At 20 o'clock in the evening, the Magic held a press conference again, this time mainly to announce that the contract between Han Zhe and the Magic coach had been signed.

At the press conference, the reporter's most concerned question was what Coach Han Zhe's salary was, and Magic and Han Zhe were both dismissed as a trade secret.

The more the magic is hidden, the more curious the media is, in fact, the audience in front of the TV is also curious, but no matter how much they ask, there is no result.

It's no wonder that Magic is reluctant to announce it, in other words, Han Zhe's salary is indeed a little unreliable, a rookie coach takes the top salary to make other veteran coaches embarrassed, they must not be sprayed to death, so simply keep it secret, what do others like to think.


When he got home, Han Zhe's phone rang non-stop, first of all, his parents called, and they were obviously curious about Han Zhe's salary, after all, the Internet is now full of speculation and discussion of this issue, and the second elder is now an old netizen.

Han Zhe didn't hide anything from his family, so let them remember to keep it secret and tell the truth.

Han's mother Li Xuelan complained a little dissatisfied after hearing the happiness of 10 million: "Your boss is a little picky, you have been promoted, and the coach's salary is not as high as the player's salary." "

Han Zhe was choked with saliva and coughed, and it took a long explanation to make his mother understand that the coach is in charge of the players, as if the level is higher, but the salary is generally not high, and the salary of the top coach cannot be compared with the star.

Hearing that her son was getting the coach's top salary, Li Xuelan's attitude changed, and she praised the magic boss for being stunned, and he was very discerning...

Hanging up the phone, Han Zhe wiped a cold sweat on his head, and sighed that the world is impermanent, he used to deduct and search his family and couldn't save a few dollars a year, but now he actually thinks that the annual salary of 10 million US dollars is less...

Waiting for Karina to cook, Kolo was also curious about the baby's annual salary, she obviously had a concept of the coach's salary, hearing the numbers Han Zhe said, Kolo's first reaction was that the magic executives were crazy, but she was still very smart, and quickly figured out the trick, and admired the courage of magic very much.

Then Kolo expressed her envy and jealousy very directly, she can now make a lot of money every year, but compared with Han Zhe, she is almost like a beggar, Han Zhe's player and coach salary is 25 million before tax, which is still a small head, Han Zhe's annual business income is much higher than his salary.

Then Guo Allen and Yao Ming also called to congratulate, Guo said that he would come to the scene tomorrow to watch the game, as for Yao Ming, he had already led the team back to China a few days ago, after all, the players still have something to do, and it is impossible to be here all the time, but Da Yao said that if the Magic can reach the finals, they will definitely come to the scene to cheer for the oil.



The Magic and Bulls gathered at the Amway Arena again, and when Han Zhe walked out of the players' tunnel, the fans broke out into crazy cheers.

It's no secret that Magic had some internal problems in the past, but now it's okay, and Coach Han Zhe has grabbed it, and it's really ironclad.

As for Han Zhe's specific coaching level, does this matter?

After two years of running-in, the magic tactics system has been fully matured, as long as Han Zhe is not an idiot who arranges randomly, there is no need to worry about magic tactics at all!

Han Zhe has another advantage of being a coach, that is, with his prestige, the execution of the players should be stronger than before.


Han Zhe has a lot of benefits after being a part-time coach, the only thing that makes him unhappy is that he will have less free time in the future, he has to plan and arrange the training tasks of the players, and he has to collect and analyze the opponent's game video with the coaching staff before the game.

Even the Magic's top brass has assigned him the scouting area, which is certainly a good thing, but it's also a responsibility, and he will have to take the time to analyze scouting reports in the future in order to prepare for the upcoming trade rush.

After playing in the playoffs, Han Zhe still has to participate in the team draft and other affairs, which is really a headache to think about.

Han Zhe saw Guo Allen, who was sitting on the sidelines chatting with Kolo, and walked over and asked, "Why don't you kid go back with Brother Yao and them?"

Guo Allen said with a smile: "There are no important games for the national team during this time, why should I go back, it is better to stay here and watch the game to accumulate some experience, and even if I can't get the championship ring myself, it's good to see you take one with my own eyes, I don't want to miss such a glorious historical moment." "

This sycophant is slapped...

What's even more shameless is that when he saw the scene camera coming, Allen Guo immediately got up and put his head on Han Zhe's shoulder to make a grimace to steal the scene, winning cheers and laughter from the audience.

There are a lot of viewers in the Celestial Empire at the scene, so they naturally know him, and Magic fans are also familiar with him, and they all know that he has a good relationship with Han Zhe, so he naturally gives face.

In the warm atmosphere of the scene, the fifth game between the Magic and the Bulls officially began.

The Magic led 3-1, and their fans were full of confidence and shouted that they would send the Bulls home today. _

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