The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 795: Beihai Dragon King's attitude

"Jiuling Yuansheng should know that the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou are not so well distributed, so you can choose the Niu Demon King or the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and let the Niu Demon and Ziyang Gunshan distribute the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the materials on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou were discovered by your Tiens Alliance, and you did not notify the monsters in time, so in order to avoid suspicion, you cannot distribute the materials on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou. "After speaking, the North Sea Dragon King looked quietly at the Jiuling Yuansheng.

After hearing the words of Beihai Dragon King, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng said nothing. In fact, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng did not agree with what Bei Hai Dragon King said, not that Bei Hai Dragon King said something wrong, and Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng had his own ideas.

Jiuling Yuansheng believes that he can overwhelm the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan in the Beihai waters. The supplies around Beiju Luzhou are indeed not so well distributed, but if they can solve this matter perfectly, then they are in The prestige of the demon clan will greatly increase, maybe it will surpass the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the Bull Demon King and others.

But the North Sea Dragon King is not bad. If he has not solved this matter perfectly, his prestige in the demon race will be greatly reduced, and he will lose his face.

The Beihai Dragon King's thoughts The Nine Spirit Yuansheng also knows that the Beihai Dragon King is his own ally, so the Beihai Dragon King does not want to lose face, nor does he want the prestige of the Tiens Alliance to decrease. This is why the North Sea Dragon King persuaded himself.

After speaking, the North Sea Dragon King had been looking at the Jiuling Yuansheng. The North Sea Dragon King saw that the Jiuling Yuansheng did not know what to think about, so he said to the Jiuling Yuansheng, "Nine Spirit Yuansheng, I know what you are thinking. , But I want to tell you that the supplies around Beiju Luzhou are not so well distributed.

All of these are interests. No demon clan forces will give up their own interests, and the Snow Wolf Demon Lord will not allow the demon saints of the demon clan's major forces to give up their own interests. "

The Jiuling Yuansheng was just hesitating, and after hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the Jiuling Yuansheng was decided. The Jiuling Yuansheng wanted to let the monsters know what the Snow Wolf King could not do. For the things that the king can't solve, he can do the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, and he is no worse than the Snow Wolf King.

In fact, the demon sages of the demon clan have always wanted to surpass Pan Chen, especially the two of the purple tiger demon sage and the nine spirit element sage, so the words of the North Sea Dragon King just aroused the pride of the nine spirit element sage.

"The King of the North Sea Dragon, I understand what you mean, but have you ever thought that if my Nine Spirit Elemental Saints perfectly solved this matter, would my Nine Spirit Elemental Saints' prestige in the demon clan surpass the Snow Wolf King? ? "Jiuling Yuansheng looked at the North Sea Dragon King and said aloud.

After hearing the words of the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, the North Sea Dragon King froze for a moment, then quickly said to the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints: "Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, do you think you can suppress the demon sages of the major forces of the Demon Race?"

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, Jiuling Yuansheng said aloud: "I think my Jiuling Yuansheng can overwhelm the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, because my Jiuling Yuansheng is the lord of the major forces in the North Sea and the North The materials on the outskirts of Juluzhou were discovered by my Tiens League. "

After hearing the words of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng, the King of the North Sea Dragon said loudly, "Nine Spirit Yuansheng, you are gambling, and you don't have much chips at all?"

Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Bull Demon King, You Wolf King, Blue Lion Demon Saint and others will definitely give you ugliness, and the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan will not give up their interests. "

Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng heard the Beihai Dragon King say slowly: "Beihai Dragon King, I am gambling, but if you are wrong, that is, I have enough chips."

After hearing the words of Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, Beihai Dragon King knew that he could not persuade Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, so Beihai Dragon King did not persuade Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, and began to think about the impact of this matter on Beihai Dragon Palace.

But when the Beihai Dragon King began to think, the demon kings of the demon clan forces of the peripheral supplies of Beiju Luzhou had come back. The demon saints of the demon clan forces all changed after hearing the demon king ’s report. , Because the supplies around Beijuluzhou are less than they thought.

"Everyone, how many materials are out of Beiju Luzhou now? I believe you all know clearly. It is obvious that the materials out of Beijuluzhou are not enough for us to divide up.

It is impossible to evenly divide the supplies around Beijuluzhou, so I suggest that there will be Jiulingyuan Sheng, the leader of the major forces in the North Sea, to distribute the supplies around Beijuluzhou.

The supplies around Beijuluzhou were discovered by the Tiens Alliance, and the Jiuling Yuansheng was the leader of the major forces in the North Sea area that we jointly elected, so the Jiulingyuansheng is the demon sage best suited to distribute the supplies of Beijuluzhou. "Purple Tiger Demon Saint stood up and looked at the monsters and said aloud."

Following the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the North Sea Dragon King said quickly: "My Beihai Dragon Palace does not agree with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint's suggestion, and attacked the outskirts of Beijuluzhou. , So I think the Purple Tiger Demon Saint is the most suitable demon Saint for the distribution of peripheral supplies in Beiju Luzhou. "

Purple Tiger Demon Saint narrowed his eyes after hearing the words of Beihai Dragon King, and then looked at Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng. Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng had no expression after hearing Bei Hai Dragon King ’s words. Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng seemed to have known for a long time that Beihai Dragon King would say so of.

In fact, Jiuling Yuansheng really guessed what the character of Beihai Dragon King Jiuling Yuansheng knew. Beihai Dragon King thought Jiuling Yuansheng could not solve this matter, so he hurriedly expressed his position.

Tiens Alliance and Beihai Dragon Palace are allies, so Tiens Alliance and Beihai Dragon Palace are both loss and glory. Beihai Dragon King is afraid of Jiuling Yuansheng. Because this matter affects Beihai Dragon Palace, he hastily expressed his position.

After all, distributing supplies around Beiju Luzhou is a matter of offending the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan. The power of the Beihai Dragon Palace is not very strong, so the Beihai Dragon King is afraid. ..

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