The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 47: Comprehend awakening

Eventually, the pointer stopped at the skill of dry shooting.

Pan Chen frowned slightly, he did not like this skill, because his jumper was enough, and the other way was just to add a little change, it was not very useful, but after looking at the explanation clearly, he suddenly stunned.

This skill is even more exaggerated than the requirements of the later jump shot. First of all, he must be 1 meter 9 in height, and Pan Chen ’s current height is just enough. The second condition is that the bounce strength must reach a level, and then the shot is not less than a level , Ball control is not lower than a level, long shot is not lower than a level, Pan Chen's current long shot has not reached this standard.

His current long-range shot is only b-level, which requires long training.

Generally speaking, it takes about 100 hours of continuous training to improve to the level of a, and this is based on his talent, but the effect is also amazing.

This skill is different from a backward jumper. It is an emergency stop and then raises his height to shoot quickly. Whether it is a three-point or two-point shooting rate, it is extremely terrifying, and the posture is also extremely terrifying. After Pan Chen got this skill, his mind There quickly appeared basketball knowledge about this skill, as if it had been practicing this skill for more than a decade.

To be a good skill.

However, just after Pan Chen learned this skill, the system once again appeared a prompt, spending points to break through 10 points, comprehending the skill: Rush mode.

When the taunt value reaches 100 points, the runaway mode is turned on, the whole body is doubled, the long-range shooting rate is 100%, the shooting rate is 100%, and the duration is 1 minute.

Skill note: This skill ignores any game intensity and any personal defense.

"Isn't it invincible? And this model of full attribute enhancement is clearly similar to the Seven Star Profound Truth. Is this my awakening skill?"

Seeing this skill, Pan Chen remembered the seven-star mystery that he realized in the Prince of Tennis, but it was a taunting setting more than that.

It seems that someone needs to be able to run away with sarcasm.

Pan Chen smiled a little self-deprecatingly, and at this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside her. It was Reiko Aida. She looked at Pan Chen's smile and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thought of some fun things." Pan Chen smiled casually.

"I have an uninteresting thing here." Reiko Ada watched Pan Chen's bright smile and her heartbeat accelerated, but now she didn't have the slightest smile, but instead looked at the information seriously, "Look at it . "

Pan Chen lowered his head and looked at it for a moment, and then he knew what the trouble was that Lie Xiangtian said. It was the game data of Haohuang Academy. All the big scores suppressed the opponent, and it was mixed with the data and analysis of Qingfeng Dahui. Their next opponent. is also the school that beat Cheng Rin for the first time in the original, and it was still defeated by a large score. The strength of the opponent ’s Qingfeng Dahui is unfathomable, and the other players are not weak. And Qingfeng Dahui is a bit incredible compared to Vulcan and Pan Chen.

"Oh, Emperor Xuan? I already know that Qingfeng Dahui is really strong." Pan Chen casually, he knows Qingfeng Dahui's strength, at his current level, it may be able to open the runaway mode Fight with him, as for others, they can't fight him at all, but this person is also extremely proud!

Or to be reckless, hey, it is a suitable player.

Pan Chen couldn't help laughing, just now he said the ridicule person, isn't this just one?

Snapped! Reiko Aida slapped it on Pan Chen ’s shoulder fiercely, “You can still laugh, if the woman came to you before, I would not collect information from Haohuang Academy, and I would not find this time 'S opponent is so powerful. "

"To be honest, are you confident?"

"Confidence? It's not easy to say, but I will win," Pan Chen said with a smile. "If you want to know the news of Qingfeng Dahui, shouldn't you find a sunspot? Just know that he played Qingfeng Dahui for three years. No one knows him better, does he?

"Are you looking for me?" Kuroko suddenly appeared and suddenly shocked Reiko Aida, and then the two chased and snarled. Soon, Kuroko was pulled over.

"Our next opponent is Emperor Xie. Can you elaborate on Qingfeng Dahui's strength?" Ayaka Ada asked positively.

"Qingfeng, he is the trump card of the miracle era and the first person to awaken in the miracle era!" Speaking of this topic, Kuroko's expression was unprecedentedly dignified. "The miracle era was not stronger in S1, even more sincere than the present Rin is even weaker. The time for the real change is the middle semester, which is also what happened after Qingfeng Dahui ’s awakening. "

Then there is the simple statement.

Hearing Qingfeng Dahui has the power to sweep the entire junior high school basketball club, Ryoko Aida cannot help but be taken aback. This is more powerful than the data she collected, and what is the awakening?

Pan Chen heard a fresh word from it, awakening, or the potential burst, which is a bit similar to the selfless state of the Prince of Tennis, except that Qingfeng Dahui is not Tezuka Guoguang, and he will not lead anyone to victory.

After he was awakened, he felt that basketball had no meaning at all. He had an invincible and lonely mentality, and this near-arrogant mentality made him go to an extreme. The reason why he still plays now is just to Looking for an opponent who can match it, or it can be said that they are used to playing basketball.

"What, it's just a megalomaniac!" Vulcan didn't know when he came together, he said a little disapprovingly, "Obviously it's just that basketball is better, I thought it's meaningless to play basketball? Really let People are annoyed! "

"Don't talk in this tone, so I think you are more arrogant and don't mention basketball. You can't even take the first 200 exams, and you have the qualifications to say other things!" Xiang Tian Lizi was obviously angry. This is because Vulcan interrupted her questioning.

After Vulcan's embarrassed escape, Ryoko Aida whispered over Heizi again and asked, "Do you think Panchen can beat Qingfeng Dahui now?"

"No" Kuroko shook his head and said a shocking word, "But if Pan Chen and Vulcan cooperate, they should be able to defeat Haohuang." ..

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