
Most of the news in the sports world is about the latest news about the playoffs.

The Magic eliminated the Bulls 4:1 and advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals. "

"The battle in the west has entered a white heat, and the promotion team is still to be determined!"

"Is it a coincidence or a fateful arrangement? Han Zhe and James met again in the Eastern Conference Finals. "

"The Rockets pulled back a game and still have hope of qualifying. "


The Eastern Magic and the Cavaliers both advanced easily with an absolute advantage, especially the Cavaliers, who swept the Hawks 4-0 and came very ferociously.

What makes people cry out is that Han Zhe and James have met in the Eastern Conference Finals for three consecutive seasons, and many people say that this is fate.

Fans are also debating who will win the final victory in this matchup, and the previous season it was James who led the Heat to eliminate the Magic led by Han Zhe.

Last season, it was the Magic who eliminated the Heat.

At present, the direct confrontation between the two in the playoffs turned out to be a tie for no one.

So this matchup has excited fans and the media, and some even say that this is an early Finals, and no matter who wins the Eastern Conference championship between these two teams, it is likely that they will directly win the final championship.

Yes, the Warriors fans are unhappy now, you must know that their Warriors' performance this season is also very rebellious, although this round against the Grizzlies is a little frustrated, but they always believe that their team can reach the Finals and win the championship.

The Clippers and Rockets fans are gone, what's the trouble?

The teams in the Western Conference finals have not yet been decided, and you are arguing about the ownership of the championship, and you have to be ashamed, you must know that the West is strong and the East is weak over the years, where do you get the confidence to directly ignore the Western team!

Inevitably, the online scolding war broke out again, and the media was willing to fan the flames, and it was very lively all of a sudden.

The Magic Truce was not idle either, and all the staff gathered in the conference room to watch the video and discuss tactics.

Jones said: "There is currently a 3-2 lead over the Warriors in the West, and the Clippers and Rockets are also 3-2, and I think the Clippers should meet in the Western Conference Finals." "

Han Zhe said with a smile: "I thought that I would be able to advance to the Western Conference Finals in the last game, but I didn't expect the Rockets to pull back a game." "

Everyone present laughed, the Rockets were beaten 1-3 before, and they all thought that they would be out of the game in the fifth game, who knew that they were dead but not stiff, and they were still holding on, but basically no one was optimistic about them, and it was not easy to turn the tables after falling behind 1-3!

Han Zhe looked at the knight video that was being played, and said with a slight frown: "The knight actually completed the run-in so quickly, I really didn't expect Owen to be willing to compromise, I have to say that the knight who has completed the integration is indeed very strong." "

Jones said: "Since cooperation has a chance to win the championship, it's not surprising that Owen will compromise, it's time for us to discuss the personnel arrangement and tactical deployment, Han, which position do you want to play then?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Han Zhe is also a little big, and the one who can give him the most room to play is naturally the second position or swing man, but in the past against James, he would often go to the position, that is, to play the third position, and the knight Irving is also not to be underestimated, and it seems that he is not very relieved without Han Zhe to look at it.

This is really a problem, Han Zhe doesn't have a doppelganger technique, so it is impossible to be able to cover every position.

Han Zhe didn't answer, turned his head to look at Leonard and said, "Kehuai, do you have the confidence to restrict James?"

Leonard was happy at first, but immediately said with a bitter face: "I can only say as much as possible." "

Han Zhe nodded, it was a bit whimsical to want to completely restrict James, just like who in the entire alliance dared to say that he could restrict Han Zhe?

Ibaka immediately interjected: "I'll go and keep an eye on James, I don't have to be afraid of him!"

Before Han Zhe could speak, Jones shook his head and said, "Your main task is to protect the rim and rebound, and James doesn't just rely on strength to eat." "

Ibaka sneered, knowing that Jones's words were to save face for him, Ibaka's strength and bounce are not afraid of James, but there is still a gap in technology and physical fitness, and his ability to protect the frame is really important to the team.

At this time, Walker also spoke, "Owen will leave it to me, I can solve his sissy." "

Many of the players burst into laughter, not to laugh at Walker's unashamed words, but to laugh at him for describing Irving as a sissy.

Walker's words made Han Zhe slap his head, yes, he thought about it before, every time the opponent had a powerful person, he wanted to fight himself, and in his subconscious, no matter whether Walker or Ibaka and others were younger brothers.

In fact, Walker has grown into the NBA's number one point guard, and he and Irving have also had a lot of records, and it seems that he has never suffered a loss, and even if you think about it carefully, Walker is better than Irving in many aspects, why can't he play.

Han Zhe glanced at the players present, suddenly laughed, and saw that everyone looked inexplicable, coughed before saying: "Actually, there is nothing to discuss, just follow our usual playing style, Owen will hand it over to Kemba, James will let Ke Huai be in the right position, not to prevent death, as long as he is guaranteed not to score points easily, as for the other positions, I believe that we are also better than them, what else is there to worry about, after all, basketball still scores more points than anyone, do you think anyone can score more points than us?"

Everyone applauded excitedly after hearing this, Han Zhe's words were too morale-boosting, and it was a fact, they were not necessarily worse than the knights on the defensive end, but they must be better than the knights on the offensive end, since this is the case, what are you still worried about, it's over!

Han Zhe really figured it out, Walker is not weaker than Irving, so they have nothing to worry about, as for James, Leonard can't prevent him?

Although he can't prevent James, who can prevent him, he simply fights the most comfortable swing man, it's a big deal to explode each other, who is afraid of whom!_

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