The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 106: Desperate Purple Plains

"It's sixteen points over !!!! Chen, you are so powerful. The feeling of oppression on the basketball court just made me feel it. I feel that Yangquan has been completely crushed!" Xiao Jinjing said excitedly around Pan Chen.

Mu Ji and Nissho Junpei who appeared at the end also appeared a little excited.

"Your state is so cruel, and this time you insisted so long!"

"The scary three-point shooting rate is also scary. My sincere number one shooter has been completely crushed by you. Pan Chen, you are really a hit!"

During the intermission, the atmosphere of Seongin was obviously relaxed, and the advantage of 16 points ahead of them seemed to have no suspense in their victory. Everyone praised Pan Chen, this game Pan Chen ’s The performance can no longer be described as wonderful.

He is the **** of Cheng Rin. He defeated the Yangquan team alone, blocked 8 times, assisted 2 times, and scored 28 points. This data is a miracle. Of course, this also has the cooperation of other people, especially the black son. Passing plays a big role.

However, I have to say that Yang Quan's heart is also very strong, especially Bing Shichen is also very desperate in the entire game. The average player has already been defeated by Pan Chen, but he still desperately attacks the emperor.

"Okay, don't disturb Pan Chen's rest, and don't be too happy, the game is not over!" At this time, Cheng Rin's coach, Reiko Ayaka, looked at the tired emotion of Pan Chen's face. When he came down, he shouted loudly at the other Seolin players.

Others also discovered the state of Pan Chen, his physical strength has always been arrogant, no matter whether it is training or previous games, I have not seen such a tired Pan Chen, obviously a large-scale collision and a single heads-up Yangquan team is too much Exhausted energy.

"Pan Chen, hard work!"

Reiko Aida was distressed and patted Pan Chen's shoulder and took a glass of water from the side and handed it over. Her eyes were a bit complicated, but Pan Chen didn't feel the mood of Aiko Reiko, because Riko Reiko has been so good to the players .

Take care of everyone.

"I need to rest for a period of time, and it's up to you next." Pan Chen looked at Bing Shichen and Zi Yuandun in the distance. The two were obviously arguing. The situation he was most worried about was likely to happen. zone state!

Vulcan and Heizi also looked at Pan Chen's eyes, and his eyes clearly revealed worry and determination. Everything before was Pan Chen to carry the team, and now it is their turn to carry the team's pillars.

And Ziyuan Dun and Bing Shichen did quarrel.

"What did you just say !!!" Bing Shichen also roared with a stunned face, his face was covered with sweat, the previous crazy attack made his physical exertion extremely great.

Ziyuan Dun covered some bleak eyes with a towel, and the tone was not as cold as in the past, but said a little hoarsely, "I'll forget it, I won't fight, you can change people."

As soon as the voice fell, Bing Shichen also stood up excitedly from his seat and roared towards Ziyuan Dun, "What are you kidding !!! What the **** do you want !!! Do you give up the game? There is only a gap of 16 points. ! Pan Chen's physical strength is obviously not enough! "

The surrounding Yangquan players looked at the two in amazement. They couldn't imagine how Yangquan without Ziyuan Dun could stop Pan Chen. Don't mention Pan Chen. I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to defeat Vulcan and Nisshun Shunping! ! !

"I just suddenly felt that the game was boring." Ziyuan Dun didn't care about Bingchen Chenya's growl, and didn't mean to get up. He just lay on the chair like a puppet, his eyes were covered with a damp towel, as if he was The heart covered by the dark clouds is average!

Araki Yako's face was somber, she could allow Ziyuan Dun to not take the initiative to attack at ordinary times, or she could allow Ziyuan Dun to act arbitrarily. That's because Ziyuan Dun has no equal to the team's interests, but Ziyuan Dun is definitely not Yangquan needs it!

She said in a cold voice, "Bring me the bamboo sword over there!"

A chill came out of her, and she wanted to wake Ziyuan Dun.

The same is true for Kenichi Okamura, who had been caught in the shadow of Pan Chen before. He stood up with a sullen face and looked down at Ziyuan Dun. He said in a heavy tone, "That guy is no longer good. If you end now, the game will not win." , Are you willing to obediently lose the game with your character !!! Ah !!! "

Ziyuan Dun still allowed his towel to cover his eyes, his hoarse voice sounded again, "Anyway, we lose, we can't resist Pan Chen anyway, let alone our physical exertion is greater than him. "

"You bastard." Kenichi Okamura's eyes instantly became cold, and he is now in the same mood as Araki, wanting to beat Ziyuan Dun hard. The current Ziyuan Dun is the same as the proud Gaoyuan Dun before. Not at all.

However, he hasn't started yet, and Bing Shichen next to him has also started.

Boom! ! ! With a muffled sound, Ziyuan Dun ’s right face was directly hit by Bing Shichen, and he fell heavily from the side of the chair. The towel also fell from his face, allowing him to see everyone ’s expression clearly, and the anger in everyone ’s eyes. , That's a feeling of hating iron not steel!

He was suddenly raised again.

Bingchen Chen also grabbed his collar and snarled, "Dun! Don't go too far !!! What's wrong with you now, is Pan Chen afraid of you? The game is not over yet, there are two Ten minutes! Do you have to give up !!! "

"You talk, are you really beaten down by Pan Chen !!!"

Zi Yuandun ’s eyes did n’t have any brilliance, letting Bing Shichen also grab his collar, “I am most annoyed by this **** line. Failure is failure, and the loser is the loser. Do n’t Pan Chen feel powerless in front of him? "

He circled around, "Don't you feel powerless?"

After that, his eyes returned to Bingshi Chenya, and he smiled madly. "Don't you understand that Pan Chen's talents have surpassed everyone" ..

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