The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 952: Negotiations of the Ziyang Gunsan Alliance continued

"We are now discussing the matter of exchanging information with the mutant demon clan and whether we will cooperate with the mutant demon clan." The six-eared macaque looked at You Lang Wang, Bai Xiang, Jin Peng, Macaque King, Yu Tawang, Bai Mu The Taoist, Zhu Dong, White Bear, Black Bear and other nine said slowly.

Nine wolf kings, white elephants, Jin Peng, macaque kings, king Yu Tao, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, white bears, black bears and other nine people talked for a moment after hearing the six-eared macaques, then the wolf king said to the six-eared macaques.

"Six-eared macaques, what the mutant demon clan must want to know about the war between the demon clan and the mutant demon clan, we can exchange these messages with the demon clan.

As for the need to cooperate with mutant monsters, I suggest that we should not cooperate with mutant monsters. After all, mutant monsters are not our forces, and I do not trust these mutant monsters. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the king of the wolf, and then prepared to say something to the king of the wolf, and while the six-eared macaque was going to say something to the king of the wolf, the king of Yu Ta suddenly turned to the six-eared macaque. Said.

"Six-eared macaque, my thoughts are different from those of Youlang, I think we should cooperate with the mutant monster clan. The territory of the mutant monster clan is in Luju, Beiju.

But Beiju Luzhou is where the Bai Clan came. If we want to understand the coming Clan, then we have to cooperate with the Mutant Demon Clan. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of King Yu Tatian, and then said to the seven elephants such as White Elephant, Jinpeng, Macaque King, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear: "White Elephant, Jinpeng, Macaque King, Baimu Taoist, Zhu Dong, white bear, black bear, do you have any suggestions? "

Seven people including Bai Xiang, Jin Peng, Rhesus Monkey King, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear thought about the six-eared macaque, and then Baimu Taoren said to the six-eared macaque.

"Six ears protect the law, I don't have any suggestions, but I agree with the proposal of King Yu Tao. I think we need to cooperate with the mutant demon clan, because we need to understand the races where the hundred races come."

Bai Xiang, Jin Peng, Macaque King, Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Xiong Xiong said quickly after hearing the words of Bai Mu Taoist.

"Six-eared macaque, I agree with You Wang's suggestion, after all, the mutant demon is not our demon clan power, and I don't trust the mutant demon."

"Six-Ear Protection Method, I also agree with You Wang's suggestion. I don't think we should cooperate with Mutant Demon Race. The risk of cooperation with Mutant Demon Race is too great.

Because if we cooperate with the mutant demon clan, and this matter has been known by other demon clan forces, then our Ziyang Qunshan demon country still has prestige in the demon clan? "

"Six-eared macaque, I agree with King Yu Tao's suggestion. We need to understand the situation and race of the advent of the hundred races, so we must cooperate with the mutant demon races.

The territory of the Mutant Monster Clan is in Beiju Luzhou, and the place where the Bai Clan descends is also in Beiju Luzhou. Then the Mutant Monster Clan must know more than us about the advent of the Hundred Clan. The demon king has gone to Beiju Luzhou. "

"Six ear protector, I also agree with You Lang's suggestion, because ..."

"Six-eared macaque, I agree with King Yu Ta's suggestion, because ..."

The six-eared macaque thought about the white elephant, Jinpeng, the macaque king, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, the white bear, and the black bear, and thought about it because the six-eared macaque is also a little hesitant. The advent of things, on the other hand, six-eared macaques do not trust mutant monsters.

"Whether we want to cooperate with Mutant Demon Race, let's put it aside first. Now let's talk about the exchange of messages with Mutant Demon Race.

What message should we exchange with the mutant monster, and what message should we exchange with the mutant monster? "The six-eared macaque thought for a while, then said to the nine people, such as King Yu Tao, King Yulang, and White Elephant.

Nine people such as King Wolf, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Macaque King, King Yu Ta, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear thought about the six-eared macaque, and then the king of the wolf said to the six-eared macaque.

"The six-eared macaque actually exchanges messages with the mutant monsters. We don't need to negotiate at all now, because none of the information we know is secret messages of the monsters, so all the information we know can be exchanged with the mutant monsters.

As for what news we can get from the mutant monster, then it depends on the situation of the mutant monster, if the mutant monster is not very good, then we can exchange the news we need,

But if the situation of the mutant demon is not so bad, then it is difficult for us to get some useful news. All of this will only be known after we see the mutant demon, so we do not need to discuss these things at all now. "

Eight people including Bai Xiang, Jin Peng, Rhesus Monkey King, Yu Tawang, Bai Mu Taoist, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear nodded after hearing the words of You Lang, and then looked at the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque sees the expressions of the eight elephants such as the white elephant, Jinpeng, the macaque king, the king of the marmoset, the Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, the white bear, and the black bear.

So the six-eared macaque faced nine kings such as You Wolf King, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Macaque King, King Yu Martial, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, Black Bear, etc. "Since you all mean this, then we don't need Having discussed this matter, we will now discuss whether the Tiens Alliance and the Nanyuebei Union need to be calculated without using the opportunity to meet with the mutant monsters. "

Nine people such as King Wolf, White Elephant, Jin Peng, Macaque King, Yu Tamarin, Baimu Taoren, Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear thought about the six-eared macaque, and then King Yu Ta said to the six-eared macaque.

"Six-eared macaque, I don't think we need to take advantage of the opportunity of meeting with the mutant monsters to calculate the Tiens Alliance and the South Confederate Union. After all, this is the war between the monsters and the mutant monsters, and we are the forces of the monster.

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of King Yu Tamarin, and then prepared to say something to King Yu Tamarin, and just as the six-eared macaque was about to say something to King Yu Tamarin, the white elephant suddenly said to the six-eared macaque .

"Six-eared macaque, I do not agree with King Yu Tao's suggestion. I think we should take advantage of the opportunity to meet with the mutant monsters to calculate the Tiens Alliance and the South Union Tribe Alliance.

The Tiens Alliance and the South Union Ministry let us be stationed in the northeast of the outermost periphery of Beijuluzhou. Is n’t it ready to consume the demon soldiers under our command?

Since the Tiens Alliance and the South African Union can count us, why can't we count the Tiens Alliance and the South African Union? "..

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