The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 764: The Guessing Rule of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint is very worried now, because after the Purple Tiger Demon Saint announced the start of the founding banquet of the Union of the Southern Division, the Panchen, the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolves King gathered together.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint has been paying attention to the expressions of Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Blue Lion, and Youlang King. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint doubts Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Green Lion, and Youlang King to prepare to destroy the Union Jianguo Banquet.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint started thinking wildly. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint thought more and more that Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Blue Lion, and You Wolf King were going to destroy the founding banquet of the Union of South Asian Ministry.

"Golden Tiger, three days ago I asked you something. How did you inquire?" The Purple Tiger Demon Saint looked at Pan Chen, the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolf King, and then said to the Golden Tiger.

Jin Hu was surprised when he heard the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint, because Golden Tiger didn't know what Purple Tiger Demon Saint said? Jin Hu recalled it carefully. It seemed that Jin Hu couldn't really remember it, and Jin Hu began to worry anxiously.

When the Golden Tiger was secretly anxious, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint turned to look at the Golden Tiger. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint saw that the Golden Tiger did not answer his question, thinking that the Golden Tiger did not hear what he had just said, so the Purple Tiger Demon Saint He said to Jinhu again.

"Jinhu, I ask you, three days ago I asked you to look at the Ziyang Qunshan demon country. What happened to you? Is there really a problem inside the Ziyang Qunshan demon country?"

When Jinhu heard the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, he immediately remembered it, and understood that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint was asking himself, so Jin Hu quickly said to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint: "Master, I will carefully investigate this matter. After that, I also inquired about it. There was no problem at all within the Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom.

The reason why Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom does not attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou is because of the order of the Snow Wolf King. As for why the Snow Wolf King does not attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, I do n’t know.

However, I think that the Snow Wolf King does not want to listen to the orders of the King, so he does not attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. After all, this time you attacked the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. "

Zihu Yaosheng nodded when he heard the words of Jinhu. In fact, Zihu Yaosheng also thought this way. Although Zihu Yaosheng knew that Ziyang mountains and demon nations were not short of supplies, there was no demon clan force who felt that there were more supplies.

"Golden Tiger, I think you are right. The reason why Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo didn't attack the periphery of Juluzhou was because the Snow Wolf King was dissatisfied with the fact that I hosted this attack on the periphery of Juluzhou." The Golden Tiger said slowly.

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jinhu quickly said: "King, this is just my guess. After all, the Ziyang Qunshan demon country has no shortage of materials, maybe the Snow Wolf King is not looking at the materials around the Juzhou."

Zihu Yaosheng smiled after hearing Jinhu's words, and then said to Jinhu: "Jinhu, which demon clan do you think will have more supplies?"

Jinhu smiled after hearing the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and then did n’t say anything. In fact, Golden Tiger did n’t even know why Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom did n’t attack the periphery of Juluzhou. To put it nicely, Golden Tiger knows the Purple Tiger Demon Saint very well, so Golden Tiger knows what to say about Purple Tiger Demon Saint to be happy.

"Golden Tiger, in these days the Shituoling Demon Country, accumulating the Mountain Demon State, did the Wolves really have no action? Did they not meet together these days?" The Purple Tiger Demon Saint thought for a while, and finally faced Jinhu asked.

When Jinhu heard the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, he understood what the Purple Tiger Demon Saint was worried about. Because of this question, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint had already asked himself and the Dragon King.

"The king, the lion camel ridge demon country, the accumulation mountain demon country, the wolves family have not made any movements in these days, and they have not had any gatherings in these days, the brothers of the devil king, the three brothers of the blue lion, and the yellow eyebrow Patriarch, Niu Fen, Ruyi Zhenxian, Jin Peng, You Lang Wang and others have never left their territory. "Jin Hu whispered to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint.

After hearing the words of Jinhu, Zihu Yaosheng nodded, then said to Jinhu: "Jinhu, Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo, what have you done in the past few days, and has Snow Wolf King never left? That big island. "

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jinhu quickly said: "Great King, Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom hasn't done anything in recent days, and the Snow Wolf King hasn't left that big island, but the Huyang Hu, the general manager of Ziyang Qunshan, went yesterday Demon City, as for what Hu Huo is going to do, I did n’t find out. "

After hearing the words of Jinhu, Zihu Yaosheng thought about it, and then said to Jinhu: "Jinhu, you said that the Snow Wolf King, the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the You Wolf King are now discussing together. what?"

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jin Hu froze for a moment, then looked at Pan Chen, the Niu Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolves King, and finally said to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint: "Great King, Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, The Shituoling Demon Kingdom, the accumulation of the Mountain Demon Kingdom, and the Wolves are allies, so it is normal for the Snow Wolf King, the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the You Wolf King to gather together. "

After hearing the words of Jinhu, Zihu Yaosheng looked at Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Blue Lion, You Wolf King, and then slowly said to Jin Hu: "No, Snow Wolf King, Niu Demon, Green Lion, You It is very abnormal for the four wolf kings to get together. The four of them came last. Now that they are together, I think they must be planning something. "

Jinhu understood what the Purple Tiger Demon Saint was worried about when he heard the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. In fact, Golden Tiger felt that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint was thinking too much. , Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Lang King will not destroy the Jianguo Banquet as long as they are not stupid.

"King, I think that the Ziyang mountains demon country, the Shituoling demon country, the accumulation mountain demon country, and the ghost wolf family will not destroy our founding banquet. Support us. "Jin Hu thought for a while and then said to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint.

Zihu Yaosheng nodded after hearing Jinhu ’s words. Zihu Yaosheng also thought that Jinhu said well, but Zihu Yaosheng still frowned. Zihu Yaosheng thought for a while, then said to Jinhu: "Golden Tiger, do you say that the Snow Wolf King, Cow Demon King, Blue Lion, and You Wolf King will support me as the lord of the demon clan forces in the North Sea?"

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Jinhu quickly said: "No, Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Shituoling Demon Kingdom, the accumulation Mountain Demon Kingdom, and the Wolves will not support the king as the lord of the demon forces in the North Sea.

But they have no way to stop this matter. After all, most forces of the demon clan support the king as the lord of the demon clan in the North Sea, so Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Green Lion, and Youlang King can't stop it. "..

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