The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 75: Break through Qingfeng

Pan Chen didn't go to observe Heizi anymore, because he had awakened and knew his future path, so he didn't need to intervene.

And he has no time to care about sunspots, because the daily special training is still going on, every day is the weight training in the morning and afternoon and the limit breakthrough in the afternoon.

This kind of training every day is enough to make him feel exhausted, and at night he has to cultivate feelings with Taojing May, how can he have the energy to care about sunspots.

He only hopes that Kuroko can do all the same as the original.

And he has such a desperate effect. The rage mode is finally completely mastered by him, but now the physical strength can only support the three-minute rage, otherwise he will completely collapse after this, but the benefits are also there, he can always Enter autonomously anywhere.

And the effect of the Rush Mode is still increasing, as the physical strength increases.

In this regard, he also began to draw new skills

After all, the Rush mode only enhances its own speed and strength. Basketball skills still have to rely on skills. Otherwise, it may be okay to use the Rush mode against Qingfeng alone, but it will be a little difficult in the face of Akashi Sejuro, not to mention the normal game but 40 minutes !

This can only be used as a killer tool, not as a conventional means

Vulcan is doing warm-up training at the moment, he can also feel his physical strength, but every time he practices, he will lose to Qingfeng, not to mention Pan Chen, because Qingfeng has never entered that state once. .

At this moment, it was another failure. After saying something, Qingfeng left with a basketball.

Vulcan looked at his hands a little confused, he also wanted to become stronger, but this is not a short time to grow up, and what is the state of the matter.

Just when he was thinking about it, suddenly it was dark, he raised his head reflexively, and then saw the black man holding the basketball.


"Vulcan, practice with me!" Kuroko threw the basketball to Vulcan and walked towards the basketball court when he finished.

Vulcan was a little stunned after catching the basketball, "practice? What to practice"

"Breakthrough." Kuroko said, looking at Vulcan, "I want to break through you, I want to break through the miracle era, I want to promote myself again!"

Listening to Heizi being so decisive and determined, Vulcan was frightened: "Breakthrough? Are you crazy, isn't your passing skill already good, why not continue to enhance your pass?"

Kuroko's eyes suddenly radiate a light that Vulcan has never seen, "Because I want to be stronger, and I want to be stronger, I can't just pass the ball. I should have other killer skills."

"Is it stronger?" Vulcan froze when he heard this.

He also wants to become stronger, but who can he find?

Pan Chen did not do special load training at this moment. His purpose has been achieved. Natural training does not need to be carried out, and his body can not be easily improved by this. He is practicing his new skills at the moment. Unreal breakthrough!

But there is no suitable opponent.

And just then a dark-skinned person appeared in front of him, "Fight against me, one-on-one again!"

It was Qingfeng, who looked at Taojing, not far away, and May didn't care, but put his eyes on Pan Chen.

"Good!" Pan Chen said with a smile, he was worried that no one could test his new skills.

The same is true of Qingfeng. He feels the change of special training himself during this time. He wants to challenge Pan Chen again. The true one-on-one. He wants to prove that he will not fail and will not lose to anyone.

Just one-on-one just started, I heard the sound of the sound.

The basketball in Pan Chen's hands has fallen into the rim. It is not a back jumper, nor is it another, but a breakthrough.

Qing Feng stood on the basketball court. He widened his eyes and looked at Pan Chen with incredible eyes. He didn't know how to express his surprise.

And Tao Jing in the field was slightly stunned in May.

"This ball?" Qing Feng was a little dazed. He didn't know how Pan Chen did it. What did he do just that moment, how did he break behind him, how did he break through?

Moreover, Pan Chen ’s breakthrough skills were not strong before. Is it also the result of this special training? It ’s just that Taojing May knew that she was not with her.

The two were so shocked that no one picked up the ball.

Pan Chen took the basketball back into his hands, then stood in front of Qingfeng, stretched his right hand and hooked his hands towards Qingfeng!

Qingfeng once again greeted him, just a face-to-face, he was given by Pan Chen, there is no suspense, he still did not even see what the other party did.

But Pan Chen did not shoot, but went back.

Without waiting for Pan Chen to make a gesture this time, Qing Feng threw himself over.

"Come again"

He growled.

"Come again"

"Come again"

"Come again, come again"

"Fuck, come again"

Qingfeng's roar continued to sound on the training ground. The sound was quite low at first, but now it has become a roar.

Basketball has always been in Pan Chen's hands. He passed Qingfeng again and again. It seems that Qingfeng is like a piece of wood, and Pan Chen and basketball are all around him.

But he just couldn't catch each other.

Taojing was stunned by Pan Chen ’s sharp breakthrough skills in May. She stared at the field with a stunned face, completely unaware when Pan Chen became so strong again.

But Pan Chen was not easy. As the breakthrough gradually became familiar with Qing Feng, the other party was clearly able to capture that illusory movement, and it was time to put an end to this meaningless fight.

Thinking of this, Pan Chen instantly entered a runaway state. This time it was easier than before. His body weight was slightly tilted to the left, just like he wanted to transport the basketball to the left, and then the left hand flexibly moved the basketball to the right. Basketball seemed to knock down an invisible wall and bounced to the right.

Then the ball was separated, followed by a vigorous slam dunk.

This is an illusory breakthrough. In an instant, basketball has completed two changes of direction, and these two changes of direction may be true or false at any time. ..

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