The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 927: The war is over

Snow Lion narrowed his eyes and looked at the magic dragon. Snow Lion didn't expect that the mutant monster's mouth was so powerful. In a few words, he shook the army's heart.

In fact, what Snow Lion does not know is that this is not the magic of the dragon, and the demon soldiers and demon soldiers of the Pioneer Corps have no discipline, so the demon dragon can shake the army of these demon soldiers in a few words.

The North Sea Dragon King looked at the demon soldier demon below, and then whispered to the snow lion: "Snow lion, do n’t let this mutant demon clan shake our army of demon soldier demon, if you let this mutant demon clan Keep talking, then the morale of the vanguard will be reduced. "

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, Snow Lion whispered, "I know what you mean by the North Sea Dragon King, but according to the current situation, our brazen war will only lead to a fiasco.

The reason I said so much nonsense with this mutant monster family is to delay the time. I have passed on the situation here to my king.

The king has sent Zhu Dong, White Bear, Black Bear, and the three million demon soldier demon of Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom to support us in the future. "

After hearing Snow Lion ’s words, the North Sea Dragon King did not say anything, because the North Sea Dragon King knew that as long as Zhu Dong, the white bear, and the black bear, and the three million demon soldiers and demon from Ziyang Mountains, the morale of the Pioneer Corps would not be Will decrease.

Pioneer Corps demon soldiers and demon generals also heard the sounds of dragons and demon wolves. After all, demon dragons and demon wolves are mutant demon clan in the Daluojin fairy realm. of.

"Molong, the morale of those demon soldiers and demon generals has dropped somewhat." Demon wolf looked at the demon soldier demon general opposite, then said slowly to the demon dragon.

Demon Dragon smiled after hearing the words of Demon Wolf, and then said to Demon Wolf: "These demon soldiers and demon generals are, after all, demon soldiers and demon subordinates under the small forces of demon clan, so they have no discipline."

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf quickly said: "Demon, as long as the morale of these demon soldiers and demon will decline, then our mutant demon clan can completely defeat these demon soldiers and demon."

After hearing the words of the magic wolf, the magic dragon nodded and said to the magic wolf: "Magic wolf, I believe that the North Sea Dragon King and Snow Lion must also know this, so I guess the North Sea Dragon King and Snow Lion will definitely attack us. "

After hearing the words of the magic dragon, the magic wolf smiled and said to the magic dragon: "Demon, my opinion is different from yours. I think the North Sea Dragon King and Snow Lion will not attack us now, they will definitely Find ways to improve their morale.

Demon Dragon smiled after hearing Devil Wolf's words. Demon Dragon didn't agree with Demon Wolf's words. The dialogue between North Sea Dragon King and Snow Lion, and Demon Dragon and Demon Wolf was just a matter of moments.

And just when the magic dragon did not agree with the words of the magic wolf, a voice resounded between heaven and earth. This voice was the voice of the snow lion. After speaking, the snow lion and the North Sea Dragon King said loudly to the magic dragon. "Demon, no matter how you quibble, the Earth Fairy Realm is the territory of my demon clan. The battle around Beiju Luzhou, we know very well that your mutant demon first controls the Beiju Luzhou. The demon warcraft on the periphery attacked my demon clan, and then took advantage of my demon clan's lack of sneak attack on my demon clan, causing my demon clan to lose ten million demon soldiers.

Beiju Luzhou is the territory of my demon clan, who in the Three Realms does not know, you mutant demon clan openly occupy my demon clan territory, and also kill my demon clan demon, your demon clan is provoking my demon clan.

Now the demon sages of the major forces of my demon clan have decided to fight with your mutant demon clan, and the dragon king of Beihai and me are the pioneers of our demon clan. At this time, if you are caught, you have a chance to catch, or if you have resistance, if you resist, you mutant demon clan That would be death! "

After hearing Snow Lion ’s words, Molong sneered a few times, and then said loudly to Snow Lion: "Our mutant demon was born in Beijuluzhou, and Beijuluzhou is the territory of my mutant demon.

My mutant demon clan did not provoke your demon clan, it was your demon clan that invaded our mutant demon clan's territory. Your demon clan committed monstrous sands on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou.

Our mutant monsters are not afraid of war. If your monsters invade our mutant monsters' territories again, then we will surely let you die. "

"Haha! Haha! Haha!" The Snow Lion and the North Sea Dragon King laughed loudly after hearing the words of the Dragon, and then the Snow Lion said loudly to the Dragon: "Laugh me to death! Let us die? It depends on you? Do you think What is your mutant demon tribe, and your mutant demon tribe is just a clown!

When our demon clan crosses the three realms, you mutant demon clan don't know where, how can our demon clan occupy the whole fairyland? That's because our demon clan has billions of demon soldiers and demon sages, and dozens of demon sages. Based on your mutant demon clan, do you want us to die? Killing me! "

The demon soldiers of the Pioneer Corps will shout out loudly after hearing the words of Snow Lion: "Demon Clan! Yao Clan! Yao Clan!"

After hearing the words of the snow lion, the magic dragon looked gloomy, because the magic dragon found that the morale of the vanguard had increased, and the magic wolf also found this. The magic wolf looked at the magic dragon, and then prepared to say something to the magic dragon , And just as Demon Wolf was about to speak to Demon Dragon, Demon Dragon said aloud suddenly.

"Snow Lion, who in the Three Realms doesn't know that you are in trouble with the demon clan, there are constant conflicts among your demon clan, and the forces of the demon clan are attacking each other. Now you are talking about the demon clan in the three realms, which is ridiculous! Sad!

During the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, your demon clan engulfed each other, which caused the riots of the demon warcraft in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, and the demon warcraft in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou slaughtered many demon soldiers and demon generals. Is the power demon holy not clear?

You all know the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, but you are unwilling to admit it, so you only invaded our mutant demon clan again, hoping to hide this matter! "

Both Snow Lion and the North Sea Dragon King changed their faces when they heard the magic dragon's words, because this thing is now spreading inside the demon clan, and now this mutant demon clan has said this thing, then the morale of the pioneer army will be greatly increased. decline.

The Snow Lion and the North Sea Dragon King thought well. After the Demon Dragon finished speaking, the demon soldiers and demon of the Pioneer Corps will all be in discussion. Even the demon kings in the Pioneer Corps are discussing.

"Quiet! Quiet me!" Snow Lion shouted at the Pioneer Corps demon soldier demon. After a few clicks, the Pioneer Corps demon soldier demon will not have any discussion, but the Pioneer Corps demon soldier demon will still use his eyes. Looking up, this time the morale of the Vanguard Corps has dropped greatly. ..

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