The Magic now have a broken roster and the occasional rotation of key players, and some media outlets have previously slammed the Magic as they think their winning streak should have reached its limit.

However, the Magic's strength slapped in the face, and it was still won repeatedly, and it was not a difficult fight, which made those media collectively change the wind and began to praise the dominance and stability of Magic.

In the next round of Magic vs. the 76ers, although this game seems to have no suspense, the broadcast rate is extremely high.

On the surface, the team with the deepest grudge against the Magic seems to be the Pacers, but everyone knows that in Han Zhe's heart, he may have a deeper grudge against the 76ers.

This is not groundless speculation, Han Zhe has proved this with his actions many times, especially now that the NBA record of the lowest score in a single game is also forcibly deducted by Han Zhe and the 76ers!

Sure enough, in the face of the 76ers, Han Zhe was extremely energetic, and he played very seriously or fiercely at the beginning.

Han Zhe is well known to be unhappy with the 76ers, and the Magic players naturally fully cooperated, and even the major broadcast platforms shouted excitement, and ridiculed that the Magic had completely played the attitude and level of the playoffs today.

In the first quarter, 33-12, the Magic can be said to have killed the 76ers to the point of losing their temper.

In the second quarter, Han Zhe shot outside and inside, three points, sudden shots, dunks, and showed off everything that could be shown, and Su Qun said with a smile that this was completely Han Zhe's personal performance game.

In the third quarter, seeing that the Magic was still chasing and fighting, the 76ers, who had collapsed, were also on fire, and their defensive actions against Han Zhe were getting bigger and bigger, but what Han Zhe was most afraid of was this, I can bear it if you scold me, and I can say it if I can't stand it if I scold you.

Fouls were frequent in this quarter, all kinds of people turned their backs, just half a quarter, Bayer replaced all the main players of the Magic, of course he knew the grievances between Han Zhe and the 76ers, but if it continued to develop like this, he was afraid that the basketball game would have to become a boxing game, and the Magic had serious attrition, so no one could be banned or injured.

Han Zhe was obviously very unhappy when he was taken down, and he argued loudly with Bayer.

However, after taking a break Han Zhe also calmed down, he didn't know that he was steely, his style of play was indeed a bit scary, and if it caused a large-scale brawl and banned, the magic was really gone.

However, even if Han Zhe and the others have already fallen, the previous advantage has been laid, and the overall momentum of magic has also risen, and the result is needless to say, this is another massacre.

119-62, Magic almost times 7.

The crowd was hooked, and there were not a few games like this all season.

Of course, the exception of the 76ers fans is that they are about to get depressed, but they don't have any scolding thoughts, this is the reason they planted back then, and who is to blame for such a fruit now.

The key is that your own team is not angry, every time people make it clear that they want to humiliate you, you have no choice but to bear it silently!

Magic fans are naturally the happiest, but there are also some regrets in this game, that is, Han Zhe only played 2 and a half quarters and scored 55 points, how many points can he score if he is allowed to play the whole game?

The ball ended the Magic's winning streak to 38 games.

A day later, the Magic are back at home to face the Mavericks.

I don't know if it was too hard against the 76ers in the last round, the overall state of the Magic was sluggish for a while, and the first three quarters were pressed and beaten by the Mavericks.

And the Mavericks veteran Nowitzki is in very good shape today, with a personal score of more than 30 in the third quarter and a double-double in rebounds.

Just when everyone thought that this ball magic might capsize, Han Zhe stood up in the last quarter, especially in the last five minutes, Han Zhe, who opened the Zone, was invincible, completely single-handedly turned the whole game around, and finally the Magic narrowly defeated the Mavericks 89-87 and won 39 consecutive victories.

At the end of the game, the Magic also received good news, that is, Ibaka returned from injury.

Ibaka's return was a big improvement for the Magic's rim protection and interior playmaking, and the next game against the Hawks was relatively easy, holding a large lead from the first quarter until the end of the game.

At 104-80, the Magic beat the Hawks, and the winning streak rose again to 40 games.

The media ridiculed the Magic's record as having made the rest of the league a little scared, and modern basketball teams are full of big names, and it's really hard to play this kind of winning streak!

The key magic show no signs of capsizing, and no one knows if this winning streak will continue to increase. _

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