The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1003: Delay time

"Jiuling Yuansheng's action is to attack the mutant demon clan outside Beiju Luzhou again. The strength of the mutant demon clan outside Beiju Luzhou is not weak.

If the mutated demon clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou is desperate, how many demon soldiers will be lost by the major forces of the demon clan. The macaque king said slowly as he looked at the six-eared macaque.

After hearing the words of the macaque king, King Yu Ta also said to the six-eared macaque: "We have many agreements with the mutant demon clan on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou, and we have also dealt with the mutant demon clan on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou.

If we are fully attacking the mutant demon on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, will the mutant demon on the periphery of Beijuluzhou spread these agreements and our contact with them? "

After hearing the words of King Yu Tao, You Lang also slowly said: "Although the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou do not dare to offend our Ziyang mountains demon kingdom, Youlang family, accumulated mountain demon kingdom, Shituoling demon kingdom, But if we try our best to attack the mutant demon on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

Then the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou might really spread our agreement with them and our contact with them. "

The six-eared macaque frowned when he heard the white elephant, the macaque king, the king of Yu Ta, and the king of the wolf, and then said to the king of the wolf, king of the king, white elephant, black bear, and others: "The order of the king, we must Obey, this does not require negotiation. "

After hearing the words of the six-eared macaque, King Yu Tao froze, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, the order of the Snow Wolf King, we will certainly obey, but we still need to discuss this matter."

The six-eared macaque said loudly after hearing the words of King Yu Tao: "There is nothing to discuss about this matter. We must obey the king's orders."

After hearing the words of the six-eared macaque, the king Yu martial was going to say something, and just as the king of the marmoset was about to speak, the white elephant and the king of the wolf quickly said to the six-eared macaque: "The six-eared macaque, the command of the snow wolf We will definitely obey. "

After hearing the words of the white elephant and the king of the wolf, the king of the marmoset thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, the order of the snow wolf king, we will accumulate the mountain demon kingdom."

The six-eared macaque nodded when he heard the words of the three kings of Yu Ta, White Elephant and You Lang, and then said to the three kings of Yu Ta, White Elephant and Yu Lang.

"We don't need to discuss this matter, because this is the king's order, we can only obey, and I have already thought about this matter.

Our agreement with the mutant monster clan on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou has a time limit. As long as we delay for a few days, then we can completely occupy the northeast of the outskirts of Beijuluzhou.

Jiuling Yuansheng invited us to be ready to attack the mutant demon outside Beijuluzhou again. Our station is in the northeast of the outermost periphery of Beijuluzhou, so our attacking place must be outside Beijuluzhou. northeast.

I will talk to Heavenly Devil about this matter. As long as Heavenly Demon cooperates with us, then we will act to show the Nine Spirit Yuansheng and the major forces of the Demon Race. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the white elephant thought about it, and then asked the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, will the mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou cooperate with us?"

After hearing the white elephant, the six-eared macaque said slowly: "The mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou will definitely cooperate with us, because the mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou have no choice." You Wang Wang, Yu Ta Wang, white elephant, black bear and others thought about the six-eared macaque, and then said to the six-eared macaque.

"Six-eared macaques, my ghost wolf family obey the orders of the Snow Wolf King and are willing to support your suggestions, but we must reduce our losses."

"My lion camel ridge demon country is also willing to obey the orders of the Snow Wolf King and support your suggestion of six-eared macaque!"

"I accumulate the mountain demon country and I am willing to obey the orders of the Snow Wolf King and support your suggestion of the six-eared macaque!"

"I also support your suggestion of the six-eared macaque!"

"Me too ...!"

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of the five kings of the wolf king, white elephant, Jinpeng, the king of macaque, and the king of Yu martial, and then asked the four eyes of the Baimu Taoist, Zhu Dong, the white bear, and the black bear: "Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, Black Bear, do you four have any suggestions? "

Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear heard the words of the six-eared macaque and said quickly: "Six-ear protection, we follow the orders of the king!"

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of the Baimu Taoist, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear, and then said to the King of the Wolf, King Yu Ta, White Elephant, Black Bear and others: "We must obey the orders of the King, so We must cooperate with the actions of the Nine Spirits.

But we also have to consider our agreement with the Mutant Monster Clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, so we need to delay some time, we only need to delay for three days. "

Zhu Dong thought about it after hearing the six-eared macaque, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-ear protection, will the Nine Spirit Yuansheng give us time? Will it delay us?"

The king gave us a message, and I can guarantee that because the Nine Spirit Yuansheng sent the message to the king, so the king would send us a letter and let us cooperate with the Nine Spirit Yuansheng.

Since the king let us cooperate with the action of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, then it also means that the Nine Spirit Yuansheng has been planned, so I think the Nine Spirit Yuansheng will not let us delay the time. "

After hearing Zhu Dong ’s words, You Lang also said to the six-eared macaque: “Six-eared macaque, I agree with Zhu Dong ’s idea. I think we should discuss it with the Golden Tiger and Dulong King.”

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then asked the king of the wolf: "You king of the wolf, do you want to use the golden tiger and the king of the poisonous dragon?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the king of the wolf nodded and said to the six-eared macaque: "The six-eared macaque, the Golden Tiger, and the mutant demon on the periphery of Beijuluzhou also have an agreement. Although the Golden Tiger did not recognize it, I believe it. There must be an agreement between the Golden Tiger and the mutant demon on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou.

Since Golden Tiger and Mutated Monster Clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou also have an agreement, will Golden Tiger also want to delay the time? If Golden Tiger wants to delay the time, then Golden Tiger will definitely negotiate with us because there is no support fund for us Tiger he has no way to delay time. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then said to the king of the wolf: "The king of the wolf, all this is your guess. If we want to use the golden tiger and the dragon king, then the premise is that the golden tiger and Mutated demon clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou have an agreement.

And Golden Tiger will come to us to discuss, if Golden Tiger has not discussed with us, then we have no chance to use Golden Tiger and Duron King. "..

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