The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Pan Chenfawei

On the sidelines, Cheng Rin ’s substitutes changed their faces one by one, looking at the game in front of him and saying, the current score is already 2: 7. Just 2 minutes after the opening, Cheng Rin is 5 points behind, "Coach, use No need to think about something? "

Reiko Aida frowned beside them and said nothing.

When she discovered the story of Taojing May in the age of miracles, she had already anticipated this scene, but she did not expect that the completeness of Taojing May's collection of Vulcan intelligence was so high.

It's really a posture that doesn't give me a chance. This is to completely kill Cheng Rin in the beginning.

Moreover, the opponent's tactics were beyond her expectation. Under the attack of the Emperor Hao, Cheng Rin had almost no decent performance except Pan Chen, and was in a state of total suppression. It seems that Taojing's May method is really powerful.

Reiko Aida thought of this and turned her head to look at Taojing May in the distance.

This woman who can wear a bear t-shirt with a three-dimensional sense is not only a big breast, but also has a powerful head, and to say that she understands Pan Chen, she may be the person who knows Pan Chen best besides herself.

After all, the other party has been staring at Pan Chen since she first entered school. If you do n’t know how to deal with Pan Chen, it ’s unreasonable. If you release the water, it ’s impossible. She still knows the professionalism of a manager.

This seems to be a special conspiracy against Pan Chen.

But in the face of this situation, she has no good way. The only way is to wait and see the changes and let Pan Chen play by themselves!

Pan Chen and several of them succeeded in a week of special training, but the intelligence can not be collected!

Thinking of this, Reiko Aida smiled involuntarily. She only hoped that she would not drop too many points now. For the offensive, Pan Chen and the three of them.

All training is for this.

As for the performance of the three of them, he can only wait and see.

However, the game was a little behind, Mito ’s hook was restrained, Vulcan ’s offense was restrained, and the smooth three-pointer of Japan was also restrained. Only Pan Chen ’s backward jumper was not restrained, but the other side was obviously Pan Chen scored.

The score gradually pulled to the level of 21:26.

The reporters were also talking, "Hey, Kawagi, you said that Pan Chen is indeed good, but that's all it is. Cheng Rin has been completely suppressed. The score can't be pulled closer anymore. Arriving, then the game will be over. "

Kawaki didn't speak, just stared at the basketball court intently.

He saw Cheng Rin's tactical cooperation, which used to be centered on Pan Chen and Vulcan, but now it is operated by three people: Kuroko, Pan Chen, and Vulcan. However, Vulcan is completely restrained and has not been brought into play.

Otherwise, once it breaks out, it will be extremely exciting!

He is looking forward to After Vulcan took the ball, because Pan Chen was guarded against it, he planned to come by himself, but he had just jumped up to dunk and was blocked by two people jumping up at the same time.

He also lost his balance and fell to the ground.

When he got up from the ground, he saw Pan Chen standing not far away.

He found that Pan Chen was also watching him, but after discovering this, Pan Chen slowly came over and extended his right hand to support him. "There is enough time for the game, don't be too anxious."

This surprised Vulcan. He thought Pan Chen would mock him, for example, shaking his head flatly, and then turned away, but did not, but encouraged him.

What is he thinking? I lost three balls!

If you make a jump shot, will you definitely enter? !

They had been training together for a week. They got along day and night, and he and Pan Chen did not quarrel less. He was such a grumpy person. And when he saw Pan Chen's bland expression, he couldn't help but be against Pan Chen.

But now I can't afford that feeling, as if Pan Chen has truly recognized Pan Chen because of the training during this time.

I only served, but I was not so easy to fall behind.

Before that, we said that we would defeat Qingfeng together. Now that we have not seen Qingfeng, how can I be so embarrassed? !

I want to win, I want to score!

Vulcan clenched his fists and stood up again. This time his mental state was obviously better, just like Xiaoqiang who couldn't die.

When Pan Chen saw this scene, he froze a little, and immediately showed a smile. The tactics can be unfolded, and he can really show his strength. The reason why he hides his new skills before is only to successfully stimulate the potential of Vulcan, otherwise He alone may not be able to perfectly restrain Qingfeng!

This time it was Seung-yeon's right to the ball, and they organized the attack again.

Pan Chen received the basketball, he glanced at the position of Vulcan, he had a bottom in his heart, and then smiled at Jin Jixiang in front of him.

The other party also responded with a baby-faced smile and was extremely kind. "Why do you have to break through the jumper? That's really unlucky, but I can't prevent you at all!"

While speaking, he glanced at Wakamatsu Takasuke if he had nothing. He planned to start targeting Pan Chen. The previous indulgence must have made Pan Chen's vigilance down. The next step is to let him know Wakamatsu Takasuke 'S bouncing power.

If Xiaosong's mouth also showed a playful smile, he casually moved a few steps towards the front of Pan Chen. He planned to attack at the moment when Pan Chen stepped into the three-point line. His habit was to enter the three-point area. Will jumper, or quickly change the breakthrough, or backward jumper, hold up to pass only.

It's easy to steal. The reason why I didn't defend Pan Chen before was just to give Cheng Rin some hope, and then smash this hope completely, let their spirit collapse!

Pan Chen did begin to change direction as quickly as he thought. Today, Ji Xiangyi couldn't keep up with this speed, and when he was about to break through the three-point line, if Wakamatsu Takasuke accelerated instantly, he rushed towards Pan Chen.

However, at the moment he was ready to steal, he saw Pan Chen suddenly stop ..

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