At the beginning of the second quarter, Han Zhe made personnel adjustments and replaced Vucevic with Nurkic.

Today, he played very actively, Vucevic had a thin body and suffered a little in physical confrontation, and his physical consumption was also very large, Han Zhe just let him rest first, after all, there was still more time in the game, so he was not in a hurry.

The game continued, and the Warriors achieved results on their first offense, Curry and ** successfully scored the ball with a block cut, and the Warriors completed the comeback 24-23.

However, the Warriors only led by a few seconds, and Han Zhe received the ball on the left wing and bukkake Thompson with a three-pointer to make it 26-24.

The Warriors then shifted the point of attack to the interior, and Green scored another goal on a jumper to tie the game at 26.

In the next ball, Walker drew the inside line and split the ball to Nurkic, who took two big steps and was about to dunk one, but was pressed down and fell to the ground by **.

The referee immediately blew for a foul as ** Te's hand was directly smothered in Nurkic's face and dragged him off.

Before Nurkic could speak, the grumpy Ibaka suddenly stopped, rushed back and hit the other party with the shoulder, and kept spitting fragrant.

The other Magic players were also very angry, and his foul just now was really dirty and dangerous.

Han Zhe didn't seem impulsive this time, and ran to separate Ibaka and **Te as soon as possible, and the Warriors also opened the scolding **.

"It's all said that Green is dirty, I didn't expect this slut to play dirtier than Green, Nikolai was fucked by him a few times before, and now it's coming again, it's really bullying us, I really want to beat this old bastard to death!" Ibaka scolded indignantly!

Although Han Zhe didn't show any action, it was false to say that he wasn't angry, and he also noticed that there were a lot of small actions.

"That's it! Don't scold the street like a, this is the finals, do you still want to fight and be banned and go home to watch TV? He's dirty, don't you know he's dirtier than him? The matter of the stadium is settled on the stadium. "

Han Zhe's words still worked, Ibaka was silent, but his eyes were still staring at ** Te's side!

Han Zhe then called Nurkic over and asked if there was anything wrong, and when he shook his head and said that there was no problem, Han Zhe said: "We are always the only ones who bully others, and no one else can bully us... Hey! What is your boy's expression, don't think about it, I didn't let you beat people, I just asked you to play a little tougher, let this old guy see how good we are, okay, the referee is calling you, go to the free throws! "

Waiting for Nurkic to stand on the free throw line, Han Zhe wiped the sweat on his head, just now he looked vicious and ruthless, and he looked like he had killed the other party, this newcomer still seems to have a character...

In fact, there are few good-natured people in the NBA!

Nurkic still felt very soft, hitting both free throws, 28-26 Magic.

I don't know if this ball just now aroused the anger of all the players of the Magic, and when the Warriors attacked again, they felt that the Magic's defensive intensity increased greatly.

When Curry was entangled with Walker, his waist was scratched by Walker intentionally or unintentionally, and he grinned in pain, and suddenly his heart was full of 10,000 grass Nima, and his heart said that it is understandable that you have to be angry, buddy, but please find the right target, I'm an honest person!

was really entangled by Walker, Curry handed over the hot potato to Thompson, although Han Zhe's defense did not make extra moves, but the highly concentrated Korean forced defense made Thompson unable to find a chance to shoot at all.

As soon as Thompson handed the ball to **Ter, Nurkic rushed from behind and hit the opponent and stumbled, I don't know if it was because of the home court or because the **Te ball had not been lost, anyway, the referee didn't blow it, signaling the game to continue.

**Te just stood firm with the ball, but Ibaka, who had been staring at him for a long time, also rushed over, and while the two of them closed the door with their legs, they also pushed **Te by the way, and the other party immediately fell to the ground and fell into the mud!

Naturally, the ball was a foul!

"Oh! Nurkic is very fierce defensively, and Ibaka's bag is also very active, **Although he is as strong as a cow, he can't bear it under the Magic two big men, but this foul is actually unnecessary, even if this position makes **Special Shots Estimated! Yu Jiadao.

Zhang Weiping is now a lot more unrestrained in his commentary, and suddenly smiled: "It doesn't matter if you score or not, this is obviously looking for a field just now, you pulled us, we must also pay tribute, this is also reasonable, Magic is a very bloody team."

Yu Jia nodded and said: "Actually, the magic has converged a lot during the playoffs, especially Han Zhe didn't do anything, which is rare..."

How do you know that Zhang Weiping immediately slapped his face, "Yes, Han Zhe has restrained a lot, and he was only banned for one game in the playoffs." "


The audience in front of the TV was laughed at by this conversation, and Director Zhang is really getting more and more skinny!


When he returned to the field, he suddenly stopped doing it after he got up, and ran to the referee to theorize, thinking that this was a malicious foul, but the referee didn't treat him very well, because the referee saw his previous small actions, and said that only the state officials were allowed to set fires, and the people were not allowed to light the lamps!

The audience also booed ** Te, they were annoyed with this thing, and they were happy to see him being rectified.

Originally, this matter was over, but I didn't know that ** was also done, and he was very angry, and then he overturned Walker, who made a layup!

Well, now he completely stabbed the hornet's nest!

Next, ** was targeted miserably, as long as he took the ball, he basically didn't end up, slapped in the face, beaten hands, elbowed, hit, all kinds of cleaned up, even the dirty Green grinned when he saw this posture, and said in his heart that it was okay that the buddy hadn't played yet, otherwise he might be the one who was besieged!

When **Special was forcibly knocked over again by Han Zhe, the Warriors coach couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to replace **Te, saying that he could still play well!

However, the only consolation for the Warriors is that the Magic were busy with the whole person in this quarter, and there were many fouls, and they overtook the score, 49-46, and the Warriors led to end the half! _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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