"Make no mistake, no matter where you go during this time, you can hear magic being discussed. "

"The press and television are also full of magic news, is it possible that the earth has been taken over by magic?"

"Don't be sour, if your team can break the record and get 34 wins, you can also get this treatment. "

"The Magic are really the most ~ dominant team this season. "

"No, I'm the biggest Warriors in the league!"

"Don't jump out and be embarrassed by the team that just got a double kill, okay - no!"

"Don't say it, no matter how you blow it, you can't change my position as the number one in the knight universe. "

"It's hard to say if your No. 1 in the universe will make the playoffs. "

"Upstairs to tell the truth, haha!"


The Magic created NBA history, which is naturally the center of the topic, and the TV media are bombarding it in turn, and the popularity has been high.

This naturally sparked heated discussions among online fans, but most of them spoke in a sour tone, in fact, they were all envious, jealous and hateful, and everyone wanted their home team to have this kind of achievement.

At present, the most active bloggers are Magic fans, they won the championship last season, and this season they are 34 wins, they deserve to raise their eyebrows!

As for the Magic, they were treated like heroes just after returning to Orlando on the second day of the game, with countless fans and media picking them up, and when Evening Devos also chartered a hotel to hold a celebration party, it can be described as a beautiful scenery.

After two days of rest, the Magic returned home to face the Timberwolves.

Before the game, Han Zhe was ready to test the new ability of linkage zone, but yesterday Bayer found him and talked to him for a while, and then the alliance received Han Zhe's sick note.

"The game is about to start, we can see that the two injured players Ibaka and Walker have come to watch the game, and next to them is sitting Han Zhe, who has a bad cold!"

As soon as Zhang Weiping finished speaking, Su Qun couldn't help laughing, do you see Han Zhe chatting with Walker like a person with a severe cold?

The audience also laughed, and they all complained that Han Zhe was too unparticular, although they all knew that this was a small trick of rotation, but it was okay for you to save some face for the alliance.

Especially Han Zhe, a super big name, even if he sits in the audience, he is the focus, and the reporters give him no less shots than the players on the field.

TNT is much more direct, Barkley is unlucky, we were going to bet today to see how many points Han can score, but he actually happened to take a break, is it that the Magic got 34 satisfied?"

Smith smiled: "As far as I know, Han is resting for the first time this season, he should take a break, don't look at the Magic's brilliant record, but this is tiring enough, after Twork's unexpected injury, Han's tasks and pressure are heavier, in this case, he can lead the team to play 34 wins is really amazing, not to mention that today's opponent is not a strong team, Magic does not necessarily lose." "

O'Neal looked at the rosters of both sides before saying: "The Timberwolves are actually not weak, they boldly used Wiggins and LaVine two rookies this season, and these two are very good now, they can occasionally play All-Star statistics, and the potential is very high." "

Barkley scoffed, "Basketball can't just look at the data, if you want me to say that the two of them do have strength, but they are both empty chopping kings who don't have a big picture, the personal data is good-looking, but the team always loses, to say that it is a tumor, look at Han in turn, he not only has explosive data, but he can always lead the team to win, this is the gap." "

"You can't compare Han to the rookie, it's obviously unfair..."

Before O'Neal could finish speaking, Barkley interjected, "It's like who's not a rookie." "

These words choked O'Neill speechless, and he remembered that this season was only Han Zhe's third season, and he was also a rookie!

The audience in front of the TV was also stunned for a while, and then they all had a very strange feeling, Han Zhete was a rookie...

It's no wonder that everyone is surprised, Han Zhe's strength and achievements have made him a well-known superstar in everyone's hearts, which often makes people ignore his age and qualifications, Barkley's mention reminds the audience that others are only third-graders now!

0······· Asking for flowers0···

This is to compare goods and throw away, people have to die than people, NBA more third-graders are still groping for experience and playing time, and Han Zhe has become the mainstay of a championship team!

The game started quickly.

After watching it for a while, Walker was a little surprised and said: "This LaVine is so fast and has a strong jump, no wonder he is already a little famous, Han, what do you think of him?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "The potential is there, but now it has nothing to do with the word excellent, as a point guard, you see that he has not had an assist after playing for three minutes, and secondly, the desire to shoot is too strong, but the shooting is unstable, and finally, his breakthrough method is too much load on the knee, if it does not change, it is easy to become a cripple like you!"


"Bastard, what do you call a cripple like me!" Walker burst into a rage.

Han Zhe glanced at his legs, which were still on the guard, and the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing Walker's crazy appearance, Ibaka couldn't help laughing, and now Walker annoyed others to lift his legs, but Han Zhe directly hit him with a cripple!

Ibaka was also interested in their discussion and asked, "What about Wiggins?"

Walker rolled his eyes, signaling that he was still angry, and Ibaka could only tilt his head to look at Han Zhe.

Han Zhe said: "In our words, Wiggins is the top show, the team and scouts will not be blind, and being able to select him with the first pick proves his strength and potential, but the advantages I can see now are only explosiveness and good arm span, as for the shortcomings, I think anyone can see it, his ability to control the ball is shit, and his body is not strong enough, it is no problem to play the second position, and he may be beaten and cried when he plays the third position." "

Ibaka quipped, "What would it be like if you were in a position with him right now, and would he be able to fight you?"

Han Zhe glanced at him, "Don't insult me!"


Ibaka laughed, and Walker couldn't hold back his laughter.

They were all wondering how they would feel if Wiggins, the top show, would hear this!

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