The Magic led 3-0 and had the potential to sweep, but after the game, the Magic fans were worried and couldn't be happy, they never thought that the Magic, which has always been known for its unity, would have problems within.

In the past, it was rumored that Han Zhe and coach Bayer didn't seem to be on the right path, but the two have always looked quite harmonious, at least on the surface.

I didn't expect that today, Ibaka and Walker, the two buddies, put on a big show for everyone, which was really unexpected.

Is it true that everyone didn't expect it?


For example, Han Zhe was not surprised at all, there had been signs of this matter for a long time, but it just broke out today.

This season, the Magic's tactical focus has completely shifted to the perimeter, and Serge Ibaka has correspondingly less possession.

Han Zhe is the absolute core, the strength is here, Ibaka has nothing to say, and Walker's strength is not bad, he has a good relationship with Ibaka, and Ibaka is naturally not easy to attack.

Originally, this iron triangle relationship could barely be maintained, but Leonard's rise became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Now Ibaka can only contribute on the defensive end most of the time, like a blue-collar worker, and as for the offensive end, Leonard has faintly replaced him as the third pitcher, and Ibaka finally can't help it!


The atmosphere in the locker room is a little weird, usually everyone will play and joke for a while when they win, but today is different, everyone is silently doing their own thing, and everyone is silent.

Han Zhe hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to be silent for a while, now everyone is in a bad mood, it is useless to scold them, maybe it will have the opposite effect.

In fact, the main thing is that Han Zhe doesn't know what to say, is Ibaka wrong?

He's right, as a player, he must fight for his own status and interests, and he has this quality.

Is Walker wrong?

That's right, as a point guard, there's something wrong with him passing the ball to a machine player.

As for Leonard, he is also quite innocent, there are too many bigwigs in the team, and it is difficult to feel comfortable

Of course, Bayer walked into the locker room and found a problem, but he didn't say anything, just swept around the players present with a cold face, and then told Han Zhe to hurry up and get ready, and go to the post-match press conference with him later.


As soon as Bayer and Han stepped into the venue, they immediately stole the limelight from the home team, and the reporters rushed to ask questions, but order was quickly restored with the intervention of the press officer.

"I'm a TNT reporter, may I ask if there is a serious problem in the Magic locker room with Coach Bayer?"

"What's the locker room problem? Our locker room has always been harmonious, and I hope you don't spread rumors. "

There were boos, the reporters all secretly scolded Bayer for being shameless, everyone is not blind, Ibaka and Walker almost fought on the court, is this still harmonious?

Someone immediately turned the target to Han Zhe, "Han, you can reveal something, did Walker and Ibaka clash over the ball?"

Han Zhe said with a smile: "There is nothing at all, you don't know that these two people have a good relationship, how can there be a conflict because of the ball, I don't deny that they quarreled today, but the truth is not what everyone thinks, in fact, there is a little difference in tactical execution ideas, so they quarreled two sentences, and now they have reconciled, husband and wife will quarrel, not to mention teammates, don't guess." "

The reporter immediately started to discuss, some people believed Han Zhe's half-truth, and some people half-believed it.

Bayer took the opportunity to change the topic, "Han has already explained what happened just now, so I hope everyone will ask some questions related to the game next, rather than this kind of topic of chasing after the wind." "

There are still people who are unwilling to continue to dwell on this topic, but after being forced out of a few reporters by Bayer and Han Zhe, the rest are honest, and they don't want to waste the opportunity to ask questions in vain.

After dealing with reporters, Bayer and Han Zhe both felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Han Zhe opened his mouth and said, "Coach, what do you think of this matter?"

Bayer rubbed his head with a headache and said: "The boss also called before, and he was very angry, but I can also understand that no one wants to have problems at this critical stage of the playoffs, it seems that I have to make some adjustments to my tactics and personnel arrangements next, you also talk to them, you have a good relationship, and there are some things to say." "

Han Zhe nodded, he can only do this first, this kind of problem is common throughout the NBA, if you want to say who can solve it perfectly, it is impossible, in fact, the magic is already good, so many big-name stars, and there has never been a big basket.

The biggest negative lesson is the original Lakers, a group of All-Star players played a mess, which is very revealing.

When he returned to the hotel in the evening, Han Zhe called Walker and Ibaka into his room, and talked for a long time before leaving, the specific content is unknown, but everyone knows that the relationship between the two has eased a lot after they came out, at least they are not as straight as before. _

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