The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 986: I have to give you a good time first

Lao Li didn't sleep the first night.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, but that he doesn't dare to sleep.

After what Zhao Chen said, Old Li Tou was now frightened and worried that if he fell asleep this night, he would never wake up again.

Early the next morning, he appeared in front of Zhao Chen with huge panda eyes.

Zhao Chen did not go back to the city at night, but stayed at the inn.

Since you want Lao Li to lose weight, you have to use scientific methods.

Otherwise, if Lao Li Tou dies suddenly, the joke will be too big.

As soon as Zhao Chen saw Lao Li Tou's panda eyes, he immediately understood why this guy looked like this.

Boy Zhao, I'm so sleepy. My eyelids are trembling. Why do I have to go out to exercise? Old Li Tou felt particularly tired.

He just wanted to sit on the stool and take a good nap.

I have said that if your disease is delayed for a day, the possibility of cure will be smaller.

Of course, if you don't want to live, it doesn't matter. It depends on whether you go back to Chang'an and wait for death, or whether you wait here to die. Zhao Chen waved his hand indifferently.

The more he didn't care, the more anxious Old Li Tou became.

No one who is living well would think about dying.

Then... it's better to practice here. Old Li said weakly.

This is breakfast. After eating, we will go out to exercise. Let's start with the simplest running. Zhao Chen waved to Luo Tong behind him.

Luo Tong then entered the room with a lunch box.

I opened the lunch box and saw a simple breakfast.

A bowl of eight-treasure porridge, a bowl of milk, and a boiled egg.

Just three items, not even a side dish.

Can you not drink this? Lao Li pointed at the steaming milk in front of him.

He had drank this before, and although it smelled fragrant, when he drank it, it had no taste at all.

But it didn't suit his taste.

No. Zhao Chen didn't even hesitate and said to Luo Tong behind him, Luo Tong, if this old guy doesn't drink, just pour these things into him.

What happened

,Find me.

I'll give you a quarter of an hour. After eating, change into tight-fitting clothes. I'll wait for you at the door of the inn.

After Zhao Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left the room.

Luo Tong was a little embarrassed.

The person in front of me is the emperor. It’s not good to feed him breakfast yourself!

Shopkeeper, do you do it yourself, or should I help you? Luo Tong looked at the emperor with a smile on his face.

Lao Litou's face turned dark at that time.

These guys are really all the same.

None of them took themselves as the emperor to heart.

He even thought about force-feeding himself.

This is simply unreasonable!

But people are under the eaves, so there's nothing we can do about it.

Get out of here. Lao Litou cursed, slurping away the milk in front of him.

Hey, sir, why didn't you come back yesterday?

Is something wrong? In the inn, Li Ke knocked on the door of Zhao Chen's room early in the morning.

But Zhao Chen was not seen.

After asking the innkeeper, I found out that Zhao Chen didn't return home last night.

Sir, didn't you say that he left the city to go to the shopkeeper yesterday? Maybe he stayed at the shopkeeper's place. Fang Yizhi said, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Zhao Chen went outside the city several times before and never stayed home all night.

And yesterday, Zhao Chen happened to come out of Xue's house and didn't come back again all night.

Maybe it was taken down by Xue Wanche.

If Xue Wanche knew that Zhao Chen was having an affair with his precious daughter, then...

Li Ke, Chu Mo, Huai Yu, the three of you go have a look outside the city. Let's post the pension insurance plan first.

If sir is not here, please inform the shopkeeper immediately and we will find a solution. Fang Yizhi was silent for a moment and said to everyone.



Everyone also looked grim, and after saying that, they left the inn.

In fact, everyone felt in their hearts that Zhao Chen should have been captured by Xue Wanche.

It was probably the matter between Zhao Chen and Miss Xue that was missed.

Xue Wanche is not a good person, especially this is Dingzhou.

It would be really easy for Xue Wanche to deal with them.

The three of them left the inn and went straight to the emperor's residence outside the city.

Why are you riding a horse? Old Li Tou finished his breakfast and walked out of the inn when he saw Zhao Chen riding a horse.

Looking around, there were no other horses in sight.

I didn't say I was going to exercise, so why did I get on the horse?

If you want to live longer, you must first exercise your breathing. You usually take two steps without gasping for air.

Today I'll start by exercising my breath.

Old Li Tou, you run ahead quickly. I'll follow you behind. Luo Tong, finish the things you've been asked to do first. You'll be with the shopkeeper later.

Okay! Luo Tong nodded.

Running or something like that is not difficult for him.

But for Lao Li Tou, who usually doesn't walk when he goes out, it is a grueling job.

Old Li Tou wanted to refuse, but Zhao Chenya wouldn't give him a chance.

Riding on horseback, he was whipped hard when he came up.

If Lao Litou hadn't reacted quickly, the whip wouldn't have hit his arm.


Move, or you won't be able to dodge the next whip. Zhao Chen interrupted Old Li Tou with a cold face.

Lao Li's head and skin trembled fiercely.

He didn't expect that Zhao Chen would really dare to take action against him, the emperor.

In this great Tang Dynasty, apart from his immortal Supreme Emperor Ao Dad, who else would dare to whip him with a whip?

However, although the emperor's face was full of anger, he still slowly started running.

Old Li Tou was annoyed.

He, the majestic emperor, was actually threatened by this kid.

Moreover, he, the emperor, is running down there, so why should he be enjoying himself on horseback?

From time to time, he would even whip himself.

Although they were all drawn in the air, they still made Lao Litou feel excited.

I was afraid that the next whip would hit me.

He had been chased and beaten by Zhao Chen before.

The whip-wielding guy behind him would never care about his identity.

Old Li Tou regretted it to death. He was so good at eating rabbit meat.

This damn mouth is so greedy.

Old Li Tou complained in his heart, but he did not dare to stop for a moment.

Running is really a big burden for a middle-aged man like Lao Li Tou.

It was fine at the beginning and I didn't feel tired at all, but after only a few hundred meters, Lao Li felt dizzy.

Both legs began to swing.

Sweat also rolled down his neck.

It was as if his legs were carrying a thousand-jin weight and he couldn't lift it at all.

There are still two hundred meters away from the first target. Adjust your breathing, exhale through your nose and out through your mouth.

The two arms are swinging. You are pretending to be a mummy. Both hands have been chopped off, right?

Move it, no matter how slowly, my whip is not a vegetarian.


The sound of whipping sounded in the sky.

Lao Litou jumped up at that moment, and his teeth were almost broken.

You bitch, I will definitely kill you when I go back... The emperor was really anxious.

But this threat was obviously of no use to Zhao Chen.

After you kill me, I have to give you a good time first! Zhao Chen's voice rang in Lao Litou's ears.

Old Li Tou felt a chill in his heart.

Then he saw the whip behind him running towards him.

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