because our blue whale family did not want to lose this war!"

"The reason why our fire rat family withdrew their troops is because .........!"

"Our family of bluebirds ...!"


The golden tiger, poison dragon king, six-eared macaque, ghost wolf king, white elephant, macaque king and others all smiled slightly after hearing the words of the demon kings and commanders of the demon clan powers.

Bai Ze and Snow Lion frowned as they heard the demon kings and commanders of the major forces of the demon clan, then Bai Ze and Snow Lion looked at each other, and finally Snow Lion said to the Golden Tiger.

"Golden Tiger, the news we received from Tiens League on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou is true. These news were investigated by the demon holy of our Tiens League.

As for why this happens, it is because some of our demon clan privately contacted the mutant demon clan outside Beiju Luzhou.

After understanding our plan, the mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou changed their arrangements outside Beiju Luzhou, which is why the information you got was not correct. "..

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