The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 943: The war is over again

After the black bear and the white bear returned in the demon cloud, they told Zhu Dong, Snow Lion, and Beihai Dragon King the conditions of the three dragons and the magic wolf. Zhu Dong frowned after hearing the words of the black bear and the white bear, and the Beihai dragon king heard the black bear and After the words of the white bear, it was silent.

After hearing the words of the black and white bears, Snow Lion said loudly: "Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong, this must be the demon's strategy, the demon is delaying time, and these mutant demon clan must be waiting for them. Of reinforcements, we cannot promise their terms. "

Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong and He Xiong did not speak after hearing the words of Snow Lion. Bai Xiong and He Xiong were waiting for Zhu Dong to speak. After all, Zhu Dong was the leader and Zhu Dong was thinking about some issues.

Snow Lion saw Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong did not speak, so they said to Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong, "Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, Xiong Xiong, my king's order is that we must occupy Beiju today. The outermost periphery of Luzhou. "

Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear frowned after hearing the words of Snow Lion, because in the view of Zhu Dong, White Bear, and Black Bear, the Snow Lion threatened them with the order of the Nine Spirits.

The North Sea Dragon King saw the dissatisfaction of Zhu Dong, White Bear and Black Bear, so he quickly said to Zhu Dong, White Bear and Black Bear: "Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, Black Xiong, the demon's words are unreliable. Who are we? I ca n’t guarantee that these mutant demon clan will withdraw from the outermost periphery of Beijuluzhou tomorrow. "

Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong nodded after hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, because Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong really did not dare to guarantee that these mutant monsters would evacuate the outermost perimeter of Beiju Luzhou tomorrow.

After seeing Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong, the North Sea Dragon King nodded when he heard their words, and then said to Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong three people: "Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, Xiong Xiong, I believe the six-eared macaque also He will obey the orders of the Nine Spirits.

After all, the war between the demon clan and the mutant demon clan on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou was presided over by the Jiuling Yuansheng. This was also jointly decided by the Snow Wolf King, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and the Jiuling Yuansheng.

The order of the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng is that today it is necessary to occupy the outermost perimeter of Beiju Luzhou. This point is also agreed by the six-eared macaque and the poison dragon king. "

Zhu Dong, Bai Xiong, and Black Xiong heard the words of the North Sea Dragon King and thought about it. Then Zhu Dong said to the North Sea Dragon King and the Snow Lion: "We will obey the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng, but we have to make sure that we have demon soldiers and demon The casualties. "

After hearing Zhu Dong ’s words, the North Sea Dragon King nodded, then said to Zhu Dong: “Of course, if there is no fighting, and there is the outermost periphery that can occupy the outer periphery of Beijuluzhou, it is the best.

But the demon's words are not credible. I suspect that these mutant monsters are delaying time, and these mutant monsters are waiting for their reinforcements. "

Zhu Dong thought about it after hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, and then said to the black bear and the white bear: "Black bear, white bear, please tell us your opinion."

After hearing Zhu Dong's words, the black bear and the white bear thought about it, and then the white bear said to Zhu Dong: "Zhu Dong, my opinion is the same as that of the North Sea Dragon King. I think these two demons are not credible. I always think they are calculating what.

These two demons have been tempting me and the black bear, and the two demons are also preparing to attack the black bear, because I feel that one of the demons fluctuates in mana, but I do n’t know why the demon did n’t do it in the end. " The black bear nodded when he heard the words of the white bear, and then said to Zhu Dong: "Zhu Dong, these two demons are the two demons attacking Zhu Yeqing."

Zhu Dong heard the black bear and the white bear nod. In fact, Zhu Dong also felt that the dragon and the wolf are not credible, but Zhu Dong must think about some things, because the six-eared macaque does not want to fight against the mutant monster clan.

"Since you don't agree with the conditions mentioned by these two demons, let's go to war!" Zhu Dong thought about it and said to the black bear, the white bear, the North Sea Dragon King, and the Snow Lion.

And when Zhu Dong, the Black Bear, the White Bear, the Dragon King of the North Sea, and the Snow Lion negotiated, the magic dragon and the magic wolf were also negotiating.

"Magic wolf, do you know that Zhu Dong general manager of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains?" Molong asked, looking at the magic wolf.

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf thought about it, and then said to the magic dragon: "I heard the ghost demon rat talking about this Zhu Dong manager. This Zhu Dong manager followed the Snow Wolf King very early. His body is a mountain pig.

As for Xiuwei, I do n’t know, but according to the information I got, the twelve masters of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains are all Xiuluo of Dalu Jinxian Realm. "

After hearing the words of the magic wolf, the magic dragon nodded, and then asked the magic wolf: "Magic wolf, do you mean the black bear, the white bear, Zhu Dong, the North Sea Dragon King, and the Snow Lion will participate in the war?"

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf slowly said: "I don't know whether the five of them will participate in the war, but I still don't agree with the war with the Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom. You just heard the words of the black bear.

The demon soldier demon under the command of the North Sea Dragon King is only some demon soldier demon under the small force of the demon clan under the four sea dragon palace. As for the strength of those demon clan forces, we do not know the strength. "

After hearing the words of the magic wolf, the magic dragon thought about it, and then said to the magic wolf: "We ca n’t even retreat even if we want to retreat. After all, the mutant demon under our command and the demon soldier demon under the demon kingdom of Ziyang Gunshan will start Confrontation. "

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf slowly said: "Yes! If we retreat now, then the demon clan power will underestimate our mutant demon clan. I now only hope for black bears, white bears, Zhu Dong, Beihai Dragon King, and snow. The five lions can promise our terms. "

Molong shook his head after hearing the words of the demon wolf, and then said to the demon wolf: "Magic wolf, I guess the black bear, the white bear, Zhu Dong, the North Sea Dragon King, and the Snow Lion will not agree to our terms."

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf asked: "Why, why the five of them would not agree to our conditions. We have given up the outermost periphery of the northern Juluzhou."

After hearing the words of the magic wolf, the magic dragon smiled, and then said to the magic wolf: "The black bear, the white bear, Zhu Dong, the North Sea Dragon King, and the Snow Lion will not trust us, so they will not agree to the conditions we mentioned. . "

The demon wolf prepared to say something after hearing the demon dragon's words, and just as the demon wolf was about to speak, the demon soldier demon on the battlefield would begin to act.

After seeing the action of the demon soldier and demon general, the dragon quickly waved a few battle flags, and then the mutant demon on the battlefield began to act. ..

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