The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Against the game


In the dark, the dark basketball court can be said to have reached five fingers, and today's moon didn't appear at all, and the original lights of the basketball court naturally went out because it was too late, so they couldn't even see each other's faces.

"It's really dark." Pan Chen said with emotion.

Vulcan snorted, "Only in this extreme environment can we achieve the purpose of special training, and the purpose of our training is to receive basketball accurately without looking at the ball with our eyes."

Pan Chen said nothing.

Kuroko shook his head slightly and said, "Be careful. My passing speed will be very fast. If I can't receive it, I might get injured.

"What's so great! It's not that he was hurt, but he was in the United States." Vulcan showed a sense of superiority in front of Pan Chen again, which also indicated that he was about to be out of luck.

After training starts

Heizi's accelerated pass hit the Vulcan body heavily. If he didn't react fast enough, and Heizi was originally passing the abdomen, the ball hit his face, he had some He glared at Kuroko and said, "Hey, Kuroko!"

Before Heizi responded, Pan Chen said lightly, "It's not normal to receive a spot injury. What's more, Heizi's pass is very accurate, but you didn't receive it."

Why doesn't Vulcan know that Kaka is blocking what he just said.

"Okay!" He nodded vigorously. Who asked him to say that?

The black son next to him was helpless. He felt that there was something wrong with this special training.

Sure enough, there was a snap soon, Pan Chen blocked his right hand in the face and snapped the basketball on the ground, which was also his quick response.

"Oh, I can't see anything clearly, I thought you were taller, I'm sorry!" Before Pan Chen was angry at himself, Vulcan said, although it was an apology, but a little apologetic tone Can't hear.

Pan Chen rubbed his wrist and said calmly, "It's okay."

The smell of gunpowder filled the dark basketball court.

"I found a lamp, let's start with the basic special training." Kuroko's weak voice came. He didn't know where to find a flashlight. The huge one, although the irradiation range was not big enough, but also It was enough for them to see clearly.

The smell of gunpowder also dissipated

In this way, training on the basketball court during the day and studying tactics during class.

After training in the afternoon, they went home to eat and drink and came to the dark, empty basketball court for additional training.

The empty basketball court has no lights this time, and there is a constant sound of basketball slapping the ground. Occasionally, there will be a cry of basketball hitting the body. .

With the lengthening of the special training, the frequency of this painful voice gradually decreased, and the number of occurrences of this situation became less and less.

The three have achieved good results in training on the dark basketball court.

In a sense, when they are practicing the routine, they really don't have to look at it. They practice repeatedly and repeatedly so that they can record each other's running speed. When you take the ball, how does the opponent run, how fast does it run, and when you turn around, where will the opponent appear? These are no longer necessary to watch.

Of course, for Pan Chen, in this process, his fastest improvement is three points.

Finally, it is close to the level of a level, and 97% of the level, it can be successfully used to pull out the long shot, and then the hit rate will reach the horror level of the backward jumper.

And when they reach level a, they have no time to train.

Tomorrow is the match with Emperor Xia, so after the training ended on Friday afternoon, they did not go home quickly, but lay in a chair.

The music rang quietly in the ear, and the others had left. They knew the recent hard work of the three Pan Chen, so no one was willing to disturb their rest, and they were accustomed to the silhouette of the three of them often together.

Listening to the pleasant voice in the ear, none of the three people spoke, they just adjusted their breathing slightly.

To complete high-intensity training every day during the day, but also to practice alone at night, their physical fitness is indeed a very severe test.

But these efforts are worth it. During the daytime training, Ryoko Aida was surprised at their speed of progress.

This speed has reached a level that can be officially played, which is much better than she expected, too much, which also makes him confident enough for this game.

"Tomorrow is the match with Emperor Hao" Kuroko has some expectations, because this time is a new challenge for him. Unlike the purely philosophical battle between greens, Qingfeng Dahui can be said to be watching step by step changes Yes, he also wants to change.

"I will definitely make Qingfeng Dahui look good by then!" When it comes to the game, Vulcan is very fighting spirit, because he was defeated by Qingfeng Dahui not long ago, and it was still such a fiasco, plus the arrogance of arrogance Words made him impossible to let go easily.

Moreover, even if it is not for himself, it is necessary to win for sunspots.

After all, Kuroko is so hopeful to defeat Qingfeng Dahui, and he is Kuroko's partner, of course, now there is another Pan Chen.

This is also their harvest during this time, the friendship between the three has straightened up.

Pan Chen didn't speak. He just felt it before aftertaste. The special training during this period was something he had never experienced. Special training with Heizi and Pan Chen made him feel no boredom at all.

On the contrary, he was very happy.

This is the feeling he wants, no matter everything, as long as he enjoys the process, the world he comes to pursues only this, enjoying everything that has been lost since becoming stronger, friendship, joy, blood, happiness

The three chatted for a long time, and did not leave the training hall until nightfall.

They have only one task tonight, take a good sleep, and then face the game tomorrow! ..

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