On June 4th, the Amway Arena was the center of attention for fans and media alike as the Grand Final was about to begin.

The spectators who got the tickets today have entered early, ready to watch the opening ceremony before the game, and the magic official has mysteriously said that they are fully prepared and will not disappoint everyone, which successfully aroused everyone's curiosity.

Of course, Han Zhe, the host, also arrived in advance, and he was followed by Li Tingting and Li Jun.

"Xiao Zhe, I still think I'm just watching TV at home, I don't feel good to go in without a ticket, if you are kicked out, isn't it a shame for you!"

Li Jun was a little reluctant, because tickets for the finals had long been hard to find, and Han Zhe didn't know that Li Jun was coming, so he only prepared a ticket for Li Tingting alone.

Han Zhe said with a smile: "Uncle, what do you say, what a pity it would be if you didn't come here to watch the ball on the spot, not to mention that this is still the finals, don't worry, just bring someone in, I still have this face." "

Li Tingting also held her father's arm and persuaded her a few words, her father didn't know if she could still know, with Han Zhe's status in magic, not to mention bringing only one person in, it should be fine to bring a group of relatives and friends into the door.

Seeing that they both said that they were fine, Li Jun could only follow Han Zhe with his head.

Han Zhe asked Paul to park the car and take them directly to the VIP channel, Li Jun was thinking about how Han Zhe would explain to the security at the door, who knew that the other party was very enthusiastic when he saw Han Zhe and took the initiative to say hello.

Han Zhe just said simply: These two people are his relatives, and the security guard didn't ask anything at all, and he didn't mention the tickets, so he let them go with a smile.

After entering, Li Tingting was surprised: "That's it?"

Han Zhe said: "Otherwise, do you think that foreigners don't talk about human feelings? And what is he doing if he has nothing to do to offend me, if I am not happy to say a word casually, he will have to leave class." "

Li Tingting immediately despised him for pretending, and then complained again, saying that if she knew that it was so easy to get in, she should have sold the ticket given by Han Zhe, isn't it a waste.

Han Zhe also immediately ridiculed her for being a fan of small wealth, not to mention anything else, just yesterday Han Zhe helped her live broadcast the gift money is a lot of money, not to mention that she is now completely the master of not bad money, and now the first sister of YY will be poor in money?

Han Zhe did not go to meet the players as soon as possible, but took the two of them to find a position, there was naturally no seat without a ticket, Li Tingting did, but she wanted to sit with her father.

Originally, Han Zhe had a lot of acquaintances, and he had a lot of people in the VIP box, so it was not a problem to arrange them to go in, but after thinking about it for a while, forget it, after all, I am afraid that they will feel uncomfortable with people I don't know, so let's make another arrangement.

At this moment, Han Zhe saw the TNT TV station being arranged, and immediately walked over.

"Hey, Han, are you interested in the opening commentator at the moment? Barkley immediately greeted him, and O'Neill also came over to hug him, and patted his bag to thank Han Zhe for his usual care.

Han Zhe smiled: "How can I have time to be a guest, this chair is good, I will requisition two." "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he pushed two chairs and flashed people, leaving O'Neill and the others with a confused face.

After a while, Barkley reacted and shouted, "We have prepared these chairs, what should we do if Han takes them?"

O'Neill smiled and said that it was okay, thinking that Han Zhe was just joking and should take it back, but they couldn't laugh anymore because they saw that Han Zhe had already pushed the chair next to the magic bench, and then let the two Celestial Empire people sit on it!

Barkley and the others only looked at each other with a wry smile, and they had to go to their peers to make a match.

"My cousin Niu Pi actually snatched all the seats for TNT commentators, and our position is more VIP than VIP. Li Tingting was very satisfied with Han Zhe's performance.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was scolded by Li Jun, saying that her girl's family actually spoke uncivilized at all!

Li Tingting stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Ready, Li Tingting began to debug her mobile phone and prepare for the live broadcast, Li Junquan didn't see it, it seems that he has acquiesced to the profession of his daughter.

Han Zhe said hello to Li Jun and ran away, he was afraid that he would be arrested again.

The Amway Arena was quickly packed, and the big-name stars from all walks of life also appeared one after another.

In addition to the stars who really have something to do on the NBA side, they basically appeared, and even James and Harden, who had just been eliminated, also appeared one by one.

Xiao Hua's big bald head also attracted a wave of flashing lights when he appeared.

Han Zhe is also busy, there are too many acquaintances who came today, not to mention the NBA, and a lot of friends from the film and television industry have also come, Han Zhe wants to complain, this is not the Oscars, what are you all here to have fun.

Da Yao also came as scheduled, and many players from the national team also came, and Guo Allen was naturally there.

"Congratulations to Xiao Zhe, you kid is really amazing, and you have brought magic to the finals, I really didn't expect to see my own players present in the NBA Finals for two consecutive years, we are really honored!" Da Yao patted Han Zhe on the shoulder.

Others also greeted each other warmly, patting sycophants, so it was not lively.

Han Zhe chatted with them for a while and turned his head to look, hey, he was startled, there are so many familiar faces, the domestic entertainment industry is coming here in a group?

Han Zhe didn't plan to go over, but soon he couldn't help him, Jay Lun and Liu Yifei, who were very familiar with him, came over and enthusiastically pulled him over and said that they had friends who wanted to know him.

When he finally has free time, the opening ceremony will start soon!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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