The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 786: Come early

"Brother, Blue Lion, You Wolf King, I got a message, I guess it is because of this news that you will have this kind of uneasy feeling." Pan Chen looked at Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others slowly Said.

After hearing the words of Pan Chen, Niu Mowang quickly said, "Brother Xian, what news did you get?" Following the words of Niu Demon, the monsters also asked Pan Chen one after another.

Pan Chen looked at the Bull Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others and said slowly: "Brother, Blue Lion, You Wolf King, I got the news that the world disaster will come to Beiju Luzhou in half a year, And Tianting and Lingshan will also come to some people outside the territory. "

The brothers of the Devil King, the three brothers of the blue lion, the ancestor of the yellow eyebrow, the king of the wolf, the Hu Huo, the Madam Bone, the six-eared macaque, and the king of the Holy Sea all changed their faces after hearing Pan Chen ’s words, and then Hu Huo turned to Pan Chen said aloud: "King, didn't the catastrophe of heaven and earth come to Luju, Beiju only two years later? Why is it ahead of time now?"

After hearing Hu Huo's words, the Bull Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others all looked at Pan Chen. Pan Chen saw the Bull Demon King, Green Lion, You Wolf King and others all looked at themselves, so they faced the Bull Demon King, Green The lion, the ghost wolf king and others said slowly.

"I don't know why the World Tribulation is coming in advance, but I know that this is the Tribulation of the Three Realms, and I don't know how many demon kings, immortals, and Buddhas will die."

After hearing Pan Chen's words, the Green Lion thought about it, and then said to Pan Chen: "Snow Wolf King, the world disaster will arrive in advance, will it affect the mutant demon clan of Beiju Luzhou?"

After hearing the words of the Green Lion, Pan Chen kept silent, but closed his eyes, and then began to interrogate the system in his heart. The Bull Demon King, the Green Lion, the Wolves King and others saw that Pan Chen did not speak. Expression, they all think that Pan Chen is thinking about the problem, so the demon did not speak, but quietly waited for Pan Chen to speak.

Pan Chen talked with the system for a while, then opened his eyes to the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, the You Wolf King and others said: "The World Tribulation is coming in advance, it will definitely affect the mutated demon clan and demon warcraft in Luju of Beiju .

Now the black mist in Beijuluzhou has begun to change. I believe that as long as the black mist in Beijuluzhou is completely changed, then the mutant monster clan and demon warcraft in Beijuluzhou can leave Beijuluzhou.

And when is the time when the Bai tribe comes, and it is also the beginning of the world tribulation, as for the people outside the territory of Tianting and Lingshan, I do n’t know very well. "

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, Niu Mowang, Qingshi, Youlang Wang and others all said nothing, but they did n’t know what they were thinking. After a while, Niu Mowang said to Pan Chen: "Xiandi, how should we face The World Tribulation is coming. "

Pan Chen smiled bitterly after hearing the words of the Demon King Niu: "I don't know how to face the coming of the World Tribulation."

Niu Mowang, Qingshi, Youlang Wang and others also smiled bitterly after hearing Pan Chen's words, because they didn't know how to face the coming of the world.

Pan Chen looked at the expressions of Niu Demon, Qing Shi, You Lang Wang and others and said to Niu De Wang, Qing Shi, Yu Lang Wang and others; "Brother, Green Lion, Yu Lang Wang, although I do n’t know what to do Facing the advent of the heaven and earth disaster, but I know that I want to protect my demon in the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom and my territory in the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom. " Niu Mowang, Qingshi, Youlang Wang and others heard a point from Pan Chen, and then Youlang Wang said to Pan Chen: "Snow Wolf King, you said we can put Are the Bai people suppressed in Beiju Luzhou? "

Pan Chen said slowly after hearing the words of King Wolf, "I don't know. After all, I haven't seen Bai Clan, and I don't know their strength?"

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the Cow Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others were silent for a while, and then the Blue Lion looked at Pan Chen, the Niu Demon King, and the You Wolf King three people said: "Snow Wolf King, Cow Demon King, You Wolf King , I suggest that we should integrate the major forces of the demon clan, after all, the world disaster will come in half a year. "

After hearing the words of the green lion, the Niu Demon said slowly: "Integrating the major forces of the demon clan? How do we integrate? Although the demon clan established the demon clan alliance, it is impossible to integrate the demon clan."

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Wolf King quickly said: "The Demon King Niu said well, we now have no way at all, nor do we have the strength to integrate the entire demon clan.

The demon clan can now be said to be divided into three parties, we count as one party, the Nanhubei Union of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and some demon clan forces who surrender to them count as one party, the Tiens Alliance of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng and the Beihai Dragon Palace of the Beihai Dragon King One side.

Our tripartite forces calculate and guard against each other, so there is simply no way for our tripartite forces to integrate together. "

After hearing the words of the three demon kings, the blue lion, and the wolf king, Pan Chen thought about it, and then said to the three demon kings, the blue lion, and the lion king: "Brother, blue lion, king lion, you three People say good things, but I think we should really add some strength now.

Although the demon clan now has our three forces in charge, our three forces only occupy two thirds of the demon clan, and one third of the demon clan forces we can fight for. "

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the Niu Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolves King thought about it, and then the Niu Demon King said to Pan Chen: "Xiandi, do you mean let us go to keep the neutral demon forces?"

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of Niu Demon, and then said to Niu Demon: "Brother, you are right, I mean that."

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the green lion slowly said: “Snow Wolf King, your idea is good, but this is impossible at all. These neutral demon clan are some demon clan forces, they are afraid of us and swallow them. So I don't want to belong to us.

Now we are going to win over them, they must be reluctant, saying that they are already in a group, we are not good to attack them, after all, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint are still watching us! "

Pan Chen smiled after hearing the words of the blue lion, and then said to the green lion: "You said that the blue lion was before, but now it is different. Isn't the demon clan ruining the world?

We will quickly bring the world and the catastrophe to the world, and the news of where it is coming will not be able to spread, and when we are going to win over them. "

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, Niu Mowang's eyes lit up, and then said to Pan Chen: "Gao, sir, this method is really high. If they know that the World Tribulation is coming in half a year, then they will definitely turn to the demon forces, After all, their power is too small, and at this time we go to attract them, they will definitely think about it. "..

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