The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 792: Question the Nine Spirits

The main forces of the demon clan in the North Sea area attacked the outer periphery of Beijuluzhou together, preparing to divide up the supplies of the outer edge of Beijuluzhou, but the main forces of the demon clan in the North Sea area occupied the outer periphery of Beijuluzhou. There is no mutant monster family.

The main forces of the demon clan in the Beihai sea area did not find a mutant demon clan on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. Therefore, the main forces of the demon clan in the Beihai sea area did not know where the materials on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou were hidden by the mutant demon clan.

After discussing with the major forces of the demon clan, they began to look for the supplies around Beiju Luzhou. This search was for six days. Within six days, the major forces of the demon clan sent a large number of demon soldier demon generals. However, he still did not find the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou, but lost dozens of demon soldiers and demon generals.

And in these six days, there will also be some conflicts between the demon soldiers and demon under the major forces of the demon clan. After all, there are some spirits, spirit grass, various spirit stones, etc. on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. These are demon. Soldier demon will like things, because these things can be exchanged in the "Snow Wolf Demon City" for some Elixir, magic weapon, spirit wine and so on!

(Snow Wolf Demon City is a demon city opened by the Ziyang Mountains, and there are also demon cities opened by the Ziyang Mountains in the North Sea.)

With the passage of time, the losses of the demon soldiers and demon under the major forces of the demon clan will also increase, which makes some demon saints have other ideas. These demon saints believe that other demon clan forces are targeting themselves.

And when the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan had other ideas, a news came out that the demon king squad under the Tiens League had found the materials outside the Beiju Luzhou.

After receiving this news, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan went to the Tiens Alliance station in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou. Because the Beihai Dragon Palace is an ally of the Tiens Alliance, the Beihai Dragon Palace ’s station outside the Beiju Luzhou is Beside the Tiens League.

After receiving this news, the North Sea Dragon King quickly went to the Tiens Alliance station, and the North Sea Dragon King was also the first demon holy to arrive at the Tiens League station.

After arriving at the Tiens Alliance station, the Beihai Dragon King negotiated with the Jiuling Yuansheng. After the Beihai Dragon King and the Jiuling Yuansheng negotiated, the demon sages of all the demon clan forces also came to the Tiens Alliance station. .

On the outskirts of Luju, Beiju, the residence of Tiens Alliance, the palace where Jiuling Yuansheng lived and discussed.

"Jiuling Yuansheng, you Tiens Alliance have found supplies outside Beiju Luzhou, why don't you tell us? Isn't your Tiens Alliance ready to swallow the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou?" Niu Mowang looked at Jiuling Yuansheng and said loudly .

Following the words of Niu Demon King, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan all looked at Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng. Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng heard the words of Niu Demon King, and his face was gloomy, but Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng knew that it was not time to be angry now.

"Bull Demon King, I have found a material outside the Lujuzhou of Beiju. I don't have an hour yet. How did you know? Did you secretly send someone to join me in the Lion League?" Jiuling Yuansheng looked at the cow The devil said loudly.

After hearing the words of Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng, Niu Mo Wang secretly said, "Not good." After all, the demon saints of the major forces of the demon clan hated this kind of thing most, so Niu Mo Wang said loudly to Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng.

"Jiuling Yuansheng, you don't want to injustice me. I won't do this kind of thing when I accumulate the mountain demon kingdom. What kind of people are my bull demon kings?"

After hearing the words of the demon king, the green lion also said loudly to the Nine Spirit Yuansheng: "Nine Spirit Yuansheng, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan now know that you have found materials outside the Beiju Luzhou. Did the demon saints of all major forces secretly send someone to join your Tiens League? "

After hearing the words of Niu Demon King and Blue Lion, Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng was going to say something, and just as Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng was going to say something to Niu Demon King and Qing Shi, Beihai Dragon King suddenly stood up and said to the demon: " Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest that we all calm down and do n’t miss some people ’s calculations. "

"Calculate? Beihai Dragon King, who said you are counting us? Who dares to count us?" Zihu Yaosheng said loudly after hearing the words of Beihai Dragon King.

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the North Sea Dragon King said aloud: "You, the Tiens Alliance has found the demon sages of all major forces of the demon clan within less than one hour after finding the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou. Is n’t this someone? Is it spread intentionally?

Why do these people deliberately spread this thing, do they want us to have all the powers of the demon clan because of these conflicts, are these people counting us? "

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the demon were silent, because the North Sea Dragon King had already thought of what they said, but they were not willing to say anything.

After hearing the words of the Dragon King of the North Sea, the Devil King said loudly: "The King of the North Sea, I will ask you a question, why did the Tiens Alliance only notify you after finding the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou, but did not notify us?"

After hearing the words of Niu Demon King, Beihai Dragon King froze for a moment, because Jiuling Yuansheng didn't inform Beihai Dragon King at all, and Beihai Dragon King came to the Tiens Alliance station only after receiving the news. It was only because the Beihai Dragon Palace station was near the Tiens League station, so Beihai The Dragon King was the first to reach the Tiens Alliance station.

Of course, the demon sages of these major forces of the demon clan did not know that they saw the Beihai Dragon King when they came to the Tiens Alliance station, so all the demon think that the Jiuling Yuansheng has notified the Beihai Dragon King without notifying them, after all, the Beihai Dragon Palace It is an ally with Tiens League.

It is precisely because the monsters had such an idea that the monsters began to send trouble to the Jiuling Yuansheng after they arrived at the main hall, because the demon suspected that the Jiuling Yuansheng and the Beihai Dragon King were about to swallow the supplies outside the North Juluzhou.

The King of the North Sea Dragon vaguely guessed the idea of ​​the monsters, so the King of the North Sea quickly explained to the monsters, and then said to the monsters: "You guys, I guess you misunderstood what you are doing. When I received my report, I was ready to send someone to invite you.

But when I first arrived at the Tiens Alliance station, I stopped the Nine Spirits of the Holy Spirit, because when the Tiens Alliance found the supplies around Beiju Luzhou has spread to all the forces of the demon clan.

I know that you will come to the Tiens Alliance station after knowing this news, so I stopped the action of the Jiuling Yuansheng. The Jiuling Yuansheng has not come to check the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou after receiving the report from your lord. , You came to the station of Tiens League intermittently. "

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the monsters were silent. The monsters did not know whether the North Sea Dragon King said it was true, but now the Jiuling Yuansheng and the North Sea Dragon King obviously could not swallow the supplies around Beiju Luzhou, so the monsters There is no intention to say anything. ..

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