The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 81: Coming crashing

"Be careful!" Regarding the moment when Hua Gong really jumped up and the resentment in the other person's eyes, Reiko Xiangtian couldn't help but exclaimed.

The movement of this guy became more and more obvious, and it was still so cruel.

This is to abolish Pan Chen's right foot. The whole person jumps, how horrible is the weight he carries? !

At the same time, there are also concerns about Tao Jing May and others.

Hua Gong really wants to step on Pan Chen's feet. This scene of crisis has caused almost all people who care about Pan Chen's heart to beat violently, and Vulcan rushed over, but just after a few steps, he just stunned.

Because in an instant, he saw that Pan Chen disappeared.

Do not! Instead of disappearing, the speed is too fast, and a visual illusion has occurred. Pan Chen has taken a step back, seemingly because the instantaneous acceleration is too fierce, and his body's center of gravity is still shaking, and then he will Jumped up.

Three points! ! ! !

Um-Basketball entered the hoop instantly and Pan Chen scored another point.

It was just accompanied by the sound of Sang, there was a near screaming sound, that was the real voice of Hua Gong, above his right foot was Pan Chen ’s foot, Pan Chen stepped back before, and then jump shot, naturally more than flowers Gong really wants to slow down a bit, but it's not much slower.

It happened to be the moment when the Flower Palace really landed, Pan Chen also landed at the same time.

It seems such a coincidence, and the result of the coincidence is naturally Hua Gong really lying on the ground with her instep covered, as if it is really painful.

It was just that the referee did n’t whistle at the slightest to signal Pan Chen ’s foul move. He had also seen Hua Gong ’s small moves before. After all, in the one-on-one confrontation, the two ’s actions were too obvious. A hole was drilled, but the discerning person could see what he wanted to do.

At the moment, it is just retribution. The most important thing is that Pan Chen did not foul!

When Pan Chen walked past Hua Gong again, he said in a voice that only the two of them heard, "Do n’t pretend, I do n’t use much force, and I ’ll have fun with you next time, by the way, forget to tell you By the way, I have also met someone similar to you, but he is not mean, he just likes to hit people when he plays tennis, but he is hospitalized! "

Hua Gong's expression on Pan's face, which was stimulated by Pan Chen's words, suddenly changed. Before that, he was still pretending to have severe pain. When he heard Pan Chen's words, his face suddenly became somber, but his face was still a little bit twitch.

Pan Chen's foot, although not strong, did not affect his actions, but also made him feel enough pain.

The referee's reaction, Pan Chen's words, made this self-proclaimed villain who always likes to destroy the hard-working ball the first time he felt so angry. His rage has completely exploded and exploded, turning into a burning anger. Eight Ga!

You bastard, wait for me.

Hua Gongzhen's eyes locked Pan Chen's back, and he was so teased that it was an unprecedented thing for him. He could not bear it. He must send Pan Chen to the hospital to let him know that it offended me. Gong really ends.

Pan Chen who returned to defense didn't feel like Hua Gongzhen's murderous gaze. He smiled at his teammates Vulcan and Kuroko, and then glanced at Mu Ji, who was watching with gratitude. he.

"Thanks to you." Rixiang Shunping said the same, but he also seemed a little worried. "But you have to be careful, that flower palace is really not so good, he will only be more insidious and desperate next time!"

Pan Chen smiled, and just said, "It's bad luck to meet me."

The game started again, but Hua Gong really didn't have the chance to make small moves.

Because Hua Gong's defense is really bad, or in the face of Pan Chen, it is really bad. Pan Chen doesn't need to care about his actions, he can easily force a breakthrough by directly relying on speed, and then a slam dunk!

"Pan Chen came out to catch the ball again, Kuroko's high-altitude pass? Beautiful pass, the timing is really good, slam dunk !!!"

"I wipe, this flower palace is really too impatient, and it was knocked away again, and Pan Chen just controlled the ball and hit the flower palace directly into the basketball?"

"Slam dunk, Hua Gongzhen this guy is too weak. This is Pan Chen's fifth dunk in this game, and the fifth dunk in the first quarter of this game? Pan Chen's worst thing about dunks?" This is what the players like Luma and Qingfeng came to watch the game.

And it is also the situation at the moment. From the start of the game, Pan Chen ’s dunk has a fly dunk after the ball is broken, there is also a dunk that holds the ball to attack the dragon, and there is a breakthrough inside the ball after the ball has run off the defensive player. Dunk and so on.

From the beginning of this game, Pan Chen's purpose was extremely strong. Even the stupid people, it is very clear, what is the reason why Pan Chen played such a domineering game.

Even if they were going to avenge Mu Ji for them, they were also going to Hua Gongzhen. He just wanted to completely destroy and destroy Huajing's true spirit on the basketball court.

What is shown to the audience is this vivid and violent aesthetic staged by Pan Chen at this moment, or a large number of audiences are captured. This kind of violence looks very much like these people, because this is only seen on nba Wonderful scene!

"Hua Gong is really afraid that his intestines will regret it at the moment. It's really annoying no one to provoke Pan Chen. He is so violent that even I feel a little frightened, too exaggerated, just afraid of him Does a person have the ability to attack the Seongin Line? "Ri Xiangshunping said.

Both Muji and Kuroko couldn't help but nod, Vulcan seemed a little dissatisfied, but had to admit that Pan Chen's dunk was more domineering than his, and the sense of the picture was too shocking.

The first half ended with a score of 60:12, which is simply terrible.

In the face of this, Hua Gong really didn't do much, and it seems that he has been accumulating something, or what script he has been planning! ..

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