After arriving in New Orleans, the organizers naturally arranged a rest hotel for each team.

After the Magic players settled in, the other players stayed in the hotel to rest or go to the door, and some of the NBA players are here today, so you can naturally walk around with familiar friends.

Only Han Zhe was more pressing, and when he played until ten o'clock in the evening, he went to the New Orleans Arena first under the leadership of the staff, because he was the only one in the team who was qualified and was still a sophomore, and he still needed to participate in the Rookie Challenge, and now he was going to train.

Han Zhe originally wanted to give up participating in the Rookie Challenge, but Han Zhe himself was not much interested in this kind of competition, and he only fancied the All-Star Game.

However, Xiao Hua, the newly appointed head of the league, named Han Zhe to participate in the rookie challenge.

The reason is very understandable, Han Zhe is a rookie representative, not even one of them, he is the biggest guarantee of tickets and ratings, Han Zhe's abandonment of the game will not only make the rookie competition a lot darker, but also affect the direct income of the league, so he must get it.

Han Zhe is not stunned, he has to give this face, first, Xiao Hua has just taken office, you have to maintain a good relationship, and why does the alliance support you and give you the privilege, that is, you have to stand up and build momentum for the alliance at a critical moment.

In fact, the top management of the league is also quite helpless, since Han Zhe's session, the NBA talent has withered, and there are no rookies in these two worlds, Han Zhe, the leading figure, really can't watch this rookie challenge if he doesn't come to the rookie challenge, people are here to see the stars, but not to spend money to watch rookies peck each other!

It's not the first time Han Zhe has participated, the process is still relatively clear, it is said to be training, but in fact, it is just grouping and letting the players get acquainted with each other.

When Han Zhe went to the stadium, there were still many rookies who greeted him warmly, Han Zhe was wonderful, although he was only in the second grade, he was definitely a big guy, and many rookies regarded him as an idol and a goal to strive for.

Of course, there are also people who don't like Han Zhe very much, Bradley Beal in the same year was abused by Han Zhe and bled out, and it became a joke when the Wizards gave up Han to choose him with a high order, he had nothing to say to Han Zhe, and even faintly hostile.

There is also the champion Davis, the limelight was stolen by Han Zhe, not to mention, the first time the two met on the court, Han Zhe was cross-dunked, this is a humiliation under the crotch, this video has exceeded 10 million hits on the Internet, Davis can give him a good face to have a ghost!

What made Davis even more angry was that Webb and Hill, who led the team, competed for Han Zhe as soon as they came, and in particular, who was the champion!

In the end, the two didn't know how to solve the dispute, but they went to the Webb team, and as compensation, Davis was assigned to the Hill team, and only the people present were the most famous, the strongest, and ornamental, of course, they had to be separated, and the two didn't deal with each other very well, everyone knows, and they said they were in a team!

The final grouping was Team Weber: Han Zhe, Lillard, Andre Drummont, Barnes, Jones, Antetokounmpo, Valanciunas, Dion Viantic.

The Hill team is: Davis, Beal, McCarvey, Hardaway Jr., Burke, Sullinger, Plumlee, Adams, Olynyk.

After the team was divided, Webb and Hill introduced them to each other, and then didn't say anything at all, just let the players go to the court to practice freely.

"Han, I'm so happy to be on a team with you, we can definitely win tomorrow. "

"Han, how did you get that magic three-point, I can't practice it for a long time, can you demonstrate it live, please!"

"Han, how did you get 63 points, it's too exaggerated, why is there such a big gap between all rookies!"

Han Zhe has obviously become the center of this group of people, and as soon as he arrived at the court, he was surrounded, and this group of rookies is not like a player now, but like a little fan of chasing stars.

To be honest, at least half of the eight teammates Han Zhe can't call out their names, only Lillard, Dramat and Barnes are quite familiar, and they don't deal with Lillard very well, but Lillard also took the initiative to say a few words to him today, and it seems that he intends to abandon his previous suspicions.

He and Lillard actually have nothing to do, the main reason why Han Zhe has a bad relationship with the rookie in the same year is that he sees who abuses who causes trouble, and rookies with a little strength are generally more competitive, so naturally they don't like Han Zhe who is in the limelight.

However, now it seems that Lillard is also more mature, and he has not continued to fight for those trivial matters, it is estimated that the gap is too big, and Han Zhe is now arguing with James, not a grade!

Han Zhe didn't put on any star shelves, he didn't refuse anyone to communicate with him, and he also satisfied everyone's curiosity, showed a magic three-point on the spot, the atmosphere was very active, and it didn't take long for everyone to get acquainted.

"Cut! A bunch of shameless things, all rookies, I don't know what to be proud of!" Bill in the other half couldn't help but complain.

Davis glanced over there, "Although I don't like that guy either, I have to say that he has the capital to be proud, and if you have his strength, there are many people around you!"

Bill was speechless, he didn't expect Davis to scold him, in fact, he didn't know Davis very well, Davis did not like Han Zhe, but he still recognized Han Zhe's strength, he didn't like Bill's attitude of not being able to eat grapes and saying that grapes were sour.

If you can't get used to seeing Han Zhe, you have to beat him from the court, otherwise it will be useless to spit sour water!_

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