Han Zhezheng was a little distracted, and was soon interrupted by a group of noisy reporters.

These squatting reporters naturally saw Bayer leave, but Bayer didn't pay attention to them and got in the car and left, so they didn't know what was going on, and now when they saw Han Zhe come out, the reporters rushed up like a cat that smelled fishy.

"Han, why did Coach Bayer leave suddenly with his luggage, is there something urgent?"

"Han, can you tell us what you thought of the last magic game?"

"Will the previous ban affect your form, are you confident in tomorrow's game?"

"Han, tell us where Baier has gone, and when will he come back?"


Han Zhe was in the mood to deal with the reporter, turned around and walked into the hotel, the reporter still wanted to follow up, but the two hotel security guards blocked them all out.

The reporters had no choice but to give up and discuss what happened to the Magic, although some people boldly speculated that Bayer looked like he didn't plan to come back, but it was immediately denied, and now that the playoffs are hot, how can Bayer run blindly.

As for resignation or dismissal?

This thought was also extinguished in a flash, and the media did not believe that this kind of thing would happen to magic at this time, and could only guess that Bayer was in a hurry, and he would definitely be back at night or tomorrow morning.

Back at the hotel, Han Zhe immediately told all the players to come to his room.

After a while, the Magic players arrived, looking at the dense crowd of people in the room, everyone looked at each other, not only the players, but also the coaching staff and staff, and everyone up and down the Magic were all there.

Everyone was inevitably a little nervous, just looking at this formation, they knew that something big must have happened.

Han Zhe first motioned for everyone to find a place to sit down, and if they couldn't sit down, they would stand for a while, and after everyone quieted down, Han Zhe spoke: "I know that everyone must be very confused about the purpose of my calling you here now, and also wonder why Coach Bayer suddenly packed up his things and left..."


Before Han Zhe finished speaking, someone couldn't help but talk about it.

"Shut up, listen to what I'm done!" Han Zhe raised his voice and roared.

Han Zhe glared at Bakka, who still wanted to speak, and the two quickly shut down and became honest.

Seeing that the scene was quiet, Han Zhe continued: "I called everyone to come to you, I also just received the above news, Coach Bayer submitted his resignation, and the above has agreed, and it is born immediately."

"What? Coach Bayer resigned? The top management agreed? You're not kidding, are you?" Assistant coach Jack Jones felt a huge wave in his heart, a little difficult to accept, the key as the first assistant coach, he actually didn't receive any news beforehand.

Han Zhe sighed and said, "Do you think I'm going to joke about this kind of thing, if you don't believe it, you can call Manager Hannigan for verification." "

Jones hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just a little unbelievable for a while, alas!"

Ibaka sneered: "It's better to go, otherwise the team doesn't know what he will be like." "

Han Zhe glared at Ibaka, who still wanted to continue, shut up, everyone is gone, there is no need to say these gossips behind his back, and on the whole, Bayer's coaching period is still good, and it has not reached the point of being incompatible, as far as Han Zhe's heart is concerned, he has no intention of forcing Bayer to leave, and he was equally shocked when he first received the news.

The other players were not in a calm mood, but they didn't know what to say, with a blank look in their eyes, especially Leonard's heart, the road ahead seemed to be dark!

Vucevic hesitated for a moment and asked, "Coach Bayer is gone, so who will take over?"

This question attracted everyone's attention, this was a major matter related to their future, and they all stared at Han Zhe to know the answer.

Han Zhe spread his hands and said: "I don't know, Hannigan only said on the phone that I should temporarily negotiate with Coach Jones to deal with team affairs, as for the specific candidate for the head coach, it will be announced tomorrow, by the way, everyone remember to watch TV at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and our magic will have a press conference, which will announce the departure of Coach Bayer and the new coach on the spot." "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, everyone began to discuss.

"It seems that the candidates have already been decided, and the mysterious ones don't notify us first, I don't have any bottom in my heart now!"

"Actually, Coach Bayer is still good, but I didn't expect to leave. "

"Less coming, you didn't talk back when people were here, it's good to leave?"

"Who do you think the new coach will be? Anyway, we're also a champion team now, so we shouldn't just find an ordinary coach who is not well-known!"

"It's good not to be famous, if there is a coach like Popovich, you should cry!"

"Coach Jones, is it possible for you to get on top?"

Jones smiled and shook his head when he heard this question, "It can't be me, I'm too young, I'm far from qualified, and most importantly, if it were me, I would have received the news a long time ago." "

Everyone thought about it, if they really wanted to correct Jones, they should have ventilated with him a long time ago, and they wouldn't be like everyone else now.

In fact, Jones himself thought about this problem just now, knowing that the top management did not choose him, it was inevitable that he was a little disappointed, but then he was relieved, he had no experience in coaching the team alone, and his ability was not outstanding, how could a strong team like Magic give him the whip.

There is another point more critical, having the ability to be in the Magic is not necessarily pleased, in the past, the Magic only had Han Zhe as a big-name player, but now Ibaka, Walker, and Vucevic have all played, and it is not necessarily a good thing for a team to be full of stars, and Bayer's departure is proof.

Jones also wants to open, it's not a bad thing not to be a coach, it's easy to be an assistant coach, it can't be his pot with a pot, but Youguang can dip it, accumulate experience in a top team like Magic and gild it for two years by the way, don't worry about no one looking for him to coach in the future. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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