The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 992: Worries of the demon

"This war was initiated by the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, but the war ended before the beginning. Do you think the Nine Spirit Yuansheng will be willing?

I think that the mutant monster clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou has angered Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng will definitely take action! "Yu Tawang looked at the six-eared macaque, Youlang king, white elephant, macaque king, black bear and others."

The six-eared macaque, Youlang Wang, the white elephant, Jin Peng, the macaque king, the Baimu Taoist, Zhu Dong, the white bear, and the black bear nine thought about it after hearing the words of King Yu Tamarin, and then the six eared macaque said to King Yu Tamarin.

"King Yu Mart, I agree with your thoughts. I also think that the Nine Spirit Yuansheng will definitely act, but I can't guess what the Nine Spirit Yuansheng will do?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, King Yu Tao slowly said: "We cannot guess the idea of ​​the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, but I think this war will not end like this."

The six-eared macaque nodded when he heard the king of the marmoset, because the six-eared macaque felt the same way. The Jiuling Yuansheng was not a general demon demon, and the Jiuling Yuansheng was the king of the demon clan ’s top power, so Jiuling Yuansheng Cares about his face.

The calculation of the mutant monsters on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou can be said to be the face of the Jiuling Yuansheng. After all, this war was initiated by the Jiuling Yuansheng, but the war has ended before the beginning, Jiuling. Is the Yuansheng Church willing?

Anyway, the six-eared macaque, King Yu Ta, Jin Peng, Baimu Taoist, and Zhu Dong think that the Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng will certainly not be reconciled, and the Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng will definitely take action.

"Six-eared macaque, if Jiuling Yuansheng directly took the Tiens Alliance to attack the mutant demon on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, and gave us an order, how should we?" Bai Xiang thought for a while and then pointed at Liuer The macaque asked.

The king of the wolf, the king of Yu martial, the king of Jinpeng, the Baimu Taoist, Zhu Dong and others all looked at the six-eared macaque after hearing the white elephant. The six-ear macaque said slowly after hearing the white elephant.

"White elephant, can we violate the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng? Do we dare to violate the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng? The Nine Spirit Yuansheng is the commander of this war between the demon and the mutant demon, my king, the purple tiger demon The saints all agree, can we not listen to the orders of the nine spirits? "

Youyou Wang, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Rhesus Monkey King, Yu Tawang, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, Black Bear Nine people heard the six-eared macaque and knew that the six-eared macaque did not dare to violate the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, of course They did not dare to violate the orders of the Nine Spirits.

"Six-eared macaque, we have reached an agreement with the mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou. If we violate the agreement, will the mutant monsters outside Beijuluzhou spread our contact with them?" After hearing the words of the six-eared macaque, King Yu Ta thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque heard the words of King Yu Tasman slowly and said, "King Yu Tasman, the mutated demon clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou will not pass on our contact with them, because the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, the ghost wolf family, It is not acceptable for them to accumulate mountain demon kingdom and Shituoling demon kingdom's anger. "

After hearing the words of the six-eared macaque, the king of the wolf nodded, and then said to the king of the marmoset, the white elephant, the king of the macaque, the black bear, and others: "The six-eared macaque is very good. Offend us. I do n’t worry if the mutant monsters on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou will pass on our contact with them. What I ’m worried about is what orders will the Nine Spirits Yuan Sheng give us? "

After hearing the words of the king of the wolf, the white elephant thought for a while, and then the king of the wolf said, "You king of the wolf, I think no matter what order the Nine Spirit Yuansheng gives us, we will obey, but it is not whether we do it or not. Is it decided? "

After hearing the white elephant ’s words, the king of the wolf shook his head, and then said to the white elephant: "The mutant monster clan outside Beiju Luzhou has annoyed the Jiuling Yuansheng, I am afraid that the Jiuling Yuansheng will really occupy Beijulu On the outskirts of the continent, the demon who mutated the demon clan will definitely fight with our demon clan in an all-round way. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then said to the king of the wolf: "You king of the wolf, you may not know that the king of my family, the nine spirits, and the three tiger demon have discussed. . "

After hearing the words of the six-eared macaque, the ghost wolf said slowly: "Six-eared macaque, I know that the snow wolf king, the nine spirits, and the purple tiger demon have discussed it.

But we all overlooked one thing, that is, the people of Tianting and Lingshan also came to the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, and the people of Tianting and Lingshan were stationed next to the Tiens League. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then said to the king of the wolf: "You king of the wolf, do you mean that the heaven and the spirit mountain will intervene in the war between the demon clan and the demon clan?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, You Lang nodded and said to the six-eared macaque: "Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin have always wanted to weaken the strength of the demon clan.

This time the demon clan and the mutant demon clan battle, Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara always wanted to intervene, but the Snow Wolf King, the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint did not agree.

I'm worried that the Jiuling Yuansheng Sheng will let the people of Tianting and Lingshan intervene in the war between the demon and the mutant demon, and even if Jiuling Yuansheng has no such idea, the people of Tianting and Lingshan will not give up. This opportunity. "

After hearing the words of the king of the wolf, King Yu Ta thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque, the white elephant, the macaque king, the black bear and others: "I think the king of the wolf said well, and the people in Tianting and Lingshan will not give up. This opportunity.

Jiuling Yuansheng wants to increase its prestige in the demon clan, and also wants to consume the strength of the alliance between us and Nanxun Tribe, so Jiuling Yuansheng will let us attack the mutant demon on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou.

However, the Union of the South Chapel has withdrawn, and we have an agreement with the mutant monsters outside the North Juluzhou, so we and the Union of the Southern Chalet have not contributed.

This war was initiated by the Jiuling Yuansheng, and the war is over before the beginning. I think the Jiuling Yuansheng is likely to let Tianting and Lingshan intervene. After all, Tianting and Lingshan also control some demon tribes. Power, small ethnic groups. "

The six-eared macaque shook his head when he heard the words of King Yulang and Yu Tawang, and then said to King Yulang and Yu Tawang: "Nine Ling Yuan Sheng will not let Heaven and Lingshan intervene, because my king, Jiuling Yuan Saint, Purple Tiger and Demon Saint have had an agreement, Jiuling Yuansheng did not dare to violate the agreement.

Moreover, Tianting and Lingshan do not have troops outside of Beiju Luzhou. Those small forces controlled by Tianting and Lingshan have little strength at all, so we do n’t need to worry that Tianting and Lingshan will intervene in demon and mutant demon. War thing. "..

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