The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 966: Datang’s Pension Insurance Concept

A few days ago, Xue Wanche received an anonymous letter.

It was said that the emperor already knew what happened back then.

Xue Wanche and the housekeeper around him knew what happened back then.

The emperor may not have come to deal with Xue Wanche before, but once the incident broke out, the nature was different.

Maybe, the emperor will quickly kill the people from back then.

You don't have to come in person to settle accounts after the fall. This time you are on patrol incognito. Don't worry, it's not as serious as you think. Xue Wanche raised his left hand and signaled the butler to leave.

Xue Wanche knew very well that the emperor knew what happened back then.

Now I definitely don’t want to make it public.

As for the reason why he didn't want to make it public, Xue Wanche didn't know and didn't want to know.

If the emperor doesn't want to make it public, then there won't be any settling of accounts.

The housekeeper left, and Xue Wanche continued to wave the long spear in his hand, thinking about what happened back then, with an indescribable expression on his face.

Why not? On the carriage, Li Shimin glanced at Zhao Chen and sighed softly.

Because of Zhao Chen's appearance in the past two years.

The living standards of the people of Tang Dynasty have changed significantly.

Although I can't say how rich it is.

But as long as they work hard, there will be no major natural disasters, and the people can still have enough to eat.

Occasionally I can have a meal of meat.

On the border of the Tang Dynasty, although it is still confronting Tubo and Goguryeo, the Tang Dynasty has a strong back.

I am not afraid of their eager gaze at all.

When the emperor thought about this before, he couldn't help but feel complacent in his heart.

This was also the main reason why he dragged Zhao Chen down to the fields just now.

The emperor wanted to see his achievements from the people and hear their praises.

However, things didn't seem to be as good as Lao Litou imagined.

Seventy years old is definitely considered a long life in the Tang Dynasty.

You know, in this day and age, hundreds of

The average life expectancy of people with this surname is less than fifty years old.

Seventy years old is definitely worthy of the saying that his life is seventy years old.

But even such a long-lived person now has to go to the fields in person and cultivate the fields in early spring?

The emperor's complacent attitude was instantly overthrown by the scene before him.

It's normal to hide in the carriage and not come out.

So shy to see people!

I never thought that the lives of our people in the Tang Dynasty would still be so difficult.

You're seventy years old. If this fell to the ground in the wilderness, no one would help, and no one would know if something happened.

Before this, I thought I had done a good job, until just now... The emperor shook his head, with a look of loneliness on his face.

The emperor seemed unable to pass the test just now, and his confidence seemed to be shattered.

Are you sitting here thinking of a solution? Zhao Chen asked Old Li Tou with a smile.

What solution can I think of?

My husband is seventy years old and he is the only one left. What can I do? I cannot take him into the palace and raise him.

There are so many lonely old people in the world, how can I take care of them? The emperor shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Although Old Li Tou is the emperor and his methods are fierce, he still cares about the people of the world.

After all, Old Li Tou himself also knew that if the people's lives were better, he would be able to sit more firmly in the Tang Dynasty.

If you don't care, you can let the local government take care of it. Zhao Chen casually replied to Lao Li's first sentence.

Let the local government take care of it? The emperor was stunned, then shook his head and said, How can the local government have the spare money to take care of this matter?

Zhao Chen, you need to know that there are 45 million people in the Tang Dynasty. I estimate that there are nearly a million people, or even more, among the widows and widowers.

“Food, clothing and shelter for so many people

, if everything depends on the government, how can you come up with so much money?

Even if enough arrears are allocated from the national treasury every year to ensure the daily life of these people, how much of it is actually in hand?

It's very common for high-level officials to ask for permission.

If it is really a national treasury allocation, it is nothing more than starving the people to death and giving officials an extra way to make money.

The emperor shook his head, obviously he still had a clear understanding of the quality of Tang Dynasty officials.

Don't take it for granted that all officials in the Tang Dynasty are as clean as water.

In other words, the emperor had no such expectations at all.

Then what do you think, we raise pension insurance for the entire Tang Dynasty in the name of the imperial court? Zhao Chen looked at Old Li Tou with a smile.


What? Lao Litou frowned. He had never heard of pension insurance.

It was this insurance that he had never heard of.

The so-called pension insurance is a type of social security system. To put it bluntly, it is a system to ensure that people lose their basic source of livelihood due to the loss of labor force in old age.

Pension insurance guarantees the daily life of the elderly.

Just like the 70-year-old man who is still working in the fields, with this pension insurance, he can receive money every year in the future to ensure his daily life.

Zhao Chen and Lao Litou slowly explained.

Afraid that Lao Litou wouldn't understand, he explained in several ways.

Lao Litou was stunned for a while.

He has lived for so long and has never heard of such a method.

But I finally understood what Zhao Chen meant by pension insurance.

This money... Old Li Tou is most concerned about this source of money.

Pension insurance, the money taken out at that time will be all real money.

With so much money that the national treasury can come up with, households

Is Liu Zhenghui from the Ministry not fighting with me anymore?

Insurance must let the people see real benefits. It is limited to five years. In the past five years, all the daily expenses of the widows and widowers in Datang have been borne by me.

When people see that they can actually get money every year, they will naturally believe in the benefits of this pension insurance.

After all, everyone gets old and will lose their labor force one day.

If there is this pension insurance, people with families and children or people who are alone will actively participate in it.

No one wants to become a burden to the family or wait to die when they grow old.

Old Li Tou, what do you think? After Zhao Chen finished speaking, he asked one last question.

At this moment, Lao Litou's mind was a little confused.

His eyes stared blankly into Zhao Chen's eyes.

He seemed to be absent-minded and couldn't move at all.

Of course, if you don't agree, just pretend that I didn't say anything, and we will...

I agree, why don't I agree! the emperor suddenly shouted.

Li Ke and others outside the carriage looked at each other, not knowing what happened in the carriage.

The emperor suddenly shouted with such excitement.

Agree? Agree to what?

Why is the shopkeeper so excited?

Li Ke, didn't the shopkeeper agree to marry your sister to Zhao Da?

That's not okay. The only sister-in-law in my heart is Ruoshuang.


Outside the carriage, Li Ke scolded angrily.

He didn't know why the emperor was suddenly so loud.

But he knew clearly that it definitely had nothing to do with his sister.

But why did the emperor suddenly speak so loudly?

Just now, the emperor clearly didn't even groan after getting on the carriage.

Everyone outside the carriage frowned.

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