At the end of the regular season, the NBA not only did not subside, but the attention increased.

Not to mention the upcoming playoffs, there are a lot of things that the media can do.

For example, discuss which stars have played well and which have played poorly this season, which rookies are potential stocks, and which rookies are parallel goods.

Of course, the main concern of the public is data, which is the most intuitive way to express the value of players.

When it comes to data, Han Zhe is a standout among thousands of flowers.

Han Zhe's regular season statistics have been released, averaging 39.30 points per game, 11.20 assists, 3.4 steals, and 1.8 blocks.

Seeing this data, the media exclaimed wolf, Han Zhe not only won the scoring championship for three consecutive seasons, but also broke the record of 37.1 points per game set by Jordan in the 86-87 season this season.

The key is that Han Zhe not only scored off the charts, but the data was also very balanced, and the assists doubled and became the steal king again proved his versatility.

For the first time, the mainstream media also added the word great to the prefix of Han Zhe's name, which can be said to be unique.

In the past, the media would praise young players and say that he could become a great player in the future, but this time they used the word directly at Han Zhe, who is only 23 years old.

At the end of the regular season, Han Zhe occupied the covers of major sports newspapers, among which there was a picture on the second page of the Los Angeles Times that was the most interesting, with Durant and Wei Shao both spreading their hands with helpless expressions, and a sentence, "What can we do?"

Fans are hilarious when they see it, because everyone can understand the meaning of this picture, Durant and Wei Shao are really brothers.

Last season, Durant averaged 32 points per game, not only did he not win the MVP, but he also did not have his share of the scoring title.

Wei Shao also averaged 28.1 points per game this season, but was thrown away by the first place by 11 points, and the assists were also a few short, needless to say that Wei Shao knew that he was out of action for MVP.

And it was the same person who pressed on their heads--- Han Zhe!

The forum was hot, and all the fans expressed their sympathy for the Thunder brothers.

Durant, in particular, has become the main object of everyone's ridicule, and before he could get James out, Han Zhe took the lead, and he came more fiercely than James.

There is also his own brother who may still insert him, Wei Shao's performance in the past few seasons is very vigorous, of course, in the eyes of insiders, Westbrook will not be able to become a climate, because his data is exchanged for a huge sales volume, he is the king of air chopping, and the efficiency value is very low.


The day before the playoffs, all the fans of the Celestial Empire started watching the TNT talk show online, because today the Huobao trio invited Han Zhe and Guo Allen to be guests at the same time.

Barkley, "Han, we all know that the Magic will be the first round opponent of the old club Hornets, how many games do you think the Magic can win?"

As soon as Barkley finished speaking, the audience burst into boos, this question is too bullying, and Barkley seems to think that there is no suspense about the outcome before the game is played.

Allen Guo is also quite talented in variety shows, and he booed Barkley with the audience, making everyone laugh.

The next scene was even funnier, Han Zhe turned his head and shrugged his shoulders apologetically, and then said: "Although I would love to say that this will be a difficult round, but that is too hypocritical, everyone will know that I am lying..."


Han Zhe hasn't finished speaking, Barkley, O'Neal and Smith have already laughed like crazy, and the audience is about the same, but I have to say that Han Zhe pretended to be impeccable this time, there is really nothing wrong with this, even Guo Allen can only smile bitterly.

After laughing, Smith said: "Han, as far as I know, you and Guo are not only teammates in the national team, but also very good friends, don't you think saying this will hurt the friendship between friends?"

The audience all shut up, and they were very interested in how Han Zhe would answer.

Han Zhe said without hesitation: "How can it be? I think lying will hurt each other's friendship!"

The scene was full of laughter again.

Then O'Neill said to Guo Allen: "Guo, you must know Han very well, what do you think is the best way to restrain Han on the court?"

Guo Allen thought about it seriously before saying: "Use a boxer to mark him all over the court....."


A lot of people burst out laughing, this is a really good idea!

Seeing that the atmosphere had risen and the conversation was getting to the point, Smith spoke: "Han, what do you think of Guo's strength?"

Han Zhe smiled: "His progress is very great, as for his strength, in fact, I don't need to answer, the wasp has already given the answer, right?"

There was a round of applause at the scene, this is the truth, Guo Allen has played the main starter in the Hornets, which is very telling.

"Guo, do you think you Hornets have a chance to win this round?"

"We've seen the Magic this season, and I don't think anyone in the league wants to meet them in the first round, but now that we've met, we're definitely going to give it our all, basketball is round, anything is possible. "

After chatting for a while and starting to talk about lace, Barkley suddenly asked what the potential of O's fat son was.

Before Han Zhe could answer, Ao Fat blew it up, saying that his son was a future superstar, which caused Barkley to despise for a while.


The interview ended with laughter.

When leaving, Allen Guo thanked Han Zhe.

Allen Guo knew that Han Zhe would agree to an interview with TNT today, just to help him build momentum and increase his popularity, otherwise the playoffs were about to start, and Han Zhe would definitely not go to the TV station as a guest.

"Little thing, tomorrow our two teams still have a game, I won't leave you to go to my house today, rest early. Han Zhe got into the car, waved his hand and left.

Allen Guo also rushed back to the hotel as soon as possible to report that tomorrow they will play the first game against the Magic at the Amway Arena.


PS: I'm very sorry, but the data on the playoffs in the previous chapter was wrong and has been revised. _

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