The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 772: Election of the leader of the North Sea

After seeing Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, Blue Lion and You Wolf King, the demon clan demon slowly looked at the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. In fact, the demon clan demon already knew the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Elemental Saint There have been some conflicts. After all, the attitudes of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints have shown everything.

Since the conflict between the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, have the alliances of the Nanxunbei Union, Tiens Alliance, and Beihai Dragon Palace also broken, in fact, the monsters and demon do not know that the Nanxunbei Union The Tiens Alliance and the Beihai Dragon Palace have no real alliance at all.

Purple Tiger Demon Saint carefully looked at Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others, and then looked at Jiuling Yuan Sheng, Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, Beihai Dragon King and others, and finally faced the demon crowd The demon said: "Since most of the monsters of the demon clan agree with the proposal of the Jiuling Yuansheng, then my Nanxun Chau Alliance also agrees with the proposal of the Jiuling Yuansheng."

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the demon clan demon had different expressions, but there is one thing they are the same, that is, the demon clan demon did not say anything.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint saw that the Demon Clan did not speak, so he said to the Demon Clan Demon aloud: "Everyone, now qualified to be the demon sage of the major forces in the North Sea, is: the Nine Spirit Yuansheng of the Tianshi Alliance, Ziyang The snow wolf kings of the mountain demon kingdom, the cattle demon king of the mountain demon kingdom, the blue lion demon holy of the lion camel ridge demon kingdom, and my five purple tiger demon holy men.

As long as any one of our five demon sages has more than half of the support of the major forces in the North Sea, then any of our five demon sages can serve as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea. "

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, all the demon clan demon had a lot of discussion. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint did not stop the discussion of the demon, but waited for a while, and then said to the demon clan: "You, we start now Vote! "

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the King of the North Sea Dragon quickly stood up and said: "My Beihai Dragon Palace elected the Nine Ling Yuan Sheng of the Tiens Alliance as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea area!"

Following the words of the North Sea Dragon King, some demon clan forces said.

"My tiger sharks have also elected Jiuling Yuansheng of Tiens Alliance as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"

"My lion family also elected the Nine Spirit Yuansheng of the Tiens Alliance as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"

"My Fire Lion family also elected the Nine Spirit Yuansheng of the Tiens Alliance as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"


The Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King, East Sea Dragon King and others looked at these demon clan powers, and these demon clan powers have already occupied four quarters of the demon clan powers One more.

"My fire squirrel family elected the Purple Tiger Demon Saint of the Union of South Asian Territories as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"

"I, the Yellow Dragon Demon King, also elected the Purple Tiger Demon Saint of the Union of South African Territories as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"

"My sea monkey family has also elected the Purple Tiger Demon Saint of the Union of South African Territories as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea!"


After seeing Jinhu ’s eyes, the small forces of the demon clan belonging to the Union of the South Confederate States also stood up and said, in fact, Jinhu knows that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint can no longer be the leader of the major forces in the North Sea, but Jinhu still allows These demon tribes have expressed their stance, because this represents the prestige of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint in the demon tribe.

There are not many small forces that choose the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, only one-seventh of the major forces of the Demon Race, but this still surprises Taibaijinxing, Avalokitesvara, and Jiuling Yuansheng because it represents the Purple Tiger Demon. Saint's status in the demon clan.

After hearing the words of these little forces, Pan Chen looked at the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. Pan Chen was not prepared to be the lord of the major forces in the North Sea, but Pan Chen would not be prepared to let the Jiuling Yuan Sheng become the lord of the major forces in the North Sea. After all, Pan Chen knew who was behind the Holy Spirit of the Nine Spirits.

"Snow Wolf King, who should we support?" You Wolf King knew that Pan Chen was not ready to be the lord of the major forces in the North Sea, so he asked Pan Chen. If You Wolf King does not know Pan Chen's idea, then You Wolf King Will definitely support Pan Chen as the leader of the major forces in the North Sea.

Before Pan Chen spoke, the Bull Demon King quickly said, "We don't support any of us, we should support the younger brother to be the leader of the major forces in the North Sea."

Pan Chen was ready to say something to Niu Demon after hearing the words of Niu Demon, and just as Pan Chen was preparing to speak, the green lion suddenly said to Niu Demon: "The demon clan supporting the Jiuling Yuansheng is too much. Even if we support the Snow Wolf King, the Snow Wolf King may not be able to become an ally of all major forces in the North Sea. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of the green lion. After all, in the past ten days or so, Jiu Lingyuan Sheng had attracted too many demon clan forces, and now Tianting and Lingshan have not expressed their views?

Pan Chen thought for a while, and then said to the three demon kings, the blue lion, and the king of the wolf: "Brother, the blue lion, the king of the wolf, you said that the purple tiger demon and the nine spirits, Taibaijinxing, Guanshiyin Are they in conflict? "

After hearing the words of Pan Chen, the three of Niu Mowang, Qingshi and Youlang were stunned. They did n’t know why Panchen asked this question, but the three of Niu Demon, Qingshi and Youlang still thought about it carefully, and then Niu The devil said to Pan Chen: "Yindi, I think their forces must have collided, otherwise the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng will not have such an attitude."

The king of the wolf nodded when he heard the words of the demon king, and then said to Pan Chen and the green lion: "My thoughts are the same as the devil king."

After hearing the words of Niu Demon and Youlang, Qingshi thought about them, and then said to Niu Demon, Youlang and Pan Chen: "My thoughts are different from Niu Demon, and none of us know if they really happened. Conflict, after all, Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara have not yet expressed their views. I am worried that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuansheng are showing us the acting. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of the Green Lion, because Pan Chen thought the same way. After all, according to the news received by Pan Chen, Taibai Jinxing and Guan Shiyin supported the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. ally.

"My thoughts are the same as the green lion, but I do n’t understand a little bit. If this is the show of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, what is their purpose?" Pan Chen looked at the Bull Demon King, Qing The lion and the three wolves said.

The three of Niu Demon King, Blue Lion and You Wolf King froze after hearing Pan Chen ’s words, and then You Lang King slowly said to Pan Chen: "Snow Wolf King, do you say they are counting us? Or are they really What conflict happened, and we don't know? "..

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