The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 753: Allies visit

Pan Chen thought carefully about the current situation, and then asked Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, and King Shenghai: "What do you think?"

Hu Huo, Mrs. White Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, and King Shenghai thought about Pan Chen's words, and Mrs. White Bone slowly said to Pan Chen, "King, now it is not about how we think, but about accumulation. Mountain demon country, Shituoling demon country, what do you think about the wolf family. "

"The king, Bai Bianxian said it well. If the mountain demon kingdom, the lion camel demon kingdom, and the wolves are preparing to attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, then we will have no way." Hu Huo heard Mrs. Baigu's words He quickly said to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen thought about it after hearing Hu Huo and Mrs. Bone Bone, and then said to Hu Huo, Mrs. Bone Bone, the six-eared macaque, and Shenghaiwang: "Accumulate the mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country, the ghost wolf family, and The fact that the major forces of the demon clan are attacking and not attacking the periphery of Beijuluzhou has no effect on our Ziyang mountains demon country.

The reason why I spread the news about the outskirts of Luju in Beiju was to calculate the purpose of Tianting and Lingshan, and also to see the purpose of Tianting and Lingshan.

Because I know that Tianting and Lingshan have little power and ability to attack the periphery of Beijuluzhou in the North Sea, but I did not expect Tianting and Lingshan to reach some agreements with Purple Tiger Demon Saint.

I did n’t think that Ziyang Gunshan was so stupid. Did n’t he know that Tianting and Lingshan could influence the situation of the demon race in the North Sea through him? This is simply not what I want to see.

Tianting and Lingshan are using the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. The purpose of Tianting and Lingshan is to attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou and use the Purple Tiger Demon Saint to influence the situation of the demon race in the North Sea. "

"King, I do n’t think we need to worry about anything at all. The forces of the demon clan are not stupid. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng have been talking for more than ten days, but all the forces of the demon clan are watching us. The demon country, the accumulation of mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country, the attitude of the Youlang family.

It can be seen from here that Tianting and Lingshan have no way to affect the situation of the demon clan in the North Sea area, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint does not necessarily know the plans of Tianting and Lingshan. The six-eared macaque said slowly after hearing Pan Chen's words.

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Pan Chen thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, do you mean that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint knows that Tianting and Lingshan are using him?"

The six-eared macaque nodded when he heard Pan Chen ’s words, and then said to Pan Chen, “I ’m really thinking about it, because the king of the purple tiger demon horror is all about the demon clan ’s power, and the demon clan ’s power is the purple tiger demon. There is no lobbying at all.

It can be seen from here that the Purple Tiger Demon Saint knows the ideas of Heavenly Court and Lingshan, but the Purple Tiger Demon Saint needs the support of Heavenly Court and Lingshan, so the Purple Tiger Demon Saint has not stated clearly.

Tianting and Lingshan wanted to use the Purple Tiger Demon Saint to influence the situation of the demon race in the North Sea, and Purple Tiger Demon Saint wanted Tianting and Lingshan to support him as the nominal leader of many forces in the North Sea, so their three forces were using each other. "

When Hu Huo heard the six-eared macaque, he quickly said to Pan Chen: "King, I think the six-eared macaque is right. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint is not that stupid.

However, I think we should discuss with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, and tell the Purple Tiger Demon Saint that our Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom also supports him as the nominal leader of many forces in the North Sea.

If we have negotiated with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, maybe the Purple Tiger Demon Saint does not need the support of Heavenly Court and Lingshan, so Tianting and Lingshan cannot use the Purple Tiger Demon Saint to influence the situation of the demon race in the North Sea. "

As soon as Hu Huo's words fell, Madam Bone Bone quickly said, "No, we can't discuss with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint always wants to surpass the king. If we say to the Purple Tiger Demon Saint that our king doesn't even have He intends to be the nominal leader of many forces in the North Sea.

So what does the Purple Tiger Demon Holy Society think? The Purple Tiger Demon Saint is a proud and caring face monster. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint wants to use this opportunity to surpass the king. As a result, the king is simply letting the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, then the Purple Tiger Demon Saint will be crazy. . "

Saint Neptune and Six-Eared Macaque quickly said after hearing Mrs. Bone Bone: "Yes, Bone Bone Xian said very well, we simply cannot discuss with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, otherwise the Purple Tiger Demon Saint will be crazy."

Pan Chen nodded after hearing Mrs. Bone's words, and then said to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, we don't need to discuss with the Purple Tiger Demon Saint. The power of the South Union Ministry is not weak. If the Purple Tiger Demon Saint is crazy, Then none of us know what the Purple Tiger Demon Holy Gathering will do.

Since the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and Heavenly Court and Lingshan use each other, then we do not need to worry about the use of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and Tianshan and Lingshan to influence the situation of the demon race in the North Sea.

Since Tianting and Lingshan cannot affect the situation of the demon clan in the North Sea area, then they can do whatever they want. After all, whether or not to attack the periphery of Beijuluzhou has no effect on our Ziyang Qunshan demon country. "

Hu Huo nodded when he heard Pan Chen's words, and then asked Pan Chen: "King, since we have decided not to intervene in this matter, do we need to tell the accumulation mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country, the ghost wolf family? "

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Pan Chen thought about it and said to Hu Huo: "We don't need to tell the accumulating mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country, the ghost wolf family, after all, they are only our allies, and they are temporary allies.

What they want to do doesn't have much to do with us, but we still need to listen to their thoughts. Isn't it true that the immortal, Huang Mei ancestor, and You Lang King will come? We hear their thoughts and see what their attitude is. "

Hu Huo didn't speak after hearing Pan Chen's words, and Pan Chen didn't say anything at this time, but didn't know what to think. Hu Huo, Mrs. Bone Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, and Shenghai Wang saw Pan Chen's Pan Chen did not disturb the expression, and quietly waited for the arrival of Ruyi Real Immortal, Huang Mei Ancestor, and You Lang Wang.

A quarter of an hour later, the demon reported that Ruyi was a true fairy, Huang Mei ancestor, and You Lang Wang have arrived on the island. After hearing this, Pan Chen said to Hu Huo, "Hu Huo, you will meet them."

Hu Huo quickly got up and left after hearing Pan Chen's words, and soon Hu Huo brought the wishful fairy, Huang Mei ancestor, and You Lang Wang to the hall.

Ruyi Zhenxian, Ancestor Huang Mei and the three kings of the wolf king saw Pan Chen first and then saluted Mrs. Bone Bone, Six-Eared Macaque, and three people of Shenghaiwang. The three saints of the sea king also saluted the wishful fairy, the ancestor of the yellow eyebrow and the three kings of the wolf king. ..

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