The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 938: North Sea Dragon King's Concealment

The Pioneer Corps attacked the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou after being defeated after a war, and the Pioneer Corps did not complete its mission. At this time, the Snow Lion and the North Sea Dragon King requested Zhu Dong to complete the mission of the Pioneer Corps. The demon soldiers under the trio of black bear and white bear will fight to help the vanguard to complete the mission.

Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear looked at each other after hearing the request of Snow Lion and Beihai Dragon King, and then whispered for a while. Finally, Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear rejected the request of Snow Lion and Beihai Dragon King.

Because Zhu Dong, the Black Bear, and the White Bear knew what the Pioneer Corps was for, and they knew that the Pioneer Demon of the Pioneer Corps would be a demon soldier demon under the power of the demon clan who had turned to Taibaijinxing and Guan Shiyin.

The common command of the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng, the Snow Wolf King, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint is to consume all the demon soldiers and demon generals in the Pioneer Corps. Now there are 6 million demon soldiers in the Pioneer Corps, so Zhu Dong, Black Bear, The three bears can't help the vanguard to complete the mission.

Snow Lion understands the meaning of Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear, because Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear are only carrying out the orders of the Snow Wolf King, but most of the demon soldiers and demon in the Pioneer Corps will now be demon repairs. , So Snow Lion thinks he should explain to Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear.

The North Sea Dragon King did not understand the meaning of Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear. The North Sea Dragon King thought that Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear wanted to annex the Pioneer Corps, so when the Snow Lion was preparing to explain to Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear, The North Sea Dragon King suddenly said to Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear.

"General Zhu Dong, general white bear, general black bear, the Pioneer Corps is the pioneer of the demon clan attacking the north of Luzhou, and I am the pioneer officer of the demon clan, so the pioneer team belongs to the major forces of the demon clan."

Zhu Dong, the Black Bear, and the White Bear were all stunned after hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, because Zhu Dong, the Black Bear, and the White Bear did n’t even know what the North Sea Dragon King was saying. Snow Lion knew the North Sea Dragon King after hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King. Did not understand the meaning of Zhu Dong, Black Bear and White Bear.

"General Zhu Dong, General White Bear, General Black Bear, you may not understand some things. I will explain to you that most of the demon soldiers of the Vanguard Corps will be demon soldiers under the power of the demon tribes of Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara. .

But there are also 7-8 million demon soldiers and demon who will be free repairs for the demon clan. These demon repairs are voluntary to join the pioneer group. These demon clan repairs just want to fight for the demon clan.

At present, the Pioneer Corps has only six million demon soldier demon generals. Most of these six million demon soldier demon generals are scattered repairs of the demon clan, so the orders of our king, as well as the snow wolf king and the purple tiger demon holy, have been completed. "The Snow Lion looked at Zhu Dong, Black Bear and White Bear slowly said.

Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear were shocked when they heard Snow Lion's words. Because of this, Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear didn't even know.

In fact, not only Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear do n’t know that, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, as well as the nine spirit element sages, the snow wolf king, and the purple tiger demon sage do not know. Only the management knows this matter The North Sea Dragon King and Snow Lion of the Pioneer Corps knew it, and Snow Lion also knew it last night.

After hearing the words of Snow Lion, the North Sea Dragon King knew that he did not understand the meaning of Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear, so the North Sea Dragon King did not say anything, but looked quietly at Zhu Dong, Black Bear, White Bear, Snow Lion. Four people.

"Snow Lion demon Saint, do you know the nine spirit Yuan Sheng?" Zhu Dong looked at the Snow Lion and asked. Snow Lion smiled bitterly when he heard Zhu Dong ’s words, and then said to Zhu Dong: "This is something my king does n’t know. This thing is only known to me and Beihai Dragon King, and I I also knew it last night. "

Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear heard the words of Snow Lion and looked at the North Sea Dragon King. Then Zhu Dong said to the North Sea Dragon King, "Why are you hiding this thing? Why don't you tell Jiuling this thing?" Yuan Sheng, as well as the six-eared macaque and Duron King? "

After hearing what Zhu Dong said, the North Sea Dragon King said nothing. In fact, the reason why the North Sea Dragon King didn't tell this matter to the Jiuling Yuansheng, and the six-eared macaque monkey and the poison dragon king was because the North Sea Dragon King wanted to swallow these demon races for repair.

The North Sea Dragon King originally thought that the Pioneer Corps could occupy the outermost perimeter of Beiju Luzhou. The Pioneer Corps could also defeat the mutant monsters outside Beiju Luzhou. After the Pioneer Corps completed its mission, the North Sea Dragon King was ready to annex the Pioneer Corps.

However, the North Sea Dragon King looked at the mutant monsters on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. The Dragon King did not expect that the strength of the mutant monsters on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou could be comparable to the strength of the demon soldiers and demon under the power of the demon.

Snow Lion knew what the North Sea Dragon King thought, and knew why the North Sea Dragon King did this, so after seeing the North Sea Dragon King did not speak, Snow Lion quickly said to Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear.

"General Zhu Dong, general white bear, general black bear, the reason why the North Sea Dragon King and I concealed this matter was also to complete the mission of the Pioneer Corps.

The Pioneer Corps originally had more than 20 million demon soldiers and demon soldiers. These more than 20 million demon soldiers and demon soldiers will be demon soldiers under the influence of more than 10 million demon clan forces.

And the three million monster soldier demon of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the three million monster soldier demon of the South Confederate Union, the million monster soldier demon of the lion family, and the millions of monster soldiers of the Four Seas Dragon Palace The demon will be composed.

But you Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo, and the Nanyue Chau Alliance and the lion clan did not send demon soldiers and demon to join the Pioneer Corps, so that the Pioneer Corps has only more than 15 million demon soldiers.

Therefore, in order to complete the mission of the Vanguard Corps and also to increase the strength of the Vanguard Corps, the North Sea Dragon King and I concealed the demon sect repair. "

Zhu Dong said slowly after hearing Snow Lion ’s words: “The Snow Lion Demon Saint, my Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, and the Nanyuezhou Consortium and the Lion Elephant Clan did not send demon soldier demon to join the Pioneer Corps. Agreed.

And Jiuling Yuansheng also said that he would let the demon clan forces join the Vanguard Corps, and he would guarantee the strength of the Vanguard Corps. I believe you should know about this matter. "

After hearing Zhu Dong's words, Snow Lion nodded and said to Zhu Dong: "I know this matter, my king also plans to send some demon clan forces to join the vanguard.

However, the North Sea Dragon King said that the strength of the Pioneer Corps has reached 20 million demon soldiers and demon soldiers, so my king did not send demon clan forces to join the Pioneer Corps. "

After hearing the words of Snow Lion, the North Sea Dragon King nodded quickly, and then said to Zhu Dong, Black Bear, and White Bear: "I did guarantee the Jiuling Yuansheng." ..

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